google.appengine.ext.key_range 的源代码

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Key range representation and splitting."""

import os

  import json as simplejson
except ImportError:
    import simplejson
  except ImportError:
    simplejson = None

from google.appengine.api import datastore
from google.appengine.api import namespace_manager
from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_pb
from google.appengine.ext import db

  from google.appengine.ext import ndb
except ImportError:
  ndb = None
# It is acceptable to set key_range.ndb to the ndb module,
# imported through some other way (e.g. from the app dir).

[docs]class Error(Exception): """Base class for exceptions in this module."""
[docs]class KeyRangeError(Error): """Error while trying to generate a KeyRange."""
[docs]class SimplejsonUnavailableError(Error): """Error using json functionality with unavailable json and simplejson."""
def _IsNdbQuery(query): return ndb is not None and isinstance(query, ndb.Query)
[docs]class KeyRange(object): """Represents a range of keys in the datastore. A KeyRange object represents a key range (key_start, include_start, key_end, include_end) and a scan direction (KeyRange.DESC or KeyRange.ASC). """ DESC = "DESC" ASC = "ASC" def __init__(self, key_start=None, key_end=None, direction=None, include_start=True, include_end=True, namespace=None, _app=None): """Initialize a KeyRange object. Args: key_start: The starting key for this range (db.Key or ndb.Key). key_end: The ending key for this range (db.Key or ndb.Key). direction: The direction of the query for this range. include_start: Whether the start key should be included in the range. include_end: Whether the end key should be included in the range. namespace: The namespace for this range. If None then the current namespace is used. NOTE: If NDB keys are passed in, they are converted to db.Key instances before being stored. """ if direction is None: direction = KeyRange.ASC assert direction in (KeyRange.ASC, KeyRange.DESC) self.direction = direction if ndb is not None: if isinstance(key_start, ndb.Key): key_start = key_start.to_old_key() if isinstance(key_end, ndb.Key): key_end = key_end.to_old_key() self.key_start = key_start self.key_end = key_end self.include_start = include_start self.include_end = include_end if namespace is not None: self.namespace = namespace else: self.namespace = namespace_manager.get_namespace() self._app = _app def __str__(self): if self.include_start: left_side = "[" else: left_side = "(" if self.include_end: right_side = "]" else: right_side = ")" return "%s%s%r to %r%s" % (self.direction, left_side, self.key_start, self.key_end, right_side) def __repr__(self): return ("key_range.KeyRange(key_start=%r,key_end=%r,direction=%r," "include_start=%r,include_end=%r, namespace=%r)") % ( self.key_start, self.key_end, self.direction, self.include_start, self.include_end, self.namespace)
[docs] def advance(self, key): """Updates the start of the range immediately past the specified key. Args: key: A db.Key or ndb.Key. """ self.include_start = False if ndb is not None: if isinstance(key, ndb.Key): key = key.to_old_key() self.key_start = key
[docs] def filter_query(self, query, filters=None): """Add query filter to restrict to this key range. Args: query: A db.Query or ndb.Query instance. filters: optional list of filters to apply to the query. Each filter is a tuple: (<property_name_as_str>, <query_operation_as_str>, <value>). User filters are applied first. Returns: The input query restricted to this key range. """ if ndb is not None: if _IsNdbQuery(query): return self.filter_ndb_query(query, filters=filters) assert not _IsNdbQuery(query) if filters: for f in filters: query.filter("%s %s" % (f[0], f[1]), f[2]) if self.include_start: start_comparator = ">=" else: start_comparator = ">" if self.include_end: end_comparator = "<=" else: end_comparator = "<" if self.key_start: query.filter("__key__ %s" % start_comparator, self.key_start) if self.key_end: query.filter("__key__ %s" % end_comparator, self.key_end) return query
[docs] def filter_ndb_query(self, query, filters=None): """Add query filter to restrict to this key range. Args: query: An ndb.Query instance. filters: optional list of filters to apply to the query. Each filter is a tuple: (<property_name_as_str>, <query_operation_as_str>, <value>). User filters are applied first. Returns: The input query restricted to this key range. """ assert _IsNdbQuery(query) if filters: for f in filters: query = query.filter(ndb.FilterNode(*f)) if self.include_start: start_comparator = ">=" else: start_comparator = ">" if self.include_end: end_comparator = "<=" else: end_comparator = "<" if self.key_start: query = query.filter(ndb.FilterNode("__key__", start_comparator, self.key_start)) if self.key_end: query = query.filter(ndb.FilterNode("__key__", end_comparator, self.key_end)) return query
