Cloud Composer 3 | Cloud Composer 2 | Cloud Composer 1
This page explains how to use privately used public IP ranges in your Private IP environment. For general information about creating Private IP environments, see Configure a private IP environment.
About privately used public IP ranges in Cloud Composer
Google Kubernetes Engine requires many IP addresses for its resources: each node, pod, and service must have a unique IP address. This can lead to a situation where existing private IP ranges cannot accommodate enough IP addresses.
Cloud Composer environments can use some IP ranges from non-RFC 1918 address space without additional configuration.
If you want to use more IP addresses, your environment can privately use certain public IP address ranges as internal, subnet IP address ranges for pods and services. Such ranges are called privately used public IP (PUPI) ranges.
You can privately use any public IP address except for certain restricted ranges.
Before you begin
You can only specify public IP ranges when you create a new environment. It is not possible to change IP ranges of an existing environment.
Your environment must be a Private IP environment.
You can create environments with PUPI ranges only using
, Terraform, and REST API.Only GKE pods and services can use public IP ranges. Other environment components such as Cloud SQL, web server, and GKE control plane cannot use public IP ranges in a private IP environment.
GKE cluster is created with default SNAT disabled.
Enable PUPI ranges when you create an environment
To create an environment with PUPI ranges, use the
argument when you create a Private IP
environment. Then specify public IP ranges for pods and services.
Subnet ranges managed by GKE
To create subnet ranges managed by GKE:
gcloud composer environments create ENVIRONMENT_NAME \
--location LOCATION \
--image-version composer-1.20.12-airflow-1.10.15 \
--enable-ip-alias \
--enable-private-environment \
--enable-privately-used-public-ips \
--cluster-ipv4-cidr POD_IP_RANGE \
--services-ipv4-cidr SERVICES_IP_RANGE
with the name of the environment.LOCATION
with the region where the environment is located.POD_IP_RANGE
with an IP address range in the CIDR notation. This range is added as a secondary IP address range to the subnetwork of your environment and is used as the IP address range for pods.SERVICES_IP_RANGE
with an IP address range in the CIDR notation. This range is the secondary IP address range for services in the subnetwork of your environment.
gcloud composer environments create example-environment \
--location us-central1 \
--image-version composer-1.20.12-airflow-1.10.15 \
--enable-ip-alias \
--enable-private-environment \
--enable-privately-used-public-ips \
--cluster-ipv4-cidr \
User-managed subnet ranges
To create user-managed ranges:
gcloud composer environments create ENVIRONMENT_NAME \
--location LOCATION \
--image-version composer-1.20.12-airflow-1.10.15 \
--enable-ip-alias \
--enable-private-environment \
--enable-privately-used-public-ips \
--cluster-secondary-range-name POD_IP_RANGE_NAME \
--services-secondary-range-name SERVICES_IP_RANGE_NAME
with the name of the environment.LOCATION
with the region where the environment is located.POD_IP_RANGE_NAME
with the name of an existing secondary IP address range in the specified subnetwork. This range is used by pods.SERVICES_IP_RANGE_NAME
with the name of an existing secondary IP address range in the specified subnetwork. This range is used by services.
gcloud composer environments create example-environment \
--location us-central1 \
--image-version composer-1.20.12-airflow-1.10.15 \
--enable-ip-alias \
--enable-private-environment \
--enable-privately-used-public-ips \
--cluster-secondary-range-name "public-1" \
--services-secondary-range-name "public-2"
an environments.create
API request. In
the Environment resource, specify the configuration
parameters for an environment with PUPI ranges.
Subnet ranges managed by GKE
To create subnet ranges managed by GKE:
// POST{parent=projects/*/locations/*}/environments
"config": {
"nodeConfig": {
"ipAllocationPolicy": {
"useIpAliases": true,
"clusterIpv4CidrBlock":"POD_IP_RANGE ",
"servicesIpv4CidrBlock":"SERVICES_IP_RANGE "
"privateEnvironmentConfig": {
"enablePrivateEnvironment": true,
"enablePrivatelyUsedPublicIps": true
with the name of the environment.POD_IP_RANGE
with an IP address range in the CIDR notation. This range is added as a secondary IP address range to the subnetwork of your environment and is used as the IP address range for pods.SERVICES_IP_RANGE
with an IP address range in the CIDR notation. This range is the secondary IP address range for services in the subnetwork of your environment.
