
Integration version: 9.0

Integrate Endgame with Google Security Operations SOAR

For detailed instructions on how to configure an integration in Google Security Operations SOAR, see Configure integrations.


Enrich Entities

Enrich a Google Security Operations SOAR Host and IP entities based on the information from Endgame.



Use cases

The action can be used in the playbooks investigating activity on devices. If the device has the Endgame agent installed, then the action pulls Endgame information on device to enrich Google Security Operations SOAR entities.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Host
  • IP Address

Action results

Entity enrichment
Enrichment Field Name Logic-When to apply
Endgame_Domain Always
Endgame_endpoint_id Always
Endgame_hostname Always
Endgame_sensors_status Always
Endgame_sensors_id Always
Endgame_sensors_status Always
Endgame_sensors_id Always
Endgame_policy_status Always
Endgame_policy_name Always
Endgame_policy_id Always
Endgame_is_isolated Always
Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
  "data": [
          "domain": "InstallerInitiated",
          "updated_at": "2019-11-01T05:42:08.149079+00:00",
          "id": "1682418d-02ff-43cd-a730-bcae8215a514",
          "display_operating_system": "CentOS 7.6",
          "hostname": "example",
          "mac_address": "01:23:45:ab:cd:ef",
          "upgrade_status": "",
          "base_image": false,
          "isolation_updated_at": null,
          "status": "monitored",
          "ad_distinguished_name": "",
          "ad_hostname": "",
          "tags": [
                  "id": "a0927aeb-915a-466d-a5eb-5d7b6f9217c5",
                  "name": "BLUE TEAM"
                  "id": "bede2f24-593c-45e4-9863-9c2438f0f163",
                  "name": "SOC"
                  "id": "fc2dfcc8-9329-4f33-86a2-877bfb27575e",
                  "name": "CORE ENV"
          "isolation_request_status": null,
          "alert_count": 0,
          "investigation_count": 0,
          "groups": [
                  "is_dynamic": false,
                  "count": 4,
                  "id": "c1af3cd6-2638-4144-842d-adc9cfb67fb9",
                  "name": "SOC"
          "sensors": [
                  "status": "monitored",
                  "sensor_version": "3.52.12",
                  "policy_status": "successful",
                  "policy_name": "Lab (Detect-Only)",
                  "sensor_type": "hunt",
                  "id": "fbb87923-a833-5581-a160-7f4f85a21bd0",
                  "policy_id": "a1d72bce-1f61-4ba8-bcd4-dfa97148335f"
          "ip_address": "",
          "is_isolated": false,
          "operating_system": "Linux 3.10.0-957.27.2.el7.x86_64",
          "name": "example",
          "status_changed_at": "2020-01-07T08:15:11.865854+00:00",
          "core_os": "linux",
          "created_at": "2019-03-19T05:07:50.598837+00:00",
          "error": null,
          "machine_id": "827255f4-53a2-1823-cac0-7c0f7730ca26"
          "domain": "InstallerInitiated",
          "updated_at": "2019-11-01T05:42:09.150756+00:00",
          "id": "12c3530d-657f-4ccd-835e-6df9affeed3d",
          "display_operating_system": "Ubuntu 18.04.3",
          "hostname": "example",
          "mac_address": "01:23:45:ab:cd:ef",
          "upgrade_status": "",
          "base_image": false,
          "isolation_updated_at": null,
          "status": "monitored",
          "ad_distinguished_name": "",
          "ad_hostname": "",
          "tags": [],
          "isolation_request_status": null,
          "alert_count": 0,
          "investigation_count": 0,
          "groups": [
                  "is_dynamic": false,
                  "count": 4,
                  "id": "c1af3cd6-2638-4144-842d-adc9cfb67fb9",
                  "name": "SOC"
          "sensors": [
                  "status": "monitored",
                  "sensor_version": "3.52.12",
                  "policy_status": "successful",
                  "policy_name": "Lab (Detect-Only)",
                  "sensor_type": "hunt",
                  "id": "dc2e35cc-0c87-5a60-8fc8-de23ef747d02",
                  "policy_id": "a1d72bce-1f61-4ba8-bcd4-dfa97148335f"
          "ip_address": "",
          "is_isolated": false,
          "operating_system": "Linux 4.15.0-72-generic",
          "name": "example",
          "status_changed_at": "2020-01-07T08:15:16.875375+00:00",
          "core_os": "linux",
          "created_at": "2019-09-20T21:34:51.966863+00:00",
          "error": null,
          "machine_id": "5ae8ddd9-9339-ae4b-ccf7-5ed68f38b3a9"
  "metadata": {
      "count": 38,
      "previous_url": null,
      "timestamp": "2020-01-07T18:09:43.765744",
      "next": null,
      "per_page": 50,
      "next_url": null,
      "transaction_id": "569cdc38-8c7a-4b93-af99-aaf907dc8dd6",
      "previous": null

List Investigations

List Endgame investigations.


Parameter Type Default Value Description
OS String Solaris,Windows,MacOs,Linux Specify for which OS you want to list investigations. Parameter can take multiple values as a comma-separated string.
Fetch investigations for the last X hours Int N/A Return investigations created for the specified timeframe in hours.
Max Investigation to Return Int N/A Specify how many investigation you want to query.

Use cases

Investigations are used to hunt different objects of the endpoints, for example, processes, IP addresses, and files. This action allows the user to list investigations. Analysts may use this action to make sure that all of the required investigations are being performed on the system.

Run on

This action runs on all entities.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
  "data": [
          "created_by_chat": false,
          "name": "Example User + 2020-01-08T13:47:51.334336_utc",
          "core_os": "windows",
          "created_at": "2020-01-08T13:47:51.340497+00:00",
          "task_completion": {
              "completed_tasks": 1,
              "total_tasks": 1
          "archived": false,
          "created_by": {
              "username": "admin",
              "last_name": "User",
              "is_active": true,
              "is_editable": true,
              "is_ldap": false,
              "is_removable": false,
              "timezone": null,
              "id": "5ed3c5d7-f450-489d-8b5f-9430b18da4c1",
              "first_name": "Example",
              "last_viewed_alert": "2020-01-07T09:24:22.925000",
              "is_sso": false,
              "is_superuser": true,
              "role": {
                  "role": "Admin",
                  "id": "37e9e54e-0bb8-5058-9bd4-50a0d0fbea35",
                  "permissions": {
                      "endpoints.scan": true,
                      "sensor.admin.view": true,
                      "sensor.admin.update": true,
                      "endpoints.delete": true,
                      "endpoints.respond": true,
                      "search.search": true,
                      "sensor.admin.create": true,
                      "alerts.admin.forwardalerts": true,
                      "endpoints.tag": true,
                      "user.delete": true,
                      "endpoints.deploy": true,
                      "user.update": true,
                      "search.save": true,
                      "investigation.create": true,
                      "endpoints.view": true,
                      "user.view": true,
                      "sensor.admin.download": true,
                      "alerts.view": true,
                      "alerts.update": true,
                      "search.delete": true,
                      "sensor.admin.delete": true,
                      "endpoints.uninstall": true,
                      "investigation.view": true,
                      "admin": true,
                      "investigation.update": true,
                      "endpoints.changeconfiguration": true,
                      "user.create": true
              "type": "Local",
              "email": null
          "updated_at": "2020-01-08T13:47:51.379966+00:00",
          "created_by_user_display_name": "Example User",
          "canceled_by_user_id": null,
          "version": 2,
          "endpoint_count": 1,
          "assigned_to": {
              "username": "admin",
              "last_name": "User",
              "is_active": true,
              "is_editable": true,
              "is_ldap": false,
              "is_removable": false,
              "timezone": null,
              "id": "5ed3c5d7-f450-489d-8b5f-9430b18da4c1",
              "first_name": "Example",
              "last_viewed_alert": "2020-01-07T09:24:22.925000",
              "is_sso": false,
              "is_superuser": true,
              "role": {
                  "role": "Admin",
                  "id": "37e9e54e-0bb8-5058-9bd4-50a0d0fbea35",
                  "permissions": {
                      "endpoints.scan": true,
                      "sensor.admin.view": true,
                      "sensor.admin.update": true,
                      "endpoints.delete": true,
                      "endpoints.respond": true,
                      "search.search": true,
                      "sensor.admin.create": true,
                      "alerts.admin.forwardalerts": true,
                      "endpoints.tag": true,
                      "user.delete": true,
                      "endpoints.deploy": true,
                      "user.update": true,
                      "search.save": true,
                      "investigation.create": true,
                      "endpoints.view": true,
                      "user.view": true,
                      "sensor.admin.download": true,
                      "alerts.view": true,
                      "alerts.update": true,
                      "search.delete": true,
                      "sensor.admin.delete": true,
                      "endpoints.uninstall": true,
                      "investigation.view": true,
                      "admin": true,
                      "investigation.update": true,
                      "endpoints.changeconfiguration": true,
                      "user.create": true
              "type": "Local",
              "email": null
          "id": "e0ad7613-daf6-435f-98f6-ce40eae01acc",
          "canceled_by_user_display_name": null,
          "user_display_name": "Example User",
          "hunt_count": 1,
          "is_canceled": false
 "metadata": {
      "count": 46,
      "previous_url": null,
      "timestamp": "2020-01-08T16:02:09.251511",
      "next": 2,
      "per_page": 1,
      "next_url": "/api/v1/investigations/?per_page=1&page=2",
      "previous": null

Get Investigation Details

Get information on a specific Endgame investigation.


Parameter Type Default Value Description
Investigation ID String N/A Specify Endgame investigation ID to search for.

Use cases

Investigations are used to hunt different objects of the endpoints, for example, processes, IP addresses, and files. This action allows the user to get more information about specific investigations. Analysts may use this action to make sure that all of the required tasks were performed on the system.

Run on

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
    "data": {
        "tasks": [
        "user_display_name": "Example User",
        "task_types": [
            "Process Survey"
        "task_completion": {
            "completed_tasks": 1,
            "total_tasks": 1
        "updated_at": "2020-01-06T13:30:33.851816+00:00",
        "created_by_user_display_name": "Example User",
        "id": "54caeedc-d6b0-4ca0-8f64-8798d1c34d54",
        "task_completions_by_type": {
            "Process Survey": {
                "completed_tasks": 1,
                "task_type_id": "2fbf0c36-5160-5c31-99ec-0fa5880c6bd1",
                "total_tasks": 1
        "archived": false,
        "user_id": "5ed3c5d7-f450-489d-8b5f-9430b18da4c1",
        "is_canceled": false,
        "created_by": {
            "username": "admin",
            "last_name": "User",
            "is_active": true,
            "is_editable": true,
            "is_ldap": false,
            "is_removable": false,
            "timezone": null,
            "id": "5ed3c5d7-f450-489d-8b5f-9430b18da4c1",
            "first_name": "Example",
            "last_viewed_alert": "2020-01-06T09:27:04.097000",
            "is_sso": false,
            "is_superuser": true,
            "role": {
                "role": "Admin",
                "id": "37e9e54e-0bb8-5058-9bd4-50a0d0fbea35",
                "permissions": {
                    "endpoints.scan": true,
                    "sensor.admin.view": true,
                    "sensor.admin.update": true,
                    "endpoints.delete": true,
                    "endpoints.respond": true,
                    "search.search": true,
                    "sensor.admin.create": true,
                    "alerts.admin.forwardalerts": true,
                    "endpoints.tag": true,
                    "user.delete": true,
                    "endpoints.deploy": true,
                    "user.update": true,
                    "search.save": true,
                    "investigation.create": true,
                    "endpoints.view": true,
                    "user.view": true,
                    "sensor.admin.download": true,
                    "alerts.view": true,
                    "alerts.update": true,
                    "search.delete": true,
                    "sensor.admin.delete": true,
                    "endpoints.uninstall": true,
                    "investigation.view": true,
                    "admin": true,
                    "investigation.update": true,
                    "endpoints.changeconfiguration": true,
                    "user.create": true
            "type": "Local",
            "email": null
        "hunt_count": 1,
        "canceled_by_user_id": null,
        "version": 2,
        "endpoint_count": 1,
        "canceled_by_user_display_name": null,
        "created_by_user_id": "5ed3c5d7-f450-489d-8b5f-9430b18da4c1",
        "account_id": "c374bb8a-9a98-4823-b280-68e74c170a0e",
        "created_by_chat": false,
        "sensors": [
        "name": "Example User + 2020-01-06T13:30:33.808543_utc",
        "core_os": "windows",
        "created_at": "2020-01-06T13:30:33.813747+00:00",
        "assigned_to": {
            "username": "admin",
            "last_name": "User",
            "is_active": true,
            "is_editable": true,
            "is_ldap": false,
            "is_removable": false,
            "timezone": null,
            "id": "5ed3c5d7-f450-489d-8b5f-9430b18da4c1",
            "first_name": "Example",
            "last_viewed_alert": "2020-01-06T09:27:04.097000",
            "is_sso": false,
            "is_superuser": true,
            "role": {
                "role": "Admin",
                "id": "37e9e54e-0bb8-5058-9bd4-50a0d0fbea35",
                "permissions": {
                    "endpoints.scan": true,
                    "sensor.admin.view": true,
                    "sensor.admin.update": true,
                    "endpoints.delete": true,
                    "endpoints.respond": true,
                    "search.search": true,
                    "sensor.admin.create": true,
                    "alerts.admin.forwardalerts": true,
                    "endpoints.tag": true,
                    "user.delete": true,
                    "endpoints.deploy": true,
                    "user.update": true,
                    "search.save": true,
                    "investigation.create": true,
                    "endpoints.view": true,
                    "user.view": true,
                    "sensor.admin.download": true,
                    "alerts.view": true,
                    "alerts.update": true,
                    "search.delete": true,
                    "sensor.admin.delete": true,
                    "endpoints.uninstall": true,
                    "investigation.view": true,
                    "admin": true,
                    "investigation.update": true,
                    "endpoints.changeconfiguration": true,
                    "user.create": true
            "type": "Local",
            "email": null
 "endpoints": [
    "metadata": {
        "timestamp": "2020-01-06T14:00:53.716517"

Get Host Isolation Config

Get host isolation config defined in Endgame.



Use cases

This action is used to get information about host isolation config. This config allows isolated hosts to connect to the IP addresses listed there. Analysts may use this action to verify that all of the required IP addresses are in the host isolation config.

Run on

This action runs on all entities.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
  "data": [
          "id": "47999eeb-f076-5aca-a7cc-56bf7ac2b647",
          "comments": [
                  "comment": "Testing API",
                  "entity_id": "47999eeb-f076-5aca-a7cc-56bf7ac2b647",
                  "user_id": "5ed3c5d7-f450-489d-8b5f-9430b18da4c1",
                  "account_id": "c374bb8a-9a98-4823-b280-68e74c170a0e",
                  "entity_type": "whitelisted_ip",
                  "created_at": "2020-01-07T15:59:56Z",
                  "updated_at": "2020-01-07T15:59:56Z",
                  "id": 547,
                  "activity_type": "comment"
          "addr": ""
          "id": "6ab5575c-718e-5e24-bd4d-77e0694ad6fc",
          "comments": [
                  "comment": "Testing API",
                  "entity_id": "6ab5575c-718e-5e24-bd4d-77e0694ad6fc",
                  "user_id": "5ed3c5d7-f450-489d-8b5f-9430b18da4c1",
                  "account_id": "c374bb8a-9a98-4823-b280-68e74c170a0e",
                  "entity_type": "whitelisted_ip",
                  "created_at": "2020-01-07T15:58:29Z",
                  "updated_at": "2020-01-07T15:58:29Z",
                  "id": 545,
                  "activity_type": "comment"
          "addr": ""
          "id": "72bdf5d2-4cc6-5ccf-9787-a539fae9c517",
  "comments": [
                  "comment": "CIDR Test",
                  "entity_id": "72bdf5d2-4cc6-5ccf-9787-a539fae9c517",
                  "user_id": "5ed3c5d7-f450-489d-8b5f-9430b18da4c1",
                  "account_id": "c374bb8a-9a98-4823-b280-68e74c170a0e",
                  "entity_type": "whitelisted_ip",
                  "created_at": "2020-01-07T15:58:04Z",
                  "updated_at": "2020-01-07T15:58:04Z",
                  "id": 543,
                  "activity_type": "comment"
          "addr": ""
          "id": "5aa89c8f-a535-5876-840c-af33a7ec1419",
          "comments": [
                  "comment": "Testing API",
                  "entity_id": "5aa89c8f-a535-5876-840c-af33a7ec1419",
                  "user_id": "5ed3c5d7-f450-489d-8b5f-9430b18da4c1",
                  "account_id": "c374bb8a-9a98-4823-b280-68e74c170a0e",
                  "entity_type": "whitelisted_ip",
                  "created_at": "2020-01-07T15:57:24Z",
                  "updated_at": "2020-01-07T15:57:24Z",
                  "id": 541,
                  "activity_type": "comment"
          "addr": ""
          "id": "06461575-700b-596d-8662-7ea0aff28e9c",
          "comments": [
                  "comment": "Test Isolation",
                  "entity_id": "06461575-700b-596d-8662-7ea0aff28e9c",
                  "user_id": "5ed3c5d7-f450-489d-8b5f-9430b18da4c1",
                  "account_id": "c374bb8a-9a98-4823-b280-68e74c170a0e",
                  "entity_type": "whitelisted_ip",
                  "created_at": "2020-01-07T15:55:21Z",
                  "updated_at": "2020-01-07T15:55:21Z",
                  "id": 539,
                  "activity_type": "comment"
          "addr": ""
  "metadata": {
      "count": 5,
      "previous_url": null,
      "timestamp": "2020-01-07T16:00:19.754687",
      "next": null,
      "per_page": 10,
      "next_url": null,
      "previous": null

Add IP Subnet to Host Isolation Config

Add an IP subnet to host isolation config defined in Endgame.


Parameter Type Default Value Description
IP Subnet String N/A Enter the IPv4 Subnet that you want to add to Host Isolation Config.
Description String N/A Enter the description to the IP Subnet.
Create Insight Checkbox unchecked If enabled, creates Insight after successful execution of this action.

Use cases

This action is used to get information about host isolation config. This config allows isolated hosts to connect to the IP subnets listed there. Analysts may use this action to add required IP subnets to the host isolation config.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results


If an IP subnet was added to the host isolation config using Endgame, then create an insight to indicate this.

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False

Remove IP Subnet From Host Isolation Config

Remove an IP subnet from host isolation config defined in Endgame.


