提交 URI

创建 Webrisk 客户端并提交 URI。



如需向 Web Risk 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为本地开发环境设置身份验证

import com.google.cloud.webrisk.v1.WebRiskServiceClient;
import com.google.longrunning.Operation;
import com.google.webrisk.v1.Submission;
import com.google.webrisk.v1.SubmitUriRequest;
import com.google.webrisk.v1.ThreatDiscovery;
import com.google.webrisk.v1.ThreatDiscovery.Platform;
import com.google.webrisk.v1.ThreatInfo;
import com.google.webrisk.v1.ThreatInfo.AbuseType;
import com.google.webrisk.v1.ThreatInfo.Confidence;
import com.google.webrisk.v1.ThreatInfo.Confidence.ConfidenceLevel;
import com.google.webrisk.v1.ThreatInfo.ThreatJustification;
import com.google.webrisk.v1.ThreatInfo.ThreatJustification.JustificationLabel;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

public class SubmitUri {

  public static void main(String[] args)
      throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    // The name of the project that is making the submission.
    String projectId = "GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT";
    // The URI that is being reported for malicious content to be analyzed.
    String uri = "http://testsafebrowsing.appspot.com/s/malware.html";

    submitUri(projectId, uri);

  // Submits a URI suspected of containing malicious content to be reviewed. Returns a
  // google.longrunning.Operation which, once the review is complete, is updated with its result.
  // You can use the [Pub/Sub API] (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub) to receive notifications for
  // the returned Operation.
  // If the result verifies the existence of malicious content, the site will be added to the
  // Google's Social Engineering lists in order to protect users that could get exposed to this
  // threat in the future. Only allow-listed projects can use this method during Early Access.
  public static void submitUri(String projectId, String uri)
      throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
    try (WebRiskServiceClient webRiskServiceClient = WebRiskServiceClient.create()) {

      // Set the URI to be submitted.
      Submission submission = Submission.newBuilder()

      // Set the context about the submission including the type of abuse found on the URI and
      // supporting details.
      ThreatInfo threatInfo = ThreatInfo.newBuilder()
          // The abuse type found on the URI.
          // Confidence that a URI is unsafe.
          // Context about why the URI is unsafe.
              // Labels that explain how the URI was classified.
              // Free-form context on why this URI is unsafe.
              .addComments("Testing Submission")

      // Set the details about how the threat was discovered.
      ThreatDiscovery threatDiscovery = ThreatDiscovery.newBuilder()
          // Platform on which the threat was discovered.
          // CLDR region code of the countries/regions the URI poses a threat ordered
          // from most impact to least impact. Example: "US" for United States.

      SubmitUriRequest submitUriRequest = SubmitUriRequest.newBuilder()
          .setParent(String.format("projects/%s", projectId))

      Operation submissionResponse = webRiskServiceClient.submitUriCallable()
          .get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      System.out.println("Submission response: " + submissionResponse);

如需向 Web Risk 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为本地开发环境设置身份验证

from google.api_core.operation import Operation
from google.cloud import webrisk_v1

def submit_uri(project_id: str, uri: str) -> Operation:
    """Submits a URI suspected of containing malicious content to be reviewed.

    Returns a google.longrunning.Operation which, once the review is complete, is updated with its result.
    You can use the [Pub/Sub API] (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub) to receive notifications for the
    returned Operation.
    If the result verifies the existence of malicious content, the site will be added to the
    Google's Social Engineering lists in order to protect users that could get exposed to this
    threat in the future. Only allow-listed projects can use this method during Early Access.

         project_id: The name of the project that is making the submission.
         uri: The URI that is being reported for malicious content to be analyzed.
             uri = "http://testsafebrowsing.appspot.com/s/malware.html"

        A Long Running Operation ID similar to `projects/1234/operations/5678`.
    webrisk_client = webrisk_v1.WebRiskServiceClient()

    # Set the URI to be submitted.
    submission = webrisk_v1.Submission()
    submission.uri = uri

    # Confidence that a URI is unsafe.
    threat_confidence = webrisk_v1.ThreatInfo.Confidence(

    # Context about why the URI is unsafe.
    threat_justification = webrisk_v1.ThreatInfo.ThreatJustification(
        # Labels that explain how the URI was classified.
        # Free-form context on why this URI is unsafe.
        comments=["Testing submission"],

    # Set the context about the submission including the type of abuse found on the URI and
    # supporting details.
    threat_info = webrisk_v1.ThreatInfo(
        # The abuse type found on the URI.

    # Set the details about how the threat was discovered.
    threat_discovery = webrisk_v1.ThreatDiscovery(
        # Platform on which the threat was discovered.
        # CLDR region code of the countries/regions the URI poses a threat ordered
        # from most impact to least impact. Example: "US" for United States.

    request = webrisk_v1.SubmitUriRequest(

    response = webrisk_client.submit_uri(request)
    return response.operation


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