[docs] def filter_datastore_query(self, query, filters=None): """Add query filter to restrict to this key range. Args: query: A datastore.Query instance. filters: optional list of filters to apply to the query. Each filter is a tuple: (<property_name_as_str>, <query_operation_as_str>, <value>). User filters are applied first. Returns: The input query restricted to this key range. """ assert isinstance(query, datastore.Query) if filters: for f in filters: query.update({"%s %s" % (f[0], f[1]): f[2]}) if self.include_start: start_comparator = ">=" else: start_comparator = ">" if self.include_end: end_comparator = "<=" else: end_comparator = "<" if self.key_start: query.update({"__key__ %s" % start_comparator: self.key_start}) if self.key_end: query.update({"__key__ %s" % end_comparator: self.key_end}) return query
def __get_direction(self, asc, desc): """Check that self.direction is in (KeyRange.ASC, KeyRange.DESC). Args: asc: Argument to return if self.direction is KeyRange.ASC desc: Argument to return if self.direction is KeyRange.DESC Returns: asc or desc appropriately Raises: KeyRangeError: if self.direction is not in (KeyRange.ASC, KeyRange.DESC). """ if self.direction == KeyRange.ASC: return asc elif self.direction == KeyRange.DESC: return desc else: raise KeyRangeError("KeyRange direction unexpected: %s", self.direction)
[docs] def make_directed_query(self, kind_class, keys_only=False): """Construct a query for this key range, including the scan direction. Args: kind_class: A kind implementation class (a subclass of either db.Model or ndb.Model). keys_only: bool, default False, use keys_only on Query? Returns: A db.Query or ndb.Query instance (corresponding to kind_class). Raises: KeyRangeError: if self.direction is not in (KeyRange.ASC, KeyRange.DESC). """ if ndb is not None: if issubclass(kind_class, ndb.Model): return self.make_directed_ndb_query(kind_class, keys_only=keys_only) assert self._app is None, '_app is not supported for db.Query' direction = self.__get_direction("", "-") query = db.Query(kind_class, namespace=self.namespace, keys_only=keys_only) query.order("%s__key__" % direction) query = self.filter_query(query) return query
[docs] def make_directed_ndb_query(self, kind_class, keys_only=False): """Construct an NDB query for this key range, including the scan direction. Args: kind_class: An ndb.Model subclass. keys_only: bool, default False, use keys_only on Query? Returns: An ndb.Query instance. Raises: KeyRangeError: if self.direction is not in (KeyRange.ASC, KeyRange.DESC). """ assert issubclass(kind_class, ndb.Model) if keys_only: default_options = ndb.QueryOptions(keys_only=True) else: default_options = None query = kind_class.query(app=self._app, namespace=self.namespace, default_options=default_options) query = self.filter_ndb_query(query) if self.__get_direction(True, False): query = query.order(kind_class._key) else: query = query.order(-kind_class._key) return query
[docs] def make_directed_datastore_query(self, kind, keys_only=False): """Construct a query for this key range, including the scan direction. Args: kind: A string. keys_only: bool, default False, use keys_only on Query? Returns: A datastore.Query instance. Raises: KeyRangeError: if self.direction is not in (KeyRange.ASC, KeyRange.DESC). """ direction = self.__get_direction(datastore.Query.ASCENDING, datastore.Query.DESCENDING) query = datastore.Query(kind, _app=self._app, keys_only=keys_only) query.Order(("__key__", direction)) query = self.filter_datastore_query(query) return query
[docs] def make_ascending_query(self, kind_class, keys_only=False, filters=None): """Construct a query for this key range without setting the scan direction. Args: kind_class: A kind implementation class (a subclass of either db.Model or ndb.Model). keys_only: bool, default False, query only for keys. filters: optional list of filters to apply to the query. Each filter is a tuple: (<property_name_as_str>, <query_operation_as_str>, <value>). User filters are applied first. Returns: A db.Query or ndb.Query instance (corresponding to kind_class). """ if ndb is not None: if issubclass(kind_class, ndb.Model): return self.make_ascending_ndb_query( kind_class, keys_only=keys_only, filters=filters) assert self._app is None, '_app is not supported for db.Query' query = db.Query(kind_class, namespace=self.namespace, keys_only=keys_only) query.order("__key__") query = self.filter_query(query, filters=filters) return query
