Update admin node image type

This page describes how to update the admin node image type. This affects the osImageType field in the admin cluster configuration file for Google Distributed Cloud.

You can update the admin node image type with the gkectl update admin command as described here.

Update the admin node image type to COS

  1. In your admin cluster configuration file, set osImageType to cos

  2. For each of your admin clusters, run gkectl update command:

    gkectl update admin --config ADMIN_CLUSTER_CONFIG --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG


    • ADMIN_CLUSTER_CONFIG with the path of your admin cluster configuration file.

Update the admin node image type to Ubuntu

  1. In your admin cluster configuration file, set osImageType to ubuntu_containerd

  2. For each of your admin clusters, run gkectl update command:

    gkectl update admin --config ADMIN_CLUSTER_CONFIG --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG


    • ADMIN_CLUSTER_CONFIG with the path of your admin cluster configuration file.