Update clusters

After you create a cluster with bmctl, you can update the custom resources of that cluster. For example, you can add or remove nodes in a node pool. The configuration file is stored as bmctl-workspace/CLUSTER-NAME/CLUSTER-NAME.yaml unless you specified a different location.

This document shows you what cluster configuration options can be updated after you create a cluster, such as to add or remove nodes.

Add or remove nodes in a cluster

In Google Distributed Cloud, you add or remove nodes in a cluster by editing the cluster's node pool definitions. You use the IP address of nodes to add or remove them from a node pool. You can use the bmctl command to change these definitions.

There are three different kinds of node pools in Google Distributed Cloud: control plane, load balancer, and worker node pools.

View node status

You can view the status of nodes and their respective node pools with the kubectl get command.

For example, the following command shows the status of the node pools in the cluster namespace my-cluster:

kubectl -n my-cluster get nodepools.baremetal.cluster.gke.io

The system returns results similar to the following:

my-cluster              3       0             0         0                  0
my-cluster-lb           2       0             0         0                  0
np1                     3       0             0         0                  0

If you need more information on diagnosing your clusters, see Create snapshots for diagnosing clusters.

Change nodes

Most node changes are specified in the cluster config file, which is then applied to the cluster. We recommend you use the cluster config file as the primary source for updating your cluster. It is a best practice to store your config file in a version control system to track changes for troubleshooting purposes. For all cluster types, use the bmctl update command to update your cluster with your node changes.

The Google Distributed Cloud cluster config file includes a header section with credential information. The credential entries and the rest of the config file are valid YAML, but the credential entries are not valid for the cluster resource. Use bmctl update credentials for credential updates.

When you remove nodes from a cluster, they are first drained of any pods. Nodes will not be removed from the cluster if pods can't be rescheduled on other nodes. The bmctl update command will parse the cluster configuration file and apply custom resources based on the parsed result.

Here's a sample configuration with two nodes:

apiVersion: baremetal.cluster.gke.io/v1
kind: NodePool
  name: nodepool1
  namespace: cluster-cluster1
  clusterName: cluster1
  - address:
  - address:

You can remove a node from the node pool by deleting its IP address entry:

apiVersion: baremetal.cluster.gke.io/v1
kind: NodePool
  name: nodepool1
  namespace: cluster-cluster1
  clusterName: cluster1
  - address:

To update the cluster, run the following command for the self-managing clusters, such as admin and standalone clusters:

bmctl update cluster -c CLUSTER_NAME \

After the bmctl update command is executed successfully, it will take a while for machine-init or machine-reset pods to be done.

The following sections describe some important differences for updating specific node types.

Control plane and load balancer nodes

The control plane and load balancer node pool specifications for Google Distributed Cloud are special. These specifications declare and control critical cluster resources. The canonical source for these resources is their respective sections in the cluster config file:

  • spec.controlPlane.nodePoolSpec
  • spec.LoadBalancer.nodePoolSpec

You add or remove control plane or load balancer nodes by editing the array of addresses under nodes in the corresponding section of the cluster config file.

In a high availability (HA) configuration, an odd number of control plane node pools (three or more) are required to establish a quorum to ensure that if a control plane fails, others will take over. If you have an even number of nodes temporarily while ading or removing nodes for maintenance or replacement, your deployment maintains HA as long as you have enough quorum.

Worker nodes

You can add or remove worker nodes directly with the bmctl command. Worker node pools must have at least one desired node. However, if you'd like to remove the whole node pool, use the kubectl command. In the following example, the command deletes a node pool named np1, where the variable for the cluster namespace is my-cluster:

kubectl -n my-cluster delete nodepool np1

Other mutable fields

Besides adding and removing nodes, you can also use the bmctl update command to modify certain elements of your cluster configuration. Typically, to update your cluster resource, you edit your local version of the cluster configuration file and use bmctl update to apply your changes. The bmctl update command is similar to the kubectl apply command.

The following sections outline some common examples for updating an existing cluster by either changing a field value or modifying a related custom resource.


The addressPools section contains fields for specifying load-balancing pools for bundled load balancers. You can add more load-balancing address pools at any time, but you can't remove or modify any existing address pools.

- name: pool1
- name: pool2


The default value of the bypassPreflightCheck field is false. If you set this field to true in the cluster configuration file, the internal preflight checks are ignored you apply resources to existing clusters.

apiVersion: baremetal.cluster.gke.io/v1
kind: Cluster
  name: cluster1
  namespace: cluster-cluster1
    baremetal.cluster.gke.io/private-mode: "true"
  bypassPreflightCheck: true


You can set the loginUser field under the node access configuration. This field supports passwordless sudo capability for machine login.

apiVersion: baremetal.cluster.gke.io/v1
kind: Cluster
  name: cluster1
  namespace: cluster-cluster1
    baremetal.cluster.gke.io/private-mode: "true"
    loginUser: abm


The NetworkGatewayGroup custom resource is used to provide floating IP addresses for advanced networking features, such as the egress NAT gateway or the bundled load-balancing feature with BGP. To use the NetworkGatewayGroup custom resource and related networking features, you must set clusterNetwork.advancedNetworking to true when you create your clusters.

apiVersion: networking.gke.io/v1
kind: NetworkGatewayGroup
  name: default
  namespace: cluster-bm


When you configure bundled load balancers with BGP, the data plane load balancing uses, by default, the same external peers that were specified for control plane peering. Alternatively, you can configure the data plane load balancing separately, using the BGPLoadBalancer custom resource (and the BGPPeer custom resource). For more information, see Configure bundled load balancers with BGP.

apiVersion: networking.gke.io/v1
kind: BGPLoadBalancer
  name: default
  namespace: cluster-bm
    cluster.baremetal.gke.io/default-peer: "true"


When you configure bundled load balancers with BGP, the data plane load balancing uses, by default, the same external peers that were specified for control plane peering. Alternatively, you can configure the data plane load balancing separately, using the BGPPeer custom resource (and the BGPLoadBalancer custom resource). For more information, see Configure bundled load balancers with BGP.

apiVersion: networking.gke.io/v1
kind: BGPPeer
  name: bgppeer1
  namespace: cluster-bm
    cluster.baremetal.gke.io/default-peer: "true"
  localASN: 65001
  peerASN: 65002
  sessions: 2


You can use the bmctl update command to modify NetworkAttachmentDefinition custom resources that correspond to the network.

apiVersion: "k8s.cni.cncf.io/v1"
kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition
  name: gke-network-1
  namespace: cluster-my-cluster
  config: '{
  "type": "ipvlan",
  "master": "enp2342",
  "mode": "l2",
  "ipam": {
    "type": "whereabouts",
    "range": ""

After you modify the config file, you can update the cluster by running the bmctl update command. It will parse the cluster config file and apply custom resources based on the parsed result.

For the self-managing clusters, such as admin and standalone clusters, run:

bmctl update cluster -c CLUSTER_NAME --kubeconfig=KUBECONFIG

For user clusters, run:

bmctl update cluster -c CLUSTER_NAME --admin-kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG