Configure Cloud SQL (MySQL) in Application Design Center

Cloud SQL (MySQL) is a fully-managed database service that helps you set up, maintain, manage, and administer your relational databases on Google Cloud.

For more information, see the following:

Required configuration parameters

If your template includes a Cloud SQL (MySQL) component, you must configure the following parameters before you deploy.


Parameter name

Description and constraint information

Background information

Project ID

The App Hub service project where you want to manage the Cloud SQL resource.

Set up App Hub


name Create a MySQL instance

Database Version

databaseVersion SqlDatabaseVersion


region Manage instance locations

Optional configuration parameters

The following parameters are optional. To display advance parameters, in the Configuration area, select Show advanced fields.


Parameter name

Description and constraint information

Background information


gceZone Manage instance locations


edition Introduction to Cloud SQL for MySQL editions

Availability Type

availabilityType Availability in Cloud SQL

Enable Default Db

If selected, create a default database. In the Db Name field, enter the name of the default database.

Create a database on the Cloud SQL instance

Enable Default User

If selected, create a default user. Enter a User Name and User Password for the default user.

Default MySQL user

Root Password


Initial root password when the instance is created.


tier Custom instance configurations

Disk Autoresize

Disk Autoresize

storageAutoResize Enable automatic storage increases

Disk Autoresize Limit

storageAutoResizeLimit Automatic storage increase limit

Disk Size

dataDiskSizeGb Storage capacity

Disk Type

dataDiskType Storage type

Pricing Plan

PricingPlan SqlPricingPlan

Backup Configuration

Binary Log Enabled

backupConfiguration Create a MySQL instance


enabled Create a MySQL instance

Start Time


Create a MySQL instance


location Custom backup locations


location Custom backup locations

Transaction Log Retention Days

transactionLogRetentionDays Log retention period

Retained Backups

retainedBackups Logs and disk usage

Retention Unit

retentionUnit Logs and disk usage

User Host

The host for the default user.


Deletion protection

If selected, the Cloud SQL instance cannot be deleted. Prevent deletion of an instance

User Deletion Policy

To allow the user to be abandoned rather than deleted, enter ABANDON.

MySQL users cannot be deleted if they have been granted SQL roles.

Data Cache Enabled

Data cache Data cache overview

Additional Databases


Resource: Database Create and manage databases


collation Create and manage databases

Additional Users


name About MySQL users and roles


Enter a password, or select Random Password to generate a password.

About MySQL users and roles


SqlUserType About MySQL users and roles


host About MySQL users and roles

IAM Users


The IAM user's name

IAM authentication


The IAM user's email

Add an individual IAM user or service account to a Cloud SQL instance


SqlUserType Add an individual IAM user or service account to a Cloud SQL instance

Random Instance Name

Add a random suffix to the end of the instance name.

Replica Database Version

The read replica database version to use. Only use during a database update.


Master Instance Name

masterInstanceName Create read replicas

Instance Type

instanceType SqlInstanceType

Secondary Zone

The preferred zone for the replica instance.


Follow GAE Application

The App Engine application to follow. Must be in the same region as the Cloud SQL instance.


Activation Policy

SqlActivationPolicy Activation Policy

Deletion Protection Enabled

deletionProtectionEnabled Prevent deletion of an instance

Read Replica Deletion Protection Enabled

To block Terraform from deleting replica SQL Instances, select the checkbox.

Considering deletion protection for read replicas

Maintenance Window

Maintenance Window Day

day About maintenance on Cloud SQL instances

Maintenance Window Hour

hour About maintenance on Cloud SQL instances

Maintenance Window Update Track

updateTrack About maintenance on Cloud SQL instances

Database flags


databaseFlags Configure database flags


databaseFlags Configure database flags

User Labels


Key label for the Cloud SQL instance.



Value label for the Cloud SQL instance.


Deny Maintenance Period

End Date

endDate Configure a deny maintenance period

Start Date

startDate Configure a deny maintenance period


time Configure a deny maintenance period

Insights Config

Query Plans Per Minute

queryPlansPerMinute Use query insights to improve query performance

Query String Length

queryStringLength Use query insights to improve query performance

Record Application Tags

recordApplicationTags Enable query insights

Record Client Address

recordClientAddress Enable query insights

IP Configuration

Authorized Network Key

authorizedNetworks[] Authorize with authorized networks

Authorized Network Value

authorizedNetworks[] Authorize with authorized networks

IPv4 Enabled

ipv4Enabled Configure Public IP

Private Network

privateNetwork Configure Private IP

SSL Mode

sslMode SSL mode

Allocated IP Range

allocatedIpRange Allocated IP address ranges for services

Enable Private Path for Google Cloud Services

Private path for Google Cloud services Create an instance that supports private services access and Private Service Connect

PSC Enabled

pscEnabled Private Service Connect overview

PSC Allowed Consumer Projects

allowedConsumerProjects Create an instance that supports private services access and Private Service Connect

Password Validation Policy Config

Enable Password Policy

enablePasswordPolicy Set password policy

Min Length

minLength Set password policy


complexity Set password policy

Disallow Username Substring

disallowUsernameSubstring Set password policy

Read Replicas

Read Replica Name Suffix

The optional suffix to add to the read instance name

Read replicas

DB Charset

charset Create a database on the Cloud SQL instance

DB Collation

collation Create a database on the Cloud SQL instance

Create Timeout

The optional timeout that is applied to limit long database creates.

Update Timeout

The optional timeout that is applied to limit long database updates.

Delete Timeout

The optional timeout that is applied to limit long database deletes.

Encryption Key Name

diskEncryptionConfiguration About client-side encryption

Read Replica Deletion Protection

If selected, blocks Terraform from deleting replica SQL Instances.

Enable Random Password Special

If selected, enables special characters in generated random passwords.

Connector Enforcement

ConnectorEnforcement Cloud SQL Language Connectors overview

Enable Google ML Integration

enableGoogleMlIntegration Build generative AI applications using Cloud SQL

Database Integration Roles

The roles required by the default database instance service account for integration with Google Cloud services.

Before you begin