Complete the execution of a workflow

You can use return in the main workflow to stop a workflow's execution. You can also finish a workflow by simply completing the final step (assuming that the step doesn't jump to another).

A workflow's execution stops when one of the following occurs:

Use end

In the main workflow, you can use next: end to stop a workflow's execution if you don't need to return a value. A main workflow that executes a next: end step completes with null as the result.

In a subworkflow, you can use next: end in a step to make it the last step in the subworkflow and return null. It does not need to be in a separate step (unlike return) and can be used in any step. When using either next: end or return, control is returned to the calling subworkflow.

      next: end
      "STEP_NAME": {
        "next": "end"

Use return

Use return to stop a workflow's execution and return a value, variable, or expression:

      return: ${VARIABLE}
      "STEP_NAME": {
        "return": "${VARIABLE}"