All Vision API Product Search code samples
This page contains code samples for Vision API Product Search. To search and filter code samples for other Google Cloud products, see the Google Cloud sample browser.
Annotate a batch of images asynchronously (beta)
Annotate a batch of image files in Cloud Storage while off-line.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Java
Detect web annotations in a local file
Perform web annotation detection on a local file.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Java
- Node JS
- Python
- JavaScript
- Go
Get product set information
Retrieve information about a product set.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Node JS
- Go
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
Detect text in a local file
Perform text detection on a local file.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Python
- Go
- Java
Annotate a batch of images asynchronously
Annotate a batch of image files in Cloud Storage while off-line.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Node JS
- Python
- Java
- JavaScript
Get products similar to a local image file
Search for products that are similar to a locally stored image.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript
- Go
- Node JS
Detect text in a document: Bounds
Returns the bounds for the boxes around the text detected in a document.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Python
Process the Cloud Vision API response
Process the Cloud Vision API response when faces are detected in an image.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Node JS
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript
Use geo tagging to detect web annotations on Cloud Storage file
Perform web annotation detection on a file stored in Google Cloud Storage using Geo Tagging
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Python
- Node JS
- Java
- Go
Create a reference image
Create a reference image.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Java
- Go
- Node JS
- JavaScript
Annotate a batch of files in Cloud Storage
Annotate a batch of files in Cloud Storage while online.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Java
- JavaScript
- Node JS
Annotate a batch of local files (beta)
Annotate a batch of local files while online.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Java
- Python
Detect web annotations in a Cloud Storage file
Perform web annotation detection on a file stored in Cloud Storage.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Go
- Java
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Python
Set endpoint
Specifies the location of the API endpoint.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Java
- JavaScript
- Go
- Python
- Node JS
Detect logos in a Cloud Storage image file
Perform logo detection in an image file stored in Cloud Storage.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Python
- Go
- Java
Detect labels in a Cloud Storage file
Perform label detection on a file stored in Google Cloud Storage
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Java
- Go
- JavaScript
- Python
- Node JS
List products in product set
List all products in a product set.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Node JS
- Java
- Go
- JavaScript
- Python
Detect logos in a local image file.
Perform logo detection on a locally stored image file.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Python
- Go
- Java
Add product to product set
Add a product to a product set.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Go
- Node JS
- Python
- Java
Get product information
Retrieve information about a product.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Python
- JavaScript
- Go
- Node JS
- Java
Get the reference images.
Retrieve reference images.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Java
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Python
- Go
Import modules
Import modules for the product search tutorial.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Java
- Go
- Python
- JavaScript
- Node JS
Web detection
Perform web detection on a file, URL, or Cloud Storage URI.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Python
Migrate to Python Client Library v0.25.1
Guide for migrating to the Cloud Vision Python Client Library v0.25.1.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Python
Delete products in a product set
Demonstrates how to delete a batch of products in a product set.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Go
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Python
- Java
Import multiple product images
Import images of multiple products in a product set.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Go
- Python
- JavaScript
- Java
- Node JS
Detect multiple objects in a local file
Perform object detection for multiple objects in an image on a local file.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Python
- Go
- Java
Detect text in a Cloud Storage file
Perform text detection on a file stored in Cloud Storage.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Go
- Node JS
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
Detect handwritten text in a local file (beta)
Perform handwritten text detection on a local file (for beta launch).
