This page describes how to drive deep-learning tasks such as image recognition, natural language processing, as well as other compute-intensive tasks using node pools with NVIDIA graphics processing unit (GPU) hardware accelerators for compute power with your Knative serving container instance.
Adding a node pool with GPUs to your GKE cluster
Have an administrator create a node pool with GPUs:
Setting up your service to consume GPUs
You can specify a resource limit to consume GPUs for your service by using the Google Cloud console or the Google Cloud CLI when you deploy a new service, update an existing service, or deploy a revision:
- Go to Knative serving
Click Create service to display the Create service form.
In the Service settings section:
- Select the GKE cluster with the GPU-enabled node pool.
- Specify the name you want to give to your service.
- Click Next to continue to the next section.
In the Configure the service's first revision section:
- Add a container image URL.
- Click Advanced settings and in the GPU allocated menu, select
the number of GPUs
that you want to allocate to your service.
Click Next to continue to the next section.
In the Configure how this service is triggered section, select which connectivity you would like to use to invoke the service.
Click Create to deploy the image to Knative serving and wait for the deployment to finish.
You can download the configuration of an existing service into a
YAML file with the gcloud run services describe
command by using the
You can then modify that YAML file and deploy
those changes with the gcloud beta run services replace
You must ensure that you modify only the specified attributes.
Download the configuration of your service into a file named
on local workspace:gcloud run services describe
SERVICE --format export > service.yamlReplace SERVICE with the name of your Knative serving service.
In your local file, update the
attribute:apiVersion: kind: Service metadata: name: SERVICE_NAME spec: template: spec: containers: – image: IMAGE_URL resources: limits: "
GPU_UNITS "Replace GPU_UNITS with the desired GPU value in Kubernetes GPU units. For example, specify
for 1 GPU.Deploy the YAML file and replace your service with the new configuration by running the following command:
gcloud beta run services replace service.yaml
For more information on GPU performance and cost, see GPUs.