[docs] def make_ascending_ndb_query(self, kind_class, keys_only=False, filters=None): """Construct an NDB query for this key range, without the scan direction. Args: kind_class: An ndb.Model subclass. keys_only: bool, default False, query only for keys. Returns: An ndb.Query instance. """ assert issubclass(kind_class, ndb.Model) if keys_only: default_options = ndb.QueryOptions(keys_only=True) else: default_options = None query = kind_class.query(app=self._app, namespace=self.namespace, default_options=default_options) query = self.filter_ndb_query(query, filters=filters) query = query.order(kind_class._key) return query
[docs] def make_ascending_datastore_query(self, kind, keys_only=False, filters=None): """Construct a query for this key range without setting the scan direction. Args: kind: A string. keys_only: bool, default False, use keys_only on Query? filters: optional list of filters to apply to the query. Each filter is a tuple: (<property_name_as_str>, <query_operation_as_str>, <value>). User filters are applied first. Returns: A datastore.Query instance. """ query = datastore.Query(kind, namespace=self.namespace, _app=self._app, keys_only=keys_only) query.Order(("__key__", datastore.Query.ASCENDING)) query = self.filter_datastore_query(query, filters=filters) return query
[docs] def split_range(self, batch_size=0): """Split this key range into a list of at most two ranges. This method attempts to split the key range approximately in half. Numeric ranges are split in the middle into two equal ranges and string ranges are split lexicographically in the middle. If the key range is smaller than batch_size it is left unsplit. Note that splitting is done without knowledge of the distribution of actual entities in the key range, so there is no guarantee (nor any particular reason to believe) that the entities of the range are evenly split. Args: batch_size: The maximum size of a key range that should not be split. Returns: A list of one or two key ranges covering the same space as this range. """ key_start = self.key_start key_end = self.key_end include_start = self.include_start include_end = self.include_end key_pairs = [] if not key_start: key_pairs.append((key_start, include_start, key_end, include_end, KeyRange.ASC)) elif not key_end: key_pairs.append((key_start, include_start, key_end, include_end, KeyRange.DESC)) else: key_split = KeyRange.split_keys(key_start, key_end, batch_size) first_include_end = True if key_split == key_start: first_include_end = first_include_end and include_start key_pairs.append((key_start, include_start, key_split, first_include_end, KeyRange.DESC)) second_include_end = include_end if key_split == key_end: second_include_end = False key_pairs.append((key_split, False, key_end, second_include_end, KeyRange.ASC)) ranges = [KeyRange(key_start=start, include_start=include_start, key_end=end, include_end=include_end, direction=direction, namespace=self.namespace, _app=self._app) for (start, include_start, end, include_end, direction) in key_pairs] return ranges
def __hash__(self): raise TypeError('KeyRange is unhashable') def __cmp__(self, other): """Compare two key ranges. Key ranges with a value of None for key_start or key_end, are always considered to have include_start=False or include_end=False, respectively, when comparing. Since None indicates an unbounded side of the range, the include specifier is meaningless. The ordering generated is total but somewhat arbitrary. Args: other: An object to compare to this one. Returns: -1: if this key range is less than other. 0: if this key range is equal to other. 1: if this key range is greater than other. """ if not isinstance(other, KeyRange): return 1 self_list = [self.key_start, self.key_end, self.direction, self.include_start, self.include_end, self._app, self.namespace] if not self.key_start: self_list[3] = False if not self.key_end: self_list[4] = False other_list = [other.key_start, other.key_end, other.direction, other.include_start, other.include_end, other._app, other.namespace] if not other.key_start: other_list[3] = False if not other.key_end: other_list[4] = False return cmp(self_list, other_list)