Parameter Type Default Value Description
IP Subnet String N/A Enter the IPv4 Subnet that you want to add to Host Isolation Config.
Create Insight Checkbox unchecked If enabled, creates Insight after successful execution of this action.

Use cases

This action is used to get information about host isolation config. This config allows isolated hosts to connect to the IP subnets listed there. Analysts may use this action to remove IP subnets that are no longer required from the host isolation config.

Run on

This action runs on all entities.

Action results


If an IP subnet was removed from the host isolation config using Endgame, then create an insight to indicate this.

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False

Collect Autoruns (Windows Only)

Collect autoruns from the Endgame endpoint.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Description
Max Items to Return Integer 1000

Specify how many autoruns to return.

Category "All" Checkbox Checked If enabled, search for all autorun categories.
Category "Network Provider" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "Network Provider" autorun category.
Category "Office" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "Office" autorun category .
Category "Driver" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "Driver" autorun category.
Category "App Init" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "App Init" autorun category.
Category "Winlogon" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "Winlogon" autorun category.
Category "Print Monitor" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "Print Monitor" autorun category.
Category "Ease of Access" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "Ease of Access" autorun category.
Category "WMI" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "WMI" autorun category.
Category "LSA Provider" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "LSA Provider" autorun category.
Category "Service" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "Service" autorun category.
Category "Bits" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "Bits" autorun category.
Category "Known dll" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "Known dll" autorun category.
Category "Print Provider" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "Print Provider" autorun category.
Category "Image Hijack" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "Image Hijack" autorun category.
Category "Startup Folder" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "Startup Folder" autorun category.
Category "Internet Explorer" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "Internet Explorer" autorun category.
Category "Codec" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "Codec" autorun category.
Category "Logon" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "Logon" autorun category.
Category "Search Order Hijack" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "Search Order Hijack" autorun category.
Category "Winsock Provider" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "Winsock Provider" autorun category .
Category "Boot Execute' Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "Boot Execute" autorun category.
Category "Phantom dll" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "Phantom dll" autorun category.
Category "Com Hijack" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "Com Hijack" autorun category.
Category "Explorer" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "Explorer" autorun category.
Category "Scheduled Task" Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, search for "Scheduled Task" autorun category.
Include All Metadata Checkbox Checked If enabled, provides all available data.
Include Malware Classification Metadata Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, provides information about MalwareScore.
Include Authenticode Metadata Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, provides Signer Information.
Include MD5 Hash Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, provides MD5 hash in the response.
Include SHA-1 Hash Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, provides SHA-1 hash in the response.
Include SHA-256 Hash Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, provides SHA-256 hash in the response.

Use cases

This action can be used to gather information about autoruns on the endpoint. This data can assist analysts to perform triage and remediation processes.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Host
  • IP Address

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
  "data": {
      "count": 1,
      "per_page": 50,
      "previous": null,
      "tasks": [
              "user_id": "5ed3c5d7-f450-489d-8b5f-9430b18da4c1",
              "data": {
                  "category_option": {
                      "category_network_provider": true,
                      "category_office": false,
                      "category_driver": false,
                      "category_app_init": false,
                      "category_winlogon": false,
                      "category_print_monitor": false,
                      "category_ease_of_access": false,
                      "category_wmi": false,
                      "category_lsa_provider": false,
                      "category_service": false,
                      "category_bits": false,
                      "category_known_dll": false,
                      "category_print_provider": false,
                      "category_image_hijack": false,
                      "category_startup_folder": false,
                      "category_internet_explorer": false,
                      "category_codec": false,
                      "category_logon": false,
                      "category_all": false,
                      "category_search_order_hijack": false,
                      "category_winsock_provider": false,
                      "category_boot_execute": false,
                      "category_phantom_dll": false,
                      "category_com_hijack": false,
                      "category_explorer": false,
                      "category_scheduled_task": false
                  "metadata_option": {
                      "metadata_all": true,
                      "metadata_malware_classification": false,
                      "metadata_sha1": false,
                      "metadata_sha256": false,
                      "metadata_authenticode": false,
                      "metadata_md5": false
              "account_id": "c374bb8a-9a98-4823-b280-68e74c170a0e",
              "metadata": {
                  "sensor_id": "8eef6873-6db7-58ab-a1ca-68dc19b54117",
                  "investigation_id": "0b043f77-531f-4109-93b1-e01019ad0980",
                  "task_id": "e667b0c3-39de-4862-9baf-d6697db79721",
                  "echo": "",
                  "endpoint_id": "b23c8a14-69e0-4966-b78a-c9fba4fdd934",
                  "destination_plugin": "autoruns",
                  "key": "collectAutoRunsRequest",
                  "semantic_version": "3.52.\\d+",
                  "collection_id": "2393f424-bf57-40af-81e6-91b95acf5409"
      "next": null
  "metadata": {
      "timestamp": "2020-01-08T13:15:37.238341"

Isolate Host

Isolate Endgame endpoint. This action supports only Windows and macOS systems.


Parameter Type Default Value Description
Create Insight Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, creates an Insight after successful execution of this action.

Use cases

This action is used to get information about host isolation config. This config allows isolated hosts to connect to the IP subnets listed there. Analysts may use this action to add required IP subnets to the host isolation config.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Host
  • IP Address

Action results

Entity enrichment



If the endpoint was isolated using Endgame agent, then create an insight to indicate this.

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
  "data": {
      "valid": true,
      "bulk_task_id": "a6ccc2f7-39a7-42e7-b646-41b281316b1d",
      "error_messages": []
  "metadata": {
      "timestamp": "2020-01-08T15:09:22.474963"

Unisolate Host

Unisolate an Endgame endpoint. This action supports only Windows and macOS systems.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Description
Create Insight Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, creates an Insight after successful execution of this action.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Host
  • IP Address

Action Results


If the endpoint was unisolated using Endgame agent, then create an insight to indicate this.

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
  "data": {
      "domain": "InstallerInitiated",
      "updated_at": "2020-01-08T08:16:26.063394+00:00",
      "id": "b23c8a14-69e0-4966-b78a-c9fba4fdd934",
      "display_operating_system": "Windows 10 (v1511)",
      "hostname": "example",
      "mac_address": "01:23:45:ab:cd:ef",
      "upgrade_status": "",
      "base_image": false,
      "isolation_updated_at": "2020-01-08T15:09:24.665367+00:00",
      "status": "monitored",
      "ad_distinguished_name": "CN=EXAMPLE,CN=Computers,DC=example,DC=com",
      "ad_hostname": "example.com",
      "tags": [],
      "isolation_request_status": null,
      "alert_count": 0,
      "groups": [
              "is_dynamic": false,
              "count": 2,
              "id": "d9de26c9-ee63-4d38-9997-7418bd13c45e",
              "name": "Demo: APT28"
      "sensors": [
              "status": "monitored",
              "sensor_version": "3.52.12",
              "policy_status": "successful",
              "policy_name": "Lab (Detect-Only with Streaming)",
              "sensor_type": "hunt",
              "id": "8eef6873-6db7-58ab-a1ca-68dc19b54117",
              "policy_id": "07b7a44f-25f3-4e5c-977b-2915de8160c5"
      "ip_address": "",
      "is_isolated": false,
      "operating_system": "Windows 10.0",
      "name": "example",
      "status_changed_at": "2020-01-08T12:30:48.704802+00:00",
      "core_os": "windows",
      "created_at": "2019-11-01T06:31:32.519640+00:00",
      "error": null,
      "machine_id": "5dc677fd-6b47-7df9-f7f4-d45434c8d0f8"
  "metadata": {
      "timestamp": "2020-01-08T15:16:34.303701"

Download file

Download a file from a specific Endgame endpoint.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Description
Full File Path String N/A If enabled, creates an Insight after successful execution of this action.
Full Download Folder Path String N/A Enter the path to the folder, where you want to store this file.
Expected SHA-256 Hash String N/A Enter the expected SHA-256 hash.

Use cases

You can use this action to access the files from endpoints. Files should sometimes be processed manually, and this activity helps users to access the required files.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Host
  • IP Address

Action results


If the endpoint was unisolated using the Endgame agent, then create an insight to indicate this.

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result

If status is success, the JSON result is as follows:

  "data": {
      "status": "success",
      "doc_type": "collection",
      "endpoint": {
          "domain": "InstallerInitiated",
          "updated_at": "2019-11-01T05:41:10.150817+00:00",
          "id": "a3cdc174-3af0-400a-85c3-bbb1435a6b61",
          "display_operating_system": "Ubuntu 18.04.1",
          "hostname": "example",
          "mac_address": "01:23:45:ab:cd:ef",
          "base_image": false,
          "isolation_updated_at": null,
          "status": "monitored",
          "ad_distinguished_name": "",
          "ad_hostname": "",
          "tags": [
                  "id": "fc2dfcc8-9329-4f33-86a2-877bfb27575e",
                  "name": "CORE ENV"
          "isolation_request_status": null,
          "upgrade_status": "",
          "groups": [
                  "is_dynamic": false,
                  "count": 1,
                  "id": "e453d4f6-95c9-4dc5-bc41-2f4cae423e19",
                  "name": "Demo: Bad Admin"
          "sensors": [
                  "status": "A",
                  "sensor_version": "3.52.12",
                  "sensor_type": "hunt",
                  "id": "c7347a4b-3e71-5514-980f-90bdbab758cf"
          "ip_address": "",
          "is_isolated": false,
          "operating_system": "Linux 4.15.0-29-generic",
          "name": "example",
          "status_changed_at": "2020-01-07T08:16:46.895105+00:00",
          "core_os": "linux",
          "created_at": "2019-03-19T04:25:06.953312+00:00",
          "error": null,
          "machine_id": "b389c979-2fb1-6a8c-63bc-5547b3c26d1d"
      "task_id": "0854ae75-47ca-438a-8731-615defac44ac",
      "family": "response",
      "data": {
          "results": [
                  "size": 1731,
                  "endpoint": {
                      "status": "monitored",
                      "ad_distinguished_name": "",
                      "ad_hostname": "",
                      "operating_system": "Linux 4.15.0-29-generic",
                      "name": "example",
                      "display_operating_system": "Ubuntu 18.04.1",
                      "hostname": "example",
                      "updated_at": "2020-01-07T08:16:44Z",
                      "mac_address": "01:23:45:ab:cd:ef",
                      "ip_address": "",
                      "id": "a3cdc174-3af0-400a-85c3-bbb1435a6b61"
                  "user_id": "5ed3c5d7-f450-489d-8b5f-9430b18da4c1",
                  "account_id": "c374bb8a-9a98-4823-b280-68e74c170a0e",
                  "investigation_id": null,
                  "filepath": "/home/a-arobinson/Downloads/bad_admin.sh",
                  "bulk_task_id": null,
                  "created_by": "a-arobinson",
                  "file_uuid": "4c45cc36-b6ca-412a-ae0b-ed214a9c7187",
                  "correlation_id": "13dfca7b-9e75-4115-be93-e6684dbfc7c8",
                  "user": {
                      "username": "admin",
                      "first_name": "Example",
                      "last_name": "User",
                      "id": "5ed3c5d7-f450-489d-8b5f-9430b18da4c1"
                  "chunk_size": 26214400,
                  "existing_path": "/home/a-arobinson/Downloads/bad_admin.sh",
                  "sha256": "8066b309db13bae560c15c35f42247a0f778786f0056d326ff3e6dffd1eac4f8",
                  "origination_task_id": "0854ae75-47ca-438a-8731-615defac44ac",
                  "md5": "6441b8f58feddb5a5f6fcd81c117ecb8"
      "created_at": "2020-01-07T11:28:02.826397Z",
      "os_type": "linux",
      "machine_id": "b389c979-2fb1-6a8c-63bc-5547b3c26d1d",
      "type": "downloadFileResponse",
      "id": "d6fb3bf3-afea-44e0-8472-389f4e7e0002"
  "metadata": {
      "count": 1,
      "previous_url": null,
      "timestamp": "2020-01-07T11:41:56.750788",
      "next": null,
      "per_page": 50,
      "next_url": null,
      "previous": null

If the status is failure, the JSON result is as follows:

    "data": {
        "status": "failure",
        "doc_type": "collection",
        "endpoint": {
            "domain": "InstallerInitiated",
            "updated_at": "2019-11-01T05:42:09.150756+00:00",
            "id": "12c3530d-657f-4ccd-835e-6df9affeed3d",
            "display_operating_system": "Ubuntu 18.04.3",
            "hostname": "example",
            "mac_address": "01:23:45:ab:cd:ef",
            "base_image": false,
            "isolation_updated_at": null,
            "status": "monitored",
            "ad_distinguished_name": "",
            "ad_hostname": "",
            "tags": [],
            "isolation_request_status": null,
            "upgrade_status": "",
            "groups": [
                    "is_dynamic": false,
                    "count": 4,
                    "id": "c1af3cd6-2638-4144-842d-adc9cfb67fb9",
                    "name": "SOC"
            "sensors": [
                    "status": "A",
                    "sensor_version": "3.52.12",
                    "sensor_type": "hunt",
                    "id": "dc2e35cc-0c87-5a60-8fc8-de23ef747d02"
            "ip_address": "",
            "is_isolated": false,
            "operating_system": "Linux 4.15.0-72-generic",
            "name": "example",
            "status_changed_at": "2020-01-19T11:05:16.765186+00:00",
            "core_os": "linux",
            "created_at": "2019-09-20T21:34:51.966863+00:00",
            "error": null,
            "machine_id": "5ae8ddd9-9339-ae4b-ccf7-5ed68f38b3a9"
        "task_id": "85148460-c868-4fe5-a3e6-0d90784fadd1",
        "family": "response",
        "data": {
            "results": [
                    "endpoint": {
                        "status": "monitored",
                        "ad_distinguished_name": "",
                        "ad_hostname": "",
                        "operating_system": "Linux 4.15.0-72-generic",
                        "name": "example",
                        "display_operating_system": "Ubuntu 18.04.3",
                        "hostname": "example",
                        "updated_at": "2020-01-16T14:04:22Z",
                        "mac_address": "01:23:45:ab:cd:ef",
                        "ip_address": "",
                        "id": "12c3530d-657f-4ccd-835e-6df9affeed3d"
                    "user_id": "5ed3c5d7-f450-489d-8b5f-9430b18da4c1",
                    "account_id": "c374bb8a-9a98-4823-b280-68e74c170a0e",
                    "investigation_id": null,
                    "expected_sha256": "123",
                    "bulk_task_id": null,
                    "correlation_id": "a7dc04c8-932c-4056-9477-8095b1fa15d8",
                    "user": {
                        "username": "admin",
                        "first_name": "Example",
                        "last_name": "User",
                        "id": "5ed3c5d7-f450-489d-8b5f-9430b18da4c1"
                    "chunk_size": 26214400,
                    "existing_path": "/home/example/Downloads/bad_admin.sh",
                    "origination_task_id": "85148460-c868-4fe5-a3e6-0d90784fadd1"
        "created_at": "2020-01-19T12:19:57Z",
        "os_type": "linux",
        "machine_id": "5ae8ddd9-9339-ae4b-ccf7-5ed68f38b3a9",
        "type": "downloadFileResponse",
        "id": "8eb6b538-d480-4210-92fb-df08a3a4dfb9"
    "metadata": {
        "count": 1,
        "previous_url": null,
        "timestamp": "2020-01-19T12:23:23.623961",
        "next": null,
        "per_page": 50,
        "next_url": null,
        "previous": null

Delete file

Delete a file from an Endgame endpoint.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Description
File Path String N/A Enter the path to the file.

Use cases

This action is used to delete files from the endpoint. For example, it can be used when malware was found and an analyst wants to remove it.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Host
  • IP Address

Action results


If the endpoint was unisolated using the Endgame agent, then create an insight to indicate this.

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result

(status = success)

    "data": [
            "status": "success",
            "doc_type": "collection",
            "endpoint": {
                "domain": "InstallerInitiated",
                "updated_at": "2019-11-01T05:41:10.150817+00:00",
                "id": "a3cdc174-3af0-400a-85c3-bbb1435a6b61",
                "display_operating_system": "Ubuntu 18.04.1",
                "hostname": "08203s-lubu1804",
                "mac_address": "01:23:45:ab:cd:ef",
                "upgrade_status": "",
                "base_image": false,
                "isolation_updated_at": null,
                "status": "monitored",
                "ad_distinguished_name": "",
                "ad_hostname": "",
                "tags": [
                        "id": "fc2dfcc8-9329-4f33-86a2-877bfb27575e",
                        "name": "CORE ENV"
                "isolation_request_status": null,
                "groups": [
                        "is_dynamic": false,
                        "count": 1,
                        "id": "e453d4f6-95c9-4dc5-bc41-2f4cae423e19",
                        "name": "Demo: Bad Admin"
                "sensors": [
                        "status": "monitored",
                        "sensor_version": "3.52.12",
                        "policy_status": "successful",
                        "policy_name": "Lab (Detect-Only with Streaming)",
                        "sensor_type": "hunt",
                        "id": "c7347a4b-3e71-5514-980f-90bdbab758cf",
                        "policy_id": "07b7a44f-25f3-4e5c-977b-2915de8160c5"
                "ip_address": "",
                "is_isolated": false,
                "operating_system": "Linux 4.15.0-29-generic",
                "name": "08203s-lubu1804",
                "status_changed_at": "2020-01-20T07:25:02.633331+00:00",
                "core_os": "linux",
                "created_at": "2019-03-19T04:25:06.953312+00:00",
                "error": null,
                "machine_id": "b389c979-2fb1-6a8c-63bc-5547b3c26d1d"
            "task_id": "bfb82b8d-71a0-4e5f-9cfe-bd573ea32b25",
            "family": "response",
            "created_at": "2020-01-20T07:31:37Z",
            "local_msg": "Success",
            "system_msg": null,
            "system_code": null,
            "local_code": 0,
            "os_type": "linux",
            "machine_id": "b389c979-2fb1-6a8c-63bc-5547b3c26d1d",
            "type": "deleteFileResponse",
            "id": "eb50fe9c-1059-42d4-9f5f-52e5af4ae64d"
    "metadata": {
        "count": 1,
        "previous_url": null,
        "timestamp": "2020-01-20T07:32:04.425044",
        "next": null,
        "per_page": 50,
        "next_url": null,
        "previous": null

(status = failure) local_msg and system_msg will be used.

  "data": [
          "status": "failure",
          "doc_type": "collection",
          "endpoint": {
              "domain": "InstallerInitiated",
              "updated_at": "2019-11-01T05:41:10.150817+00:00",
              "id": "a3cdc174-3af0-400a-85c3-bbb1435a6b61",
              "display_operating_system": "Ubuntu 18.04.1",
              "hostname": "08203s-lubu1804",
              "mac_address": "01:23:45:ab:cd:ef",
              "upgrade_status": "",
              "base_image": false,
              "isolation_updated_at": null,
              "status": "monitored",
              "ad_distinguished_name": "",
              "ad_hostname": "",
              "tags": [
                      "id": "fc2dfcc8-9329-4f33-86a2-877bfb27575e",
                      "name": "CORE ENV"
              "isolation_request_status": null,
              "groups": [
                      "is_dynamic": false,
                      "count": 1,
                      "id": "e453d4f6-95c9-4dc5-bc41-2f4cae423e19",
                      "name": "Demo: Bad Admin"
              "sensors": [
                      "status": "monitored",
                      "sensor_version": "3.52.12",
                      "policy_status": "successful",
                      "policy_name": "Lab (Detect-Only with Streaming)",
                      "sensor_type": "hunt",
                      "id": "c7347a4b-3e71-5514-980f-90bdbab758cf",
                      "policy_id": "07b7a44f-25f3-4e5c-977b-2915de8160c5"
              "ip_address": "",
              "is_isolated": false,
              "operating_system": "Linux 4.15.0-29-generic",
              "name": "08203s-lubu1804",
              "status_changed_at": "2020-01-07T08:16:46.895105+00:00",
              "core_os": "linux",
              "created_at": "2019-03-19T04:25:06.953312+00:00",
              "error": null,
              "machine_id": "b389c979-2fb1-6a8c-63bc-5547b3c26d1d"
          "task_id": "5da277fe-503d-468a-822b-8801d9671cde",
          "family": "response",
          "created_at": "2020-01-07T13:10:50Z",
          "local_msg": "Not found",
          "system_msg": null,
          "system_code": null,
          "local_code": -7,
          "os_type": "linux",
          "machine_id": "b389c979-2fb1-6a8c-63bc-5547b3c26d1d",
          "type": "deleteFileResponse",
          "id": "6f3e6148-6801-4cb8-8a5d-25f75ea93555"
  "metadata": {
      "count": 1,
      "previous_url": null,
      "timestamp": "2020-01-07T13:16:18.834163",
      "next": null,
      "per_page": 5,
      "next_url": null,
      "previous": null

Drivers Survey (Windows only)

Get the information on drivers from a specific Endgame endpoint.


Parameter Type Default Value Description
Max Items to Return String 50 Specify how many items to return.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Hostname
  • IP Address

Action results

Entity enrichment
Enrichment Field Name Logic-When to apply
driver_basename Returns if it exists in JSON result
driver_filename Returns if it exists in JSON result
date_modified Returns if it exists in JSON result
driver_file_version Returns if it exists in JSON result
driver_load_address Returns if it exists in JSON result
collection_id Returns if it exists in JSON result
hashes Returns if it exists in JSON result
machine_id Returns if it exists in JSON result
driver_product_version Returns if it exists in JSON result
driver_description Returns if it exists in JSON result
Script result
Script Result Name Value options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
      [{ "driver_basename": "test.exe",
         "driver_filename": "C:\\\\Windows\\\\system32\\\\test.exe",
         "date_modified": 1446189483.0185645,
         "driver_file_version": "10.0.10586.0 (th2_release.151029-1700)",
         "driver_load_address": "12345678",
         "collection_id": "a9925cf1-6d4c-4bea-b13d-12345678",
         "hashes": {
                     "sha256": "9f86d081884c7d659a2feaa0c55ad015a3bf4f1b2b0b822cd15d6c15b0f00a08",
                     "md5": "098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6",
                     "sha1": "a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3"
        "machine_id": "5dc677fd-6b47-7df9-f7f4-12345678",
        "driver_product_version": "10.0.10586.0",
        "driver_description": "Test"
   "Entity": "PC-01"

Firewall Survey (Windows only)

Get information about the firewall rules on a specific Endgame endpoint.


Parameter Type Default Value Description
Max Items to Return String 50 Specify how many items to return.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Hostname
  • IP Address

Action results

Entity enrichment
Enrichment Field Name Logic-When to apply
direction Returns if it exists in JSON result
machine_id Returns if it exists in JSON result
description Returns if it exists in JSON result
remote_addresses Returns if it exists in JSON result
protocol_number Returns if it exists in JSON result
enabled Returns if it exists in JSON result
edge_traversal Returns if it exists in JSON result
profiles Returns if it exists in JSON result
interface_types Returns if it exists in JSON result
rule_name Returns if it exists in JSON result
icmp_and_type_codes Returns if it exists in JSON result
local_addresses Returns if it exists in JSON result
application_name Returns if it exists in JSON result
collection_id Returns if it exists in JSON result
remote_ports Returns if it exists in JSON result
action Returns if it exists in JSON result
local_ports Returns if it exists in JSON result
Script result
Script Result Name Value options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
         "direction": "in",
         "machine_id": "870499c3-d6bf-8edd-972d-12345678",
         "description": "Inbound rule for Google Chrome to allow mDNS traffic.",
         "remote_addresses": "*",
         "protocol_number": 17,
         "enabled": true,
         "edge_traversal": false,
             ["domain", "public", "private"],
         "interface_types": "All",
         "rule_name": "Google Chrome (mDNS-In)",
         "icmp_and_type_codes": "",
         "local_addresses": "*",
         "application_name": "C:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\Google\\\\Chrome\\\\Application\\\\chrome.exe",
         "collection_id": "0925eea5-c61f-464a-ba61-12345678",
         "remote_ports": "*",
         "action": "allow",
         "local_ports": "1234"
   "Entity": "PC-01"

Get Endpoints

List all endpoints.



Run on

This action runs on all entities.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
   "domain": "",
   "updated_at": "2019-05-30T01:40:21.126499+00:00",
   "id": "db33d864-7d58-4d85-9d2d-1a98a101995d",
   "display_operating_system": "Windows 7 (SP1)",
   "hostname": "ip-AC170169",
   "mac_address": "01:23:45:ab:cd:ef",
   "isolation_updated_at": "",
   "status": "monitored",
   "ad_distinguished_name": "",
   "ad_hostname": "",
   "tags": [],
   "isolation_request_status": "",
   "alert_count": 72,
   "investigation_count": 0,
   "groups": [],
         "status": "monitored",
         "sensor_version": "3.51.10",
         "policy_status": "successful",
         "policy_name": "POC-Lab",
         "sensor_type": "hunt",
         "id": "ec17f7bb-1d63-536a-b694-ca066cc2572e",
         "policy_id": "d31f0192-b8e2-49ae-ae54-041376183b7f"
   "ip_address": "",
   "is_isolated": "false",
   "operating_system": "Windows 6.1 Service Pack 1",
   "name": "ip-AC170169",
   "status_changed_at": "2019-05-30T01:40:18.200770+00:00",
   "core_os": "windows",
   "created_at": "2019-05-30T01:36:43.761600+00:00",
        "msg": "Installer failure - Execution failed for (\\n",
       "deployment_id": "90C2BAA6-B38B-4037-9A9E-7C8628E8D7D6",
       "code": 1001, "ts": 1559180421.125456
   "machine_id": "4f1adabb-17c4-e39e-caa7-7900562d0b51"

Hunt File

Searches for running files.


Parameter Type Default Value Description
Endpoints Core OS String windows Select an operating system (for example, Windows, Linux, or Mac) to filter the Endpoints list. Note: You can only create a single investigation for endpoints that run on the same operating system.
MD5 Hashes String N/A ADVANCED CONFIGURATION for this hunt. Enter MD5 Hashes, separated by comma.
SHA1 Hashes String N/A ADVANCED CONFIGURATION for this hunt. Enter SHA-1 Hashes, separated by comma.
SHA256 Hashes String N/A ADVANCED CONFIGURATION for this hunt. Enter SHA256 Hashes, separated by comma.
Directory String N/A The starting directory path Example C:\windows\system32
Find File String N/A Enter the filename(s) to search. Enter a regular expression to narrow search results.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Hostname
  • IP Address

Action results

Entity enrichment
Enrichment Field Name Logic-When to apply
meta_data Returns if it exists in JSON result
file_path Returns if it exists in JSON result
Script result
Script Result Name Value options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
          {  "hashes":
                {  "sha256": "4705ba6793dc93c1bbe2a9e790e9e22778d217531b1750471206fd5c52bbd2b5",
                   "md5": "6383522c180badc4e1d5c30a5c4f4913",
                   "sha1": "62a30e96459b694f7b22d730c460a65cd2ebaaca"
                {  "accessed": 1468675289.0711532,
                   "entry_modified": 0,
                   "modified": 1468675289.0711532,
                   "created": 1468675404.0330572
             "file_attributes": 38,
             "file_size": 174
      "file_path": "C:\\\\Program Files\\\\desktop.ini"
          {  "hashes":
                {  "sha256": "44fe5eebd80e46f903d68c07bcf06d187a3698bf3953bc58bb578465e2e0fe6c",
                   "md5": "6bd5fb46283aa48e638bef47510c47da",
                   "sha1": "c38d46ec6c9bc8baece4a459b617f44d10af973c"
                   "accessed": 1468675289.0024028,
                   "entry_modified": 0,
                   "modified": 1468675289.0024028,
                   "created": 1468675404.0111823
            "file_attributes": 38,
            "file_size": 645
    "file_path": "C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Common Files\\\\microsoft shared\\\\Stationery\\\\Desktop.ini"

Hunt IP

Searches for network connections.


