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This page explains how to get information about DAGs in your environment.
Ways to view information about DAGs
Cloud Composer provides several ways to get detailed information about DAGs in your environment:
- DAG UI is a section of Google Cloud console interface for Cloud Composer dedicated to viewing and monitoring DAGs, DAG runs, and individual tasks.
- Airflow UI is the built-in web interface of Airflow.
- Airflow CLI is the command-line interface of Airflow. You
can get information about DAGs by running Airflow CLI commands with
About Cloud Composer DAG UI
DAG UI is a section of Google Cloud console interface for Cloud Composer dedicated to viewing and monitoring DAGs, DAG runs, and individual tasks.
In DAG UI, you can:
View a list of DAGs in your environment, including schedule intervals, DAG states, and descriptions.
Pause, unpause, and trigger DAGs.
View DAG run details, including successful, active, and failed runs, time since the last completed run. For each DAG, you can see the history of DAG runs and task instances associated with this particular DAG, including logs for executed tasks.
Filter DAG run details. For example, you can pick a time interval and create queries to select the information that you need.
View detailed information about individual DAGs and tasks. This includes visualized DAG diagrams, information about the tasks within a DAG, DAG source code, and extra information about DAGs.
Before you begin
Make sure that your account has a role that can access DAG UI and view DAG details. For more information, see Access control.
DAG UI requires enabled DAG serialization.
DAG UI is supported in Cloud Composer 1.17.8 and later versions.
View the list of DAGs for your environment
The DAGs tab of your environment shows the list of DAGs along with DAG run details for each DAG.
To view the list of DAGs:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Environments page.
In the DAG list column, follow the DAGs link for your environment.
You can use filters to view the details only for certain DAGs or for certain conditions. For example:
- Select the Filters field.
- From the drop-down list, select the DAG id property.
- Specify the identifier of the DAG. The results show details only for the selected DAG.
- (Optional) To include more DAGs, add
operators followed by DAG ids. - (Optional) To filter on other conditions, add other properties in
the Filters field. For example, you can filter for DAGs with failed
runs by specifying
Failed runs:>0
To view the list of DAGs in the Airflow web interface:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Environments page.
In the Airflow webserver column, follow the Airflow link for your environment.
Log in with the Google account that has the appropriate permissions.
In the Airflow web interface, on the DAGs page, a list of DAGs for your environment is displayed.
In Airflow 1.10.*, run the list_dags
Airflow CLI command:
gcloud composer environments run ENVIRONMENT_NAME \
--location LOCATION \
In Airflow 2, run the dags list
Airflow CLI command:
gcloud composer environments run ENVIRONMENT_NAME \
--location LOCATION \
dags list -- -o plain
with the name of the environment.LOCATION
with the region where the environment is located.
View the history of DAG runs and tasks
The Runs tab on the DAG details page shows the history of DAG runs for an individual DAG.
To view the history of DAG runs:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Environments page.
In the DAG list column, follow the DAGs link for your environment.
Select a DAG.
On the DAG details page, go to the Runs tab.
Select a DAG run from the list to view the DAG run details, such as the state of task instances for this DAG run, the number of tries and the execution duration. You can select individual tasks to view task instance logs.
To view the list of DAGs in the Airflow web interface:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Environments page.
In the Airflow webserver column, follow the Airflow link for your environment.
Log in with the Google account that has the appropriate permissions.
In the Airflow web interface, in the menu, select Browse > DAG Runs. The DAG Runs page displays DAG runs for your environment. You can follow the link in the Run ID column to get additional information about tasks.
In Airflow 1.10.*, run the list_dag_runs
Airflow CLI command:
gcloud composer environments run ENVIRONMENT_NAME \
--location LOCATION \
list_dag_runs -- DAG_ID
In Airflow 2, run the dags list-runs
Airflow CLI command:
gcloud composer environments run ENVIRONMENT_NAME \
--location LOCATION \
dags list-runs -- -d DAG_ID
with the name of the environment.LOCATION
with the region where the environment is located.DAG_ID
with the name of the DAG.
You can get additional information about task instances by running tasks state
and tasks states-for-dag-run
Airflow CLI commands.
For more information, see Access Airflow CLI and the Airflow CLI reference for Airflow 1 and Airflow 2.
View DAG diagrams
The Diagram tab on the DAG details page show the visualisation of a DAG with task dependencies.
To view the diagram of a DAG:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Environments page.
In the DAG list column, follow the DAGs link for your environment.
Select a DAG.
On the DAG details page, go to the Diagram tab.
(Optional) To see additional information about tasks, select individual tasks on the diagram.
To view the diagram of a DAGs in the Airflow web interface:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Environments page.
In the Airflow webserver column, follow the Airflow link for your environment.
Log in with the Google account that has the appropriate permissions.
In the Airflow web interface, on the DAGs page, a list of DAGs for your environment is displayed.
For your DAG, in the Links column, follow the Graph View link.
View DAG source code and additional information about DAGs
You can view the source code of your DAGs and additional information such as DAG identifiers and links to DAG definition files in the environment's bucket.
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Environments page.
In the DAG list column, follow the DAGs link for your environment.
Select a DAG.
To view the DAG source code, go to the Diagram tab.
To view additional information about the DAG, go to the Source tab.
To view the diagram of a DAGs in the Airflow web interface:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Environments page.
In the Airflow webserver column, follow the Airflow link for your environment.
Log in with the Google account that has the appropriate permissions.
In the Airflow web interface, on the DAGs page, click on the name of your DAG.
In the page with DAG details, navigate to available tabs to view additional information about the DAG.