Method: googleapis.compute.beta.instances.getSerialPortOutput

Returns the last 1 MB of serial port output from the specified instance.




Required. Name of the instance for this request.



Required. Project ID for this request.



Required. The name of the zone for this request.


integer (int32 format)

Specifies which COM or serial port to retrieve data from.


string (int64 format)

Specifies the starting byte position of the output to return. To start with the first byte of output to the specified port, omit this field or set it to 0. If the output for that byte position is available, this field matches the start parameter sent with the request. If the amount of serial console output exceeds the size of the buffer (1 MB), the oldest output is discarded and is no longer available. If the requested start position refers to discarded output, the start position is adjusted to the oldest output still available, and the adjusted start position is returned as the start property value. You can also provide a negative start position, which translates to the most recent number of bytes written to the serial port. For example, -3 is interpreted as the most recent 3 bytes written to the serial console.

Raised exceptions

ConnectionError In case of a network problem (such as DNS failure or refused connection).
HttpError If the response status is >= 400 (excluding 429 and 503).
TimeoutError If a long-running operation takes longer to finish than the specified timeout limit.
TypeError If an operation or function receives an argument of the wrong type.
ValueError If an operation or function receives an argument of the right type but an inappropriate value. For example, a negative timeout.


If successful, the response contains an instance of SerialPortOutput.

Subworkflow snippet

Some fields might be optional or required. To identify required fields, refer to the API documentation.

- getSerialPortOutput:
    call: googleapis.compute.beta.instances.getSerialPortOutput
        instance: ...
        project: ...
        zone: ...
        port: ...
        start: ...
    result: getSerialPortOutputResult
    "getSerialPortOutput": {
      "call": "googleapis.compute.beta.instances.getSerialPortOutput",
      "args": {
        "instance": "...",
        "project": "...",
        "zone": "...",
        "port": "...",
        "start": "..."
      "result": "getSerialPortOutputResult"