Parameter Type Default Value Description
Endpoints Core OS String windows Select an operating system (for example, Windows, Linux, or Mac) to filter the Endpoints list. Note: You can only create a single investigation for endpoints that run on the same operating system.
Remote IP Address String N/A remote IP address - separated by comma
Local IP Address String N/A separated by comma
State String N/A Enter state to return. Example: ANY
Protocol String N/A Example: ANY, UDP, TCP
Network Port String N/A N/A
Network Remote String N/A Network Remote or Local.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Hostname
  • IP Address

Action results

Entity enrichment
Enrichment Field Name Logic-When to apply
parent_name Returns if it exists in JSON result
domain Returns if it exists in JSON result
exe Returns if it exists in JSON result
name Returns if it exists in JSON result
has_unbacked_execute_memory Returns if it exists in JSON result
pid Returns if it exists in JSON result
up_time Returns if it exists in JSON result
is_sensor Returns if it exists in JSON result
cmdline Returns if it exists in JSON result
parent_exe Returns if it exists in JSON result
unbacked_execute_byte_count Returns if it exists in JSON result
create_time Returns if it exists in JSON result
user Returns if it exists in JSON result
sid Returns if it exists in JSON result
threads Returns if it exists in JSON result
ppid Returns if it exists in JSON result
unbacked_execute_region_count Returns if it exists in JSON result
Script result
Script Result Name Value options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
   "parent_name": "System Idle Process",
   "domain": "NT AUTHORITY",
   "exe": "",
   "name": "System",
   "has_unbacked_execute_memory": false,
   "pid": 4,
   "up_time": 2384701,
   "is_sensor": false,
   "cmdline": "",
   "parent_exe": "",
   "unbacked_execute_byte_count": 0,
   "create_time": 1559179903,
   "user": "SYSTEM",
   "sid": "S-1-5-18",
        "thread_id": 8
      }, {
       "thread_id": 12,
       "up_time": 13206038203,
       "create_time": -11644473599
     }, {
       "thread_id": 16,
       "up_time": 13206038203,
       "create_time": -11644473599
   "ppid": 0,
   "unbacked_execute_region_count": 0

Hunt Process

Searches for running processes.


Parameter Type Default Value Description
Endpoints Core OS String windows Select an operating system (i.e., Windows, Linux, or Mac) to filter the Endpoints list. Note: You can only create a single investigation for endpoints that run on the same operating system.
MD5 Hashes String N/A ADVANCED CONFIGURATION for this hunt. Enter MD5 Hashes, separated by comma.
SHA1 Hashes String N/A ADVANCED CONFIGURATION for this hunt. Enter SHA-1 Hashes, separated by comma.
SHA256 Hashes String N/A ADVANCED CONFIGURATION for this hunt. Enter SHA256 Hashes, separated by comma.
Process Name String N/A ADVANCED CONFIGURATION for this hunt. Enter Process Name ex. iss.exe*

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Hostname
  • IP Address

Action results

Entity enrichment
Enrichment Field Name Logic-When to apply
parent_name Returns if it exists in JSON result
domain Returns if it exists in JSON result
exe Returns if it exists in JSON result
name Returns if it exists in JSON result
has_unbacked_execute_memory Returns if it exists in JSON result
pid Returns if it exists in JSON result
up_time Returns if it exists in JSON result
is_sensor Returns if it exists in JSON result
cmdline Returns if it exists in JSON result
parent_exe Returns if it exists in JSON result
unbacked_execute_byte_count Returns if it exists in JSON result
create_time Returns if it exists in JSON result
user Returns if it exists in JSON result
sid Returns if it exists in JSON result
threads Returns if it exists in JSON result
ppid Returns if it exists in JSON result
unbacked_execute_region_count Returns if it exists in JSON result
Script result
Script Result Name Value options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
   "parent_name": "System Idle Process",
   "domain": "NT AUTHORITY",
   "exe": "",
   "name": "System",
   "has_unbacked_execute_memory": false,
   "pid": 4,
   "up_time": 2384701,
   "is_sensor": false,
   "cmdline": "",
   "parent_exe": "",
   "unbacked_execute_byte_count": 0,
   "create_time": 1559179903,
   "user": "SYSTEM",
   "sid": "S-1-5-18",
         "thread_id": 8
         "thread_id": 12,
         "up_time": 13206038203,
         "create_time": -11644473599
        "thread_id": 16,
        "up_time": 13206038203,
        "create_time": -11644473599
   "ppid": 0,
   "unbacked_execute_region_count": 0

Hunt Registry

Searches for a registry key or value name.


Parameter Type Default Value Description
Keys String N/A Registry Key or Value Name.
Min Size String N/A Min byte size.
Max Size String N/A Max byte size.
Endpoints Core OS String windows Select an operating system (i.e., Windows, Linux, or Mac) to filter the Endpoints list. Note: You can only create a single investigation for endpoints that run on the same operating system.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Hostname
  • IP Address

Action results

Entity enrichment
Enrichment Field Name Logic-When to apply
parent_name Returns if it exists in JSON result
domain Returns if it exists in JSON result
exe Returns if it exists in JSON result
name Returns if it exists in JSON result
up_time Returns if it exists in JSON result
is_sensor Returns if it exists in JSON result
cmdline Returns if it exists in JSON result
parent_exe Returns if it exists in JSON result
unbacked_execute_byte_count Returns if it exists in JSON result
create_time Returns if it exists in JSON result
user Returns if it exists in JSON result
sid Returns if it exists in JSON result
threads Returns if it exists in JSON result
ppid Returns if it exists in JSON result
unbacked_execute_region_count Returns if it exists in JSON result
Script result
Script Result Name Value options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
   "parent_name": "System Idle Process",
   "domain": "NT AUTHORITY",
   "exe": "",
   "name": "System",
   "has_unbacked_execute_memory": false,
   "pid": 4,
   "up_time": 2384701,
   "is_sensor": false,
   "cmdline": "",
   "parent_exe": "",
   "unbacked_execute_byte_count": 0,
   "create_time": 1559179903,
   "user": "SYSTEM",
   "sid": "S-1-5-18",
          "thread_id": 8
          "thread_id": 12,
          "up_time": 13206038203,
          "create_time": -11644473599
        }, {
          "thread_id": 16,
          "up_time": 13206038203,
          "create_time": -11644473599
   "ppid": 0,
   "unbacked_execute_region_count": 0

Hunt User

Searches the network for logged in users.


Parameter Type Default Value Description
Endpoints Core OS String windows Select an operating system (i.e., Windows, Linux, or Mac) to filter the Endpoints list. Note: You can only create a single investigation for endpoints that run on the same operating system.
Find Username String N/A ADVANCED CONFIGURATION for this hunt. Enter username(s), separate multiple entries with a semicolon.
Domain Name String N/A ADVANCED CONFIGURATION for this hunt. Enter Domain Name.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Hostname
  • IP Address

Action results

Entity enrichment
Enrichment Field Name Logic-When to apply
parent_name Returns if it exists in JSON result
domain Returns if it exists in JSON result
exe Returns if it exists in JSON result
name Returns if it exists in JSON result
has_unbacked_execute_memory Returns if it exists in JSON result
pid Returns if it exists in JSON result
up_time Returns if it exists in JSON result
is_sensor Returns if it exists in JSON result
cmdline Returns if it exists in JSON result
parent_exe Returns if it exists in JSON result
unbacked_execute_byte_count Returns if it exists in JSON result
create_time Returns if it exists in JSON result
user Returns if it exists in JSON result
sid Returns if it exists in JSON result
threads Returns if it exists in JSON result
ppid Returns if it exists in JSON result
unbacked_execute_region_count Returns if it exists in JSON result
Script result
Script Result Name Value options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
   "parent_name": "System Idle Process",
   "domain": "NT AUTHORITY",
   "exe": "",
   "name": "System",
   "has_unbacked_execute_memory": false,
   "pid": 4,
   "up_time": 2384701,
   "is_sensor": false,
   "parent_exe": "",
   "unbacked_execute_byte_count": 0,
   "create_time": 1559179903,
   "user": "SYSTEM",
   "sid": "S-1-5-18",
        "thread_id": 8
      }, {
       "thread_id": 12,
       "up_time": 13206038203,
       "create_time": -11644473599
     }, {
       "thread_id": 16,
       "up_time": 13206038203,
       "create_time": -11644473599
  "ppid": 0,
  "unbacked_execute_region_count": 0

Kill Process

Kill a process in a specific Endgame endpoint.


Parameter Type Default Value Description
Process Name String N/A Enter the process name
PID String N/A Enter ID of the process.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Hostname
  • IP Address

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False

Network Survey

Get information about connections, DNS cache, NetBIOS, ARP, and Route tables from a specific Endgame endpoint.