// POST{parent=projects/*/locations/*}/environments
"name": "example-environment",
"config": {
"nodeConfig": {
"ipAllocationPolicy": {
"useIpAliases": true,
"privateEnvironmentConfig": {
"enablePrivateEnvironment": true,
"enablePrivatelyUsedPublicIps": true
User-managed subnet ranges
To create user-managed ranges:
// POST{parent=projects/*/locations/*}/environments
"config": {
"nodeConfig": {
"ipAllocationPolicy": {
"useIpAliases": true,
"clusterSecondaryRangeName":"POD_IP_RANGE ",
"servicesSecondaryRangeName": "SERVICES_IP_RANGE "
"privateEnvironmentConfig": {
"enablePrivateEnvironment": true,
"enablePrivatelyUsedPublicIps": true
with the name of the environment.POD_IP_RANGE_NAME
with the name of an existing secondary IP address range in the specified subnetwork. This range is used by pods.SERVICES_IP_RANGE_NAME
with the name of an existing secondary IP address range in the specified subnetwork. This range is used by services.
// POST{parent=projects/*/locations/*}/environments
"name": "example-environment",
"config": {
"nodeConfig": {
"ipAllocationPolicy": {
"useIpAliases": true,
"servicesSecondaryRangeName": "public-2"
"privateEnvironmentConfig": {
"enablePrivateEnvironment": true,
"enablePrivatelyUsedPublicIps": true
When you create an environment, the enable_privately_used_public_ips
field in the private_environment_config
block enables the use of PUPI
ranges. You must also specify PUPI ranges for pods and services.
Subnet ranges managed by GKE
To create subnet ranges managed by GKE:
resource "google_composer_environment" "example_environment" {
provider = google-beta
region = "LOCATION "
config {
node_config {
ip_allocation_policy = [{
use_ip_aliases = true
cluster_ipv4_cidr_block = "POD_IP_RANGE "
services_ipv4_cidr_block = "SERVICES_IP_RANGE "
cluster_secondary_range_name = null
services_secondary_range_name = null
private_environment_config {
enable_privately_used_public_ips = true
// Other private ip environment parameters
with the name of the environment.LOCATION
with the region where the environment is located.POD_IP_RANGE
with an IP address range in the CIDR notation. This range is added as a secondary IP address range to the subnetwork of your environment and is used as the IP address range for pods.SERVICES_IP_RANGE
with an IP address range in the CIDR notation. This range is the secondary IP address range for services in the subnetwork of your environment.
resource "google_composer_environment" "example_environment" {
provider = google-beta
name = "example-environment"
region = "us-central1"
config {
node_config {
// Specify your network and subnetwork
network =
subnetwork =
ip_allocation_policy = [{
use_ip_aliases = true
// Specify PUPI addresses
cluster_ipv4_cidr_block = ""
services_ipv4_cidr_block = ""
cluster_secondary_range_name = null
services_secondary_range_name = null
private_environment_config {
enable_privately_used_public_ips = true
// Other private environment parameters
User-managed subnet ranges
To create user-managed ranges:
resource "google_composer_environment" "example_environment" {
provider = google-beta
region = "LOCATION "
config {
node_config {
ip_allocation_policy = [{
use_ip_aliases = true
cluster_ipv4_cidr_block = null
services_ipv4_cidr_block = null
cluster_secondary_range_name = POD_IP_RANGE_NAME
services_secondary_range_name = SERVICES_IP_RANGE_NAME
private_environment_config {
enable_privately_used_public_ips = true
// Other private ip environment parameters
with the name of the environment.LOCATION
with the region where the environment is located.POD_IP_RANGE_NAME
with the name of an existing secondary IP address range in the specified subnetwork. This range is used by pods.SERVICES_IP_RANGE_NAME
with the name of an existing secondary IP address range in the specified subnetwork. This range is used by services.
resource "google_composer_environment" "example_environment" {
provider = google-beta
name = "example-environment"
region = "us-central1"
config {
node_config {
// Specify your network and subnetwork
network =
subnetwork =
ip_allocation_policy = [{
use_ip_aliases = true
cluster_ipv4_cidr_block = null
services_ipv4_cidr_block = null
// Specify existing ranges
cluster_secondary_range_name = "public-1"
services_secondary_range_name = "public-2"
private_environment_config {
enable_privately_used_public_ips = true
// Other private environment parameters