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Java
- Python
Web detection: annotate
Perform web detection on a file, URL, or Cloud Storage URI.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Python
Annotate a batch of files in Cloud Storage (beta)
Annotate a batch of files in Cloud Storage while online.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Java
Import libraries for document text detection
Import the standard libraries to draw boxes around the text detected in a document.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Python
Send a request for face detection
Send a request to the Cloud Vision API to detected faces in an image.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Python
- Java
- Node JS
- JavaScript
Update product labels
Update labels for a product.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Java
- Go
- JavaScript
- Node JS
Detect text in a local file
Perform text detection on a local file.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Node JS
- Python
- JavaScript
- Java
- Go
Use geo tagging to detect web annotations on local file
Perform web annotation detection on a local file using geo tagging.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Java
- Python
- Go
- JavaScript
- Node JS
Detect text in a document
Draw boxes around the text detected in a document.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Python
Detect labels on an image
Perform label detection on an image.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Kotlin
- Python
- Go
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Java
Web detection: print annotations
Perform web detection on a file, URL, or Cloud Storage URI.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Python
Delete orphan products
Demonstrates how to delete a batch of orphaned products.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Python
- JavaScript
- Java
- Go
- Node JS
Detect landmarks in a local file
Perform landmark detection on a local file.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Node JS
- Python
- JavaScript
- Go
- Java
Apply crop hints to a local image
Detect a crop region on a local image file.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Python
- Java
- Go
List reference images for product
Retrieves a list of reference images for a product.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Node JS
- Python
- Go
- Java
- JavaScript
Label detection on a local file
Performs label detection on a local document file.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Node JS
Detect safe search on a local file
Perform safe search detection on a local file.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Go
- Java
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Python
Detect image properties in a Cloud Storage file
Perform image properties detection on a file stored in Cloud Storage.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Go
- Node JS
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript
Remove a product from a product set
Remove a product from a product set.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Java
- JavaScript
- Go
- Python
- Node JS
Annotate a batch of local files
Annotate a batch of local files while online.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Node JS
- Python
- Java
- JavaScript
Detect safe search on a Cloud Storage file.
Perform safe search detection on a file stored in Cloud Storage.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- JavaScript
- Java
- Node JS
- Python
- Go
Running the app for document text detection
Run the app that draw boxes around the text detected in a document.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Python
Detect multiple objects in a Cloud Storage file (beta)
Perform object detection for multiple objects in an image on a file stored in Cloud Storage (for beta launch).
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Java
- Python
Detect landmarks in a Cloud Storage file
Perform landmark detection on a file stored in Cloud Storage.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Python
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Go
- Java
Detect faces in a local file
Perform face detection on a local file.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Go
- Python
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Java
Running the app for face detection
Run the app that draws boxes around detected faces in an image.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Java
- Python
- Node JS
List products
Retrieves a list of existing products.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Go
- Java
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Python
List product sets
Retrieves a list of existing product sets.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Java
- Go
- JavaScript
- Python
- Node JS
Detect handwritten text in a Cloud Storage file (beta)
Perform handwritten text detection on a file stored in Cloud Storage (for beta launch).
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- JavaScript
- Java
- Python
- Node JS
Detect labels in a local file
Perform label detection on a local file.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Java
- Go
- JavaScript
- Python
- Node JS
Detect faces in an image
Draw boxes around detected faces in an image.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Java
- Node JS
- Python
Detect faces in a file in Cloud Storage
Perform face detection on a file stored in Cloud Storage
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Java
- Python
- Go
Detect multiple objects in a Cloud Storage file.
Perform object detection for multiple objects in an image on a file stored in Cloud Storage.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Node JS
- Python
- JavaScript
- Java
- Go
Web detection: run app
Perform web detection on a file, URL, or Cloud Storage URI.
- Cloud Vision
- Google Cloud
- Python
Detect text in a PDF file in Cloud Storage
Perform optical character recognition (OCR) on a PDF file stored in Cloud Storage.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Python
- JavaScript
- Java
- Node JS
- Go
Detect multiple objects in a local file (beta)
Perform object detection for multiple objects in an image using on a local file (for beta launch).
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Python
- Java
Delete a reference image
Delete a reference image.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Go
- Java
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Python
Get products similar to a Cloud Storage image file
Search for products that are similar to an image stored as a file in Cloud Storage.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- JavaScript
- Go
- Python
- Node JS
- Java
Detect image properties in a local file
Perform image properties detection on a local file.
- Google Cloud
- Cloud Vision
- Node JS
- Python
- JavaScript
- Java
- Go