Parameter Type Default Value Description
Max Items to Return String 50 Specify how many autoruns to return.
Include Route Entries Information Checkbox Checked Specify to get information about the Route Entries.
Include Net Bios Information Checkbox Checked Specify to get information about Net Bios.
Include DNS Cache Information Checkbox Checked Specify to get information about the DNS Cache.
Include ARP Table Information Checkbox Checked Specify to get information about the ARP table.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Hostname
  • IP Address

Action results

Entity enrichment
Enrichment Field Name Logic-When to apply
connections Returns if it exists in JSON result
netbios_info Returns if it exists in JSON result
arp_table Returns if it exists in JSON result
route_table Returns if it exists in JSON result
dns_cache Returns if it exists in JSON result
Script result
Script Result Name Value options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
       "connection_type": "SOCK_STREAM",
       "collection_id": "50e74bd2-1cd4-412c-a7fc-24cf1456e883",
       "exe": "C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\test.exe",
       "connection_status": "LISTEN",
       "name": "test.exe",
       "family": "ipv4",
       "local_port": 111,
       "remote_port": 0,
       "pid": 700,
       "remote_address": "",
       "create_time": 1583314664,
       "connection_timestamp": 1583314664.0117714,
       "local_address": "",
       "protocol": "tcp",
            "sha256": "5d00bbeb147e0c838a622fc42c543b2913d57eaca4e69d9a37ed61e98c819347", "md5": "8497852ed44aff902d502015792d315d",
            "sha1": "800a4c2e524fc392c45748eae1691fa01d24ea4c"
       "machine_id": "5dc677fd-6b47-7df9-f7f4-d45434c8d0f8"
       "comment": "",
       "name": "PC-01",
       "version_major": 10,
       "netbios_neighbor_type": 8392747,
       "platform": "WINDOWS NT",
       "version_minor": 0
       "connection_type": "SOCK_STREAM",
       "collection_id": "50e74bd2-1cd4-412c-a7fc-24cf1456e883",
       "exe": "C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\test.exe",
       "connection_status": "LISTEN",
       "name": "test.exe",
       "family": "ipv4",
       "local_port": 111,
       "remote_port": 0,
       "pid": 700,
       "remote_address": "",
       "create_time": 1583314664,
       "connection_timestamp": 1583314664.0117714,
       "local_address": "",
       "protocol": "tcp",
       "hashes": {"sha256": "5d00bbeb147e0c838a622fc42c543b2913d57eaca4e69d9a37ed61e98c819347", "md5": "8497852ed44aff902d502015792d315d",
                 "sha1": "800a4c2e524fc392c45748eae1691fa01d24ea4c"},
       "machine_id": "5dc677fd-6b47-7df9-f7f4-d45434c8d0f8"
       "machine_id": "5dc677fd-6b47-7df9-f7f4-d45434c8d0f8",
       "family": "ipv4",
       "destination": "",
       "netmask": "",
       "collection_id": "50e74bd2-1cd4-412c-a7fc-24cf1456e883",
       "interface_name": "Ethernet0",
       "gateway": ""
       "name": "test.ms",
       "dns_record_type": "A",
       "ttl": 0,
       "collection_id": "50e74bd2-1cd4-412c-a7fc-24cf1456e883",
       "machine_id": "5dc677fd-6b47-7df9-f7f4-d45434c8d0f8",
       "query_error": 9701
  "Entity": "PC-01"


Test connectivity to the Endgame server.



Run on

This action runs on all entities.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False

Process Survey

Get information about running processes on a specific Endgame endpoint.


Parameter Type Default Vaule Description
Max Items to Return String 50 Specify how many items to return.
Detect Fileless Attacks (Windows Only) Checkbox Unchecked Specify to detect fileless attacks. Windows Only.
Detect Malware With MalwareScore (Windows Only) Checkbox Unchecked Specify to detect malware processes with MalwareScore. Windows Only.
Collect Process Threads Checkbox Unchecked Specify to include information about the amount of process threads in the response.
Return Only Suspicious Processes Checkbox Checked Specify to return only suspicious processes from the endpoint. By the Endgame definition: Suspicious processes are unbacked executable processes.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Hostname
  • IP Address

Action results

Entity enrichment
Enrichment Field Name Logic-When to apply
domain Returns if it exists in JSON result
name_suspicious Returns if it exists in JSON result
pid Returns if it exists in JSON result
name_uncommon_path Returns if it exists in JSON result
repeat_offender Returns if it exists in JSON result
cmdline Returns if it exists in JSON result
create_time Returns if it exists in JSON result
parent_name Returns if it exists in JSON result
has_unbacked_execute_memory Returns if it exists in JSON result
sid Returns if it exists in JSON result
ppid Returns if it exists in JSON result
up_time Returns if it exists in JSON result
unbacked_execute_region_count Returns if it exists in JSON result
is_sensor Returns if it exists in JSON result
threads Returns if it exists in JSON result
user Returns if it exists in JSON result
collection_id Returns if it exists in JSON result
parent_exe Returns if it exists in JSON result
exe Returns if it exists in JSON result
name Returns if it exists in JSON result
unbacked_execute_byte_count Returns if it exists in JSON result
machine_id Returns if it exists in JSON result
unbacked_execute_region_count Returns if it exists in JSON result
tty_device_minor_number Returns if it exists in JSON result
uid Returns if it exists in JSON result
name_suspicious Returns if it exists in JSON result
phys_memory_bytes Returns if it exists in JSON result
pid Returns if it exists in JSON result
env_variables Returns if it exists in JSON result
repeat_offender Returns if it exists in JSON result
cmdline Returns if it exists in JSON result
create_time Returns if it exists in JSON result
tty_device_major_number Returns if it exists in JSON result
parent_name Returns if it exists in JSON result
group Returns if it exists in JSON result
cpu_percent Returns if it exists in JSON result
has_unbacked_execute_memory Returns if it exists in JSON result
gid Returns if it exists in JSON result
sha256 Returns if it exists in JSON result
cwd Returns if it exists in JSON result
exe Returns if it exists in JSON result
up_time Returns if it exists in JSON result
short_name Returns if it exists in JSON result
tty_device_name Returns if it exists in JSON result
is_sensor Returns if it exists in JSON result
sha1 Returns if it exists in JSON result
threads Returns if it exists in JSON result
name_uncommon_path Returns if it exists in JSON result
collection_id Returns if it exists in JSON result
md5 Returns if it exists in JSON result
argv_list Returns if it exists in JSON result
num_threads Returns if it exists in JSON result
user Returns if it exists in JSON result
virt_memory_bytes Returns if it exists in JSON result
name Returns if it exists in JSON result
session_id Returns if it exists in JSON result
memory_percent Returns if it exists in JSON result
machine_id Returns if it exists in JSON result
unbacked_execute_byte_count Returns if it exists in JSON result
Script result
Script Result Name Value options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
      "domain": "NT AUTHORITY",
      "name_suspicious": false,
      "pid": 4,
      "name_uncommon_path": false,
      "repeat_offender": false,
      "cmdline": "",
      "create_time": 1583314654,
      "parent_name": "System Idle Process",
      "has_unbacked_execute_memory": false,
      "sid": "S-1-5-18",
      "ppid": 0,
     "up_time": 342643,
     "unbacked_execute_region_count": 0,
     "is_sensor": false,
      [{  "thread_id": 12,
          "up_time": 13228130896,
          "create_time": -11644473599
          "thread_id": 16,
          "up_time": 13228130896,
          "create_time": -11644473599
     "user": "SYSTEM",
     "collection_id": "ac1fb296-db5a-4426-b32e-292e4a50188d",
     "parent_exe": "",
     "exe": "",
     "name": "System",
     "unbacked_execute_byte_count": 0,
     "machine_id": "5dc677fd-6b47-7df9-f7f4-d45434c8d0f8"
  "Entity": "PC-01"
     "unbacked_execute_region_count": 0,
     "tty_device_minor_number": 0,
     "uid": 0,
     "name_suspicious": false,
     "phys_memory_bytes": 8900608,
     "pid": 1,
       [  "HOME=/",
          "PWD=/", "rootmnt=/root"  ],
    "repeat_offender": false,
    "cmdline": "/sbin/init maybe-ubiquity",
    "create_time": 1583632302,
    "tty_device_major_number": 0,
    "parent_name": "",
    "group": "root",
    "cpu_percent": 0,
    "has_unbacked_execute_memory": false,
    "gid": 0,
    "sha256": "3a14ff4b18505543eda4dccb054aa5860478a95ed0cac76da392f3472da3ad67",
    "cwd": "/",
    "exe": "/lib/systemd/systemd",
    "up_time": 24942,
    "short_name": "systemd",
    "tty_device_name": "",
    "is_sensor": false,
    "sha1": "e016f80b87101a74b52d15ce2726560a6e128b60",
    "threads": [{"thread_id": 1}],
    "name_uncommon_path": false,
    "collection_id": "bcb6b33a-0ffb-4e72-818a-1731024dfd79",
    "md5": "ca563cf817f03ed7d01a6462818a5791",
    "argv_list": ["/sbin/init", "maybe-ubiquity"],
    "num_threads": 1,
    "ppid": 0,
    "virt_memory_bytes": 79818752,
    "name": "systemd",
    "session_id": 1,
    "memory_percent": 0.21517109870910645,
    "parent_exe": "",
    "unbacked_execute_byte_count": 0,
    "machine_id": "5ae8ddd9-9339-ae4b-ccf7-5ed68f38b3a9",
    "user": "root"
 "Entity": "PC-202"

Removable Media Survey (Windows only)

DGet information about removable media from a specific Endgame endpoint.


