On-ramp Apigee APIs

This page applies to Apigee and Apigee hybrid.

On-ramping refers to pulling API data from external sources into Apigee API hub. This topic explains how to use the Apigee on-ramping feature. This feature pulls API proxy and deployment data from an Apigee organization into API hub. Once configured to pull data from Apigee, API hub polls Apigee on a regular frequency and updates API hub with the any changes.

For example, if API hub detects that a new API proxy was deployed in Apigee, API hub creates a new API resource for the deployed proxy and adds metadata such as deployment status, version, and API details are added to the API resource.

If API hub detects any changes in deployment status and API proxy attributes and applies them to the corresponding API resource in API hub.

Attach an Apigee organization


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the API hub page.

    Go to API hub
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Select On Ramps.
  4. Select Enable Apigee X.
  5. Click Attach Runtime Projects.
  6. Select one or more Apigee organizations
  7. .


To attach an Apigee organization with the REST API:

TBD: The plugin API is not available yet (3/15/24).