[docs] @staticmethod def bisect_string_range(start, end): """Returns a string that is approximately in the middle of the range. (start, end) is treated as a string range, and it is assumed start <= end in the usual lexicographic string ordering. The output key mid is guaranteed to satisfy start <= mid <= end. The method proceeds by comparing initial characters of start and end. When the characters are equal, they are appended to the mid string. In the first place that the characters differ, the difference characters are averaged and this average is appended to the mid string. If averaging resulted in rounding down, and additional character is added to the mid string to make up for the rounding down. This extra step is necessary for correctness in the case that the average of the two characters is equal to the character in the start string. This method makes the assumption that most keys are ascii and it attempts to perform splitting within the ascii range when that results in a valid split. Args: start: A string. end: A string such that start <= end. Returns: A string mid such that start <= mid <= end. """ if start == end: return start start += "\0" end += "\0" midpoint = [] expected_max = 127 for i in xrange(min(len(start), len(end))): if start[i] == end[i]: midpoint.append(start[i]) else: ord_sum = ord(start[i]) + ord(end[i]) midpoint.append(unichr(ord_sum / 2)) if ord_sum % 2: if len(start) > i + 1: ord_start = ord(start[i+1]) else: ord_start = 0 if ord_start < expected_max: ord_split = (expected_max + ord_start) / 2 else: ord_split = (0xFFFF + ord_start) / 2 midpoint.append(unichr(ord_split)) break return "".join(midpoint)
[docs] @staticmethod def split_keys(key_start, key_end, batch_size): """Return a key that is between key_start and key_end inclusive. This method compares components of the ancestor paths of key_start and key_end. The first place in the path that differs is approximately split in half. If the kind components differ, a new non-existent kind halfway between the two is used to split the space. If the id_or_name components differ, then a new id_or_name that is halfway between the two is selected. If the lower id_or_name is numeric and the upper id_or_name is a string, then the minumum string key u'\0' is used as the split id_or_name. The key that is returned is the shared portion of the ancestor path followed by the generated split component. Args: key_start: A db.Key or ndb.Key instance for the lower end of a range. key_end: A db.Key or ndb.Key instance for the upper end of a range. batch_size: The maximum size of a range that should not be split. Returns: A db.Key instance, k, such that key_start <= k <= key_end. NOTE: Even though ndb.Key instances are accepted as arguments, the return value is always a db.Key instance. """ if ndb is not None: if isinstance(key_start, ndb.Key): key_start = key_start.to_old_key() if isinstance(key_end, ndb.Key): key_end = key_end.to_old_key() assert == assert key_start.namespace() == key_end.namespace() path1 = key_start.to_path() path2 = key_end.to_path() len1 = len(path1) len2 = len(path2) assert len1 % 2 == 0 assert len2 % 2 == 0 out_path = [] min_path_len = min(len1, len2) / 2 for i in xrange(min_path_len): kind1 = path1[2*i] kind2 = path2[2*i] if kind1 != kind2: split_kind = KeyRange.bisect_string_range(kind1, kind2) out_path.append(split_kind) out_path.append(unichr(0)) break last = (len1 == len2 == 2*(i + 1)) id_or_name1 = path1[2*i + 1] id_or_name2 = path2[2*i + 1] id_or_name_split = KeyRange._split_id_or_name( id_or_name1, id_or_name2, batch_size, last) if id_or_name1 == id_or_name_split: out_path.append(kind1) out_path.append(id_or_name1) else: out_path.append(kind1) out_path.append(id_or_name_split) break return db.Key.from_path( *out_path, **{"_app":, "namespace": key_start.namespace()})
@staticmethod def _split_id_or_name(id_or_name1, id_or_name2, batch_size, maintain_batches): """Return an id_or_name that is between id_or_name1 an id_or_name2. Attempts to split the range [id_or_name1, id_or_name2] in half, unless maintain_batches is true and the size of the range [id_or_name1, id_or_name2] is less than or equal to batch_size. Args: id_or_name1: A number or string or the id_or_name component of a key id_or_name2: A number or string or the id_or_name component of a key batch_size: The range size that will not be split if maintain_batches is true. maintain_batches: A boolean for whether to keep small ranges intact. Returns: An id_or_name such that id_or_name1 <= id_or_name <= id_or_name2. """ if (isinstance(id_or_name1, (int, long)) and isinstance(id_or_name2, (int, long))): if not maintain_batches or id_or_name2 - id_or_name1 > batch_size: return (id_or_name1 + id_or_name2) / 2 else: return id_or_name1 elif (isinstance(id_or_name1, basestring) and isinstance(id_or_name2, basestring)): return KeyRange.bisect_string_range(id_or_name1, id_or_name2) else: if (not isinstance(id_or_name1, (int, long)) or not isinstance(id_or_name2, basestring)): raise KeyRangeError("Wrong key order: %r, %r" % (id_or_name1, id_or_name2)) zero_ch = unichr(0) if id_or_name2 == zero_ch: return (id_or_name1 + 2**63 - 1) / 2 return zero_ch
