Run Dataproc Serverless workloads with Cloud Composer

Cloud Composer 3 | Cloud Composer 2 | Cloud Composer 1

This page describes how to use Cloud Composer 2 to run Dataproc Serverless workloads on Google Cloud.

Examples in the following sections show you how to use operators for managing Dataproc Serverless batch workloads. You use these operators in DAGs that create, delete, list, and get a Dataproc Serverless Spark batch workload:

Before you begin

  1. Enable the Dataproc API:

    Enable the Dataproc API.

    Enable the API

    Enable the Dataproc API:

    gcloud services enable

  2. Select the location for your Batch workload file. You can use any of the following options:

    • Create a Cloud Storage bucket that stores this file.
    • Use your environment's bucket. Because you do not need to sync this file with Airflow, you can create a separate subfolder outside the /dags or /data folders. For example, /batches.
    • Use an existing bucket.

Set up files and Airflow variables

This section demonstrates how to set up files and configure Airflow variables for this tutorial.

Upload a Dataproc Serverless Spark ML workload file to a bucket

The workload in this tutorial runs a pyspark script:

  1. Save any pyspark script to a local file named For example, you can use the sample pyspark script.

  2. Upload the file to the location that you selected in Before you begin.

Set Airflow variables

Examples in the following sections use Airflow variables. You set values for these variables in Airflow, then your DAG code can access these values.

Examples in this tutorial use the following Airflow variables. You can set them as needed, depending on the example you use.

Set the following Airflow variables for use in your DAG code:

  • project_id: Project ID.
  • bucket_name: URI of a bucket where the main python file of the workload ( is located. You selected this location in Before you begin.
  • phs_cluster: Persistent History Server cluster name. You set this variable when you Create a Persistent History Server.
  • image_name: name and tag of the custom container image (image:tag). You set this variable when you use custom container image with DataprocCreateBatchOperator.
  • metastore_cluster: Dataproc Metastore service name. You set this variable when you use Dataproc Metastore service with DataprocCreateBatchOperator.
  • region_name: region where the Dataproc Metastore service is located. You set this variable when you use Dataproc Metastore service with DataprocCreateBatchOperator.

Use the Google Cloud console and Airflow UI to set each Airflow variable

  1. In Google Cloud console, go to the Environments page.

    Go to Environments

  2. In the list of environments, click the Airflow link for your environment. Airflow UI opens.

  3. In Airflow UI, select Admin > Variables.

  4. Click Add a new record.

  5. Specify the name of the variable in the Key field, and set the value for it in the Val field.

  6. Click Save.

Create a Persistent History Server

Use a Persistent History Server (PHS) to view Spark history files of your batch workloads:

  1. Create a Persistent History Server.
  2. Make sure that you specified the name of the PHS cluster in the phs_cluster Airflow variable.


The following DAG starts a Dataproc Serverless Batch workload.

For more information about DataprocCreateBatchOperator arguments, see operator's source code.

For more information about attributes that you can pass in the batch parameter of DataprocCreateBatchOperator, see the description of the Batch class.

Examples below show how to use operators for managing Dataproc Serverless batch workloads.
 You use these operators in DAGs that create, delete, list, and get a Dataproc Serverless Spark batch workload.
* project_id is the Google Cloud Project ID to use for the Cloud Dataproc Serverless.
* bucket_name is the URI of a bucket where the main python file of the workload ( is located.
* phs_cluster is the Persistent History Server cluster name.
* image_name is the name and tag of the custom container image (image:tag).
* metastore_cluster is the Dataproc Metastore service name.
* region_name is the region where the Dataproc Metastore service is located.

import datetime

from airflow import models
from import (
from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago

PROJECT_ID = "{{ var.value.project_id }}"
REGION = "{{ var.value.region_name}}"
BUCKET = "{{ var.value.bucket_name }}"
PHS_CLUSTER = "{{ var.value.phs_cluster }}"
METASTORE_CLUSTER = "{{var.value.metastore_cluster}}"
DOCKER_IMAGE = "{{var.value.image_name}}"