Parameter Type Default Value Description
Max Items to Return String 50 Specify how many items to return.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Hostname
  • IP Address

Action results

Entity enrichment
Enrichment Field Name Logic-When to apply
name Returns if it exists in JSON result
is_storage_device Returns if it exists in JSON result
vendor_id Returns if it exists in JSON result
collection_id Returns if it exists in JSON result
last_connect_time Returns if it exists in JSON result
serial_number Returns if it exists in JSON result
machine_id Returns if it exists in JSON result
is_connected Returns if it exists in JSON result
product_id Returns if it exists in JSON result
Script result
Script Result Name Value options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
    [{  "name": "USB Composite Device",
        "is_storage_device": false,
        "vendor_id": "0E0F",
        "collection_id": "fbe61b16-e6b2-4595-8409-abf4ce15fa85",
        "last_connect_time": 1552596043.0610971,
        "serial_number": "6&35D1F50B&0&1",
        "machine_id": "a4c05d5a-7ebc-c3ab-1beb-f1fe517768d8",
        "is_connected": false,
        "product_id": "0003"
   "Entity": "PC-01"

Software Survey (Windows only)

Get information about an installed software on a specific Endgame endpoint.


Parameter Type Default Value Description
Max Items to Return String 50 Specify how many items to return.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Hostname
  • IP Address

Action results

Entity enrichment
Enrichment Field Name Logic-When to apply
publisher Returns if it exists in JSON result
machine_id Returns if it exists in JSON result
package Returns if it exists in JSON result
install_date Returns if it exists in JSON result
version Returns if it exists in JSON result
collection_id Returns if it exists in JSON result
installed_for Returns if it exists in JSON result
Script result
Script Result Name Value options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
      "publisher": "John Doe",
      "machine_id": "5dc677fd-6b47-7df9-f7f4-d45434c8d0f8",
      "package": "Test",
      "install_date": "20191008",
      "version": "18.06",
      "collection_id": "fc079e17-8a2e-40d9-94c9-b974e5534e58",
      "installed_for": "allUsers"
 "Entity": "PC-01"

System Survey

Get system information on a single endgame endpoint, such as memory use, dns, and OS.


Parameter Type Default Value Description
Max Items to Return String 50 Specify how many items to return.
Include Security Product Information (Windows only) Checkbox Checked Specify to get information about the security products installed on the endpoint (Windows only).
Include Patch Information (Windows only) Checkbox Checked Specify to get information about patches (Windows only).
Include Disk Information Checkbox Checked Specify to get information about Disks.
Include Network Interface Information Checkbox Checked Specify to get information about network interfaces.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Hostname
  • IP Address

Action results

Entity enrichment
Enrichment Field Name Logic-When to apply
patches_info Returns if it exists in JSON result
Disks_info Returns if it exists in JSON result
network_interfaces Returns if it exists in JSON result
Os_info Returns if it exists in JSON result
installed_security_products Returns if it exists in JSON result
Script result
Script Result Name Value options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
        "collection_id": "f7d a62bb-318d-40c1-a490-85979c0c9ede",
        "installed_on": "2/3/2018",
        "hotfix_id": "KB4049065",
        "machine_id": "870499c3-d6bf-8edd-972d-f2f6621dd971"
        "disk_id": "\\\\Device\\\\HarddiskVolume2",
        "fstype": "NTFS",
        "disk_total": 15579738112,
        "disk_free": 1219571712,
        "collection_id": "a27ebace-32ec-4257-ab4f-7da49f02a9d4",
        "device": "\\\\Device\\\\HarddiskVolume2",
        "path": "C:\\\\",
        "machine_id": "5dc677fd-6b47-7df9-f7f4-d45434c8d0f8"
        "machine_id": "5dc677fd-6b47-7df9-f7f4-d45434c8d0f8",
        "mac_address": "01:23:45:ab:cd:ef",
        "ipv4_addresses": [""],
        "ipv6_addresses": ["1111::1111:1111:1111:1111"],
        "collection_id": "a27ebace-32ec-4257-ab4f-7da49f02a9d4",
        "smp_interface": true,
        "interface_name": "Ethernet0"
          {  "ram_free": 1240039424,
             "page_percent_used": 36.89334358507761,
             "page_total": 2818101248,
             "ram_percent_used": 42.24349594504104,
             "ram_total": 2147012608,
             "ram_used": 906973184,
             "page_used": 1039691776,
             "page_free": 1778409472
        "doc_type": "collection",
        "domain": "PC-01.test.com",
          {  "status": "unmonitored",
             "ad_hostname": "test.com",
             "operating_system": "Windows 10.0 ",
             "name": "PC-01",
             "display_operating_system": "Windows 10 (v1511)",
             "hostname": "PC-01",
             "updated_at": "2020-03-08T08:27:22.919880+00:00",
             "mac_address": "01:23:45:ab:cd:ef",
             "machine_id": "5dc677fd-6b47-7df9-f7f4-d45434c8d0f8",
             "ip_address": "",
             "id": "b23c8a14-69e0-4966-b78a-c9fba4fdd934"
       "investigation_id": "85cff906-8b39-4a37-aa05-84950c9b2a02",
       "hostname": "PC-01",
       "bulk_task_id": null,
       "original_machine_id": "5dc677fd-6b47-7df9-f7f4-d45434c8d0f8",
            "os_minor": 0,
            "os_is_server": false,
            "os_major": 10,
            "os_build_number": 10586,
            "os_service_pack": ""
      "correlation_id": "7e17de5a-abcb-4de0-a510-7ca79bfdc345",
      "architecture": "x64",
            "malware_feature_version": "3.0.0",
            "sensor_build_time": "1581375786",
            "sensor_commit_sha": "80af56b6b295de785e502d82f39deac34973b2dd",
            "sensor_build_number": 48,
            "sensor_version": "3.53.9"
           "tz_observes_dst": true,
           "tz_currently_in_dst": false,
           "tz_name": "Pacific Standard Time",
           "tz_offset_minutes": 480
     "os_type": "windows",
           "distinguished_name": "CN=PC-01,OU=TESTOU,OU=Organization,DC=test,DC=com",
           "domain_hostname": "test.com"
     "origination_task_id": "d3d67012-cfb1-47d0-8ec9-bf7ffb68a019"
     "security_product_type": "AntiVirus",
     "collection_id": "a27ebace-32ec-4257-ab4f-7da49f02a9d4",
     "machine_id": "5dc677fd-6b47-7df9-f7f4-d45434c8d0f8",
     "enabled": false, "name": "Windows Defender"
 "Entity": "PC-01"

User Sessions Survey

Get information about an active user sessions on a specific Endgame endpoint.


Parameter Type Default Value Description
Max Items to Return String 50 Specify how many items to return.

Run on

  • Hostname
  • IP Address

Action results

Entity enrichment
Enrichment Field Name Logic-When to apply
username Returns if it exists in JSON result
shell Returns if it exists in JSON result
uid Returns if it exists in JSON result
started Returns if it exists in JSON result
hostname Returns if it exists in JSON result
host_ip Returns if it exists in JSON result
session_id Returns if it exists in JSON result
session_count Returns if it exists in JSON result
terminal Returns if it exists in JSON result
ended Returns if it exists in JSON result
gid Returns if it exists in JSON result
collection_id Returns if it exists in JSON result
machine_id Returns if it exists in JSON result
started Returns if it exists in JSON result
password_last_set Returns if it exists in JSON result
logon_type Returns if it exists in JSON result
sid Returns if it exists in JSON result
Script result
Script Result Name Value options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
        "username": "endgame",
        "shell": "/opt/endgame/bin/console",
        "uid": 1000,
        "started": 1582554802.55514,
        "hostname": "",
        "host_ip": "",
        "session_id": 887,
        "session_count": 1,
        "terminal": "tty1",
        "ended": 0,
        "gid": 1000,
        "collection_id": "1aebade8-9f7b-4237-8c43-2aed8729511e",
        "machine_id": "827255f4-53a2-1823-cac0-7c0f7730ca26"
   "Entity": "PC-01"
 }, {
        "username": "example",
        "domain": "3B",
        "started": 1580205134.001,
        "session_count": 1,
        "ended": 0,
        "password_last_set": 0,
        "logon_type": "interactive",
        "sid": "",
        "collection_id": "88b876b1-5063-40a8-b40e-440df5eb8952",
        "machine_id": "5dc677fd-6b47-7df9-f7f4-d45434c8d0f8"
  "Entity": "PC-02"


For detailed instructions on how to configure a connector in Google Security Operations SOAR, see Configuring the connector.

Endgame Connector

Use the following parameters to configure the connector:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
DeviceProductField String device_product The field name used to determine the device product.
EventClassId String event_name The field name used to determine the event name (sub-type)
PythonProcessTimeout String 30 The timeout limit (in seconds) for the python process running current script
API Root String N/A N/A
Username String N/A N/A
Password Password N/A N/A
Verify SSL Checkbox Unchecked N/A
Max Days Backwards String N/A N/A
Environment Field Name String N/A If defined, the connector extracts the environment from the specified event field. You can manipulate the field data using the regular expression pattern field to extract a specific string.
Alerts Count Limit String N/A N/A
Proxy Server Address String N/A The address of the proxy server to use.
Proxy Username String N/A The proxy username to authenticate with.
Proxy Password Password N/A The proxy password to authenticate with.

Connector rules

  • The connector supports proxy.

  • The connector supports the dynamic list.