[docs] @staticmethod def guess_end_key(kind, key_start, probe_count=30, split_rate=5): """Guess the end of a key range with a binary search of probe queries. When the 'key_start' parameter has a key hierarchy, this function will only determine the key range for keys in a similar hierarchy. That means if the keys are in the form: kind=Foo, name=bar/kind=Stuff, name=meep only this range will be probed: kind=Foo, name=*/kind=Stuff, name=* That means other entities of kind 'Stuff' that are children of another parent entity kind will be skipped: kind=Other, name=cookie/kind=Stuff, name=meep Args: key_start: The starting key of the search range. In most cases this should be id = 0 or name = '\0'. May be db.Key or ndb.Key. kind: String name of the entity kind. probe_count: Optional, how many probe queries to run. split_rate: Exponential rate to use for splitting the range on the way down from the full key space. For smaller ranges this should be higher so more of the keyspace is skipped on initial descent. Returns: db.Key that is guaranteed to be as high or higher than the highest key existing for this Kind. Doing a query between 'key_start' and this returned Key (inclusive) will contain all entities of this Kind. NOTE: Even though an ndb.Key instance is accepted as argument, the return value is always a db.Key instance. """ if ndb is not None: if isinstance(key_start, ndb.Key): key_start = key_start.to_old_key() app = namespace = key_start.namespace() full_path = key_start.to_path() for index, piece in enumerate(full_path): if index % 2 == 0: continue elif isinstance(piece, basestring): full_path[index] = u"\xffff" else: full_path[index] = 2**63 - 1 key_end = db.Key.from_path(*full_path, **{"_app": app, "namespace": namespace}) split_key = key_end for i in xrange(probe_count): for j in xrange(split_rate): split_key = KeyRange.split_keys(key_start, split_key, 1) results = datastore.Query( kind, {"__key__ >": split_key}, namespace=namespace, _app=app, keys_only=True).Get(1) if results: if results[0].name() and not return KeyRange.guess_end_key( kind, results[0], probe_count - 1, split_rate) else: split_rate = 1 key_start = results[0] split_key = key_end else: key_end = split_key return key_end
[docs] @classmethod def compute_split_points(cls, kind, count): """Computes a set of KeyRanges that are split points for a kind. Args: kind: String with the entity kind to split. count: Number of non-overlapping KeyRanges to generate. Returns: A list of KeyRange objects that are non-overlapping. At most "count" + 1 KeyRange objects will be returned. At least one will be returned. """ query = datastore.Query(kind=kind, keys_only=True) query.Order("__scatter__") random_keys = query.Get(count) if not random_keys: return [cls()] random_keys.sort() key_ranges = [] key_ranges.append(cls( key_start=None, key_end=random_keys[0], direction=cls.ASC, include_start=False, include_end=False)) for i in xrange(0, len(random_keys) - 1): key_ranges.append(cls( key_start=random_keys[i], key_end=random_keys[i + 1], direction=cls.ASC, include_start=True, include_end=False)) key_ranges.append(cls( key_start=random_keys[-1], key_end=None, direction=cls.ASC, include_start=True, include_end=False)) return key_ranges
[docs] def to_json(self): """Serialize KeyRange to json. Returns: string with KeyRange json representation. """ if simplejson is None: raise SimplejsonUnavailableError( "JSON functionality requires json or simplejson to be available") def key_to_str(key): if key: return str(key) else: return None obj_dict = { "direction": self.direction, "key_start": key_to_str(self.key_start), "key_end": key_to_str(self.key_end), "include_start": self.include_start, "include_end": self.include_end, "namespace": self.namespace, } if self._app: obj_dict["_app"] = self._app return simplejson.dumps(obj_dict, sort_keys=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json(json_str): """Deserialize KeyRange from its json representation. Args: json_str: string with json representation created by key_range_to_json. Returns: deserialized KeyRange instance. """ if simplejson is None: raise SimplejsonUnavailableError( "JSON functionality requires json or simplejson to be available") def key_from_str(key_str): if key_str: return db.Key(key_str) else: return None json = simplejson.loads(json_str) return KeyRange(key_from_str(json["key_start"]), key_from_str(json["key_end"]), json["direction"], json["include_start"], json["include_end"], json.get("namespace"), _app=json.get("_app"))