PYTHON_FILE_LOCATION = "gs://{{var.value.bucket_name }}/"
# for e.g.  "gs//my-bucket/"
# Start a single node Dataproc Cluster for viewing Persistent History of Spark jobs
PHS_CLUSTER_PATH = "projects/{{ var.value.project_id }}/regions/{{ var.value.region_name}}/clusters/{{ var.value.phs_cluster }}"
# for e.g. projects/my-project/regions/my-region/clusters/my-cluster"
SPARK_BIGQUERY_JAR_FILE = "gs://spark-lib/bigquery/spark-bigquery-latest_2.12.jar"
# use this for those pyspark jobs that need a spark-bigquery connector
# Start a Dataproc MetaStore Cluster
METASTORE_SERVICE_LOCATION = "projects/{{var.value.project_id}}/locations/{{var.value.region_name}}/services/{{var.value.metastore_cluster }}"
# for e.g. projects/my-project/locations/my-region/services/my-cluster
CUSTOM_CONTAINER = "{{var.value.project_id}}/{{ var.value.image_name}}"
# for e.g. "",

default_args = {
    # Tell airflow to start one day ago, so that it runs as soon as you upload it
    "start_date": days_ago(1),
    "project_id": PROJECT_ID,
    "region": REGION,
with models.DAG(
    "dataproc_batch_operators",  # The id you will see in the DAG airflow page
    default_args=default_args,  # The interval with which to schedule the DAG
    schedule_interval=datetime.timedelta(days=1),  # Override to match your needs
) as dag:
    create_batch = DataprocCreateBatchOperator(
            "pyspark_batch": {
                "main_python_file_uri": PYTHON_FILE_LOCATION,
                "jar_file_uris": [SPARK_BIGQUERY_JAR_FILE],
            "environment_config": {
                "peripherals_config": {
                    "spark_history_server_config": {
                        "dataproc_cluster": PHS_CLUSTER_PATH,
    list_batches = DataprocListBatchesOperator(

    get_batch = DataprocGetBatchOperator(
    delete_batch = DataprocDeleteBatchOperator(
    create_batch >> list_batches >> get_batch >> delete_batch

Use custom container image with DataprocCreateBatchOperator

The following example shows how to use a custom container image to run your workloads. You can use a custom container, for example, to add Python dependencies not provided by the default container image.

To use a custom container image:

  1. Create a custom container image and upload it to Container Registry.

  2. Specify the image in the image_name Airflow variable.

  3. Use DataprocCreateBatchOperator with your custom image:

create_batch_with_custom_container = DataprocCreateBatchOperator(
        "pyspark_batch": {
            "main_python_file_uri": PYTHON_FILE_LOCATION,
            "jar_file_uris": [SPARK_BIGQUERY_JAR_FILE],
        "environment_config": {
            "peripherals_config": {
                "spark_history_server_config": {
                    "dataproc_cluster": PHS_CLUSTER_PATH,
        "runtime_config": {
            "container_image": CUSTOM_CONTAINER,
get_batch_custom = DataprocGetBatchOperator(
delete_batch_custom = DataprocDeleteBatchOperator(
create_batch_with_custom_container >> get_batch_custom >> delete_batch_custom

Use Dataproc Metastore service with DataprocCreateBatchOperator

To use a Dataproc Metastore service from a DAG:

  1. Check that your metastore service is already started.

    To learn about starting a metastore service, see Enable and disable Dataproc Metastore.

    For detailed information about the batch operator for creating the configuration, see PeripheralsConfig.

  2. Once the metastore service is up and running, specify its name in the metastore_cluster variable and its region in the region_name Airflow variable.

  3. Use the metastore service in DataprocCreateBatchOperator:

create_batch_with_metastore = DataprocCreateBatchOperator(
        "pyspark_batch": {
            "main_python_file_uri": PYTHON_FILE_LOCATION,
            "jar_file_uris": [SPARK_BIGQUERY_JAR_FILE],
        "environment_config": {
            "peripherals_config": {
                "metastore_service": METASTORE_SERVICE_LOCATION,
                "spark_history_server_config": {
                    "dataproc_cluster": PHS_CLUSTER_PATH,
get_batch_metastore = DataprocGetBatchOperator(
delete_batch_metastore = DataprocDeleteBatchOperator(

create_batch_with_metastore >> get_batch_metastore >> delete_batch_metastore


You can use DataprocDeleteBatchOperator to delete a batch based on the batch id of the workload.

delete_batch = DataprocDeleteBatchOperator(


DataprocDeleteBatchOperator lists batches that exist within a given project_id and region.

list_batches = DataprocListBatchesOperator(


DataprocGetBatchOperator fetches one particular batch workload.

get_batch = DataprocGetBatchOperator(

What's next