Sortie JSON de génération contrôlée avec des valeurs nulles

Autorisez le modèle à générer des réponses nulles lorsqu'il ne dispose pas de suffisamment de contexte pour générer une réponse pertinente.

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Exemple de code

Avant d'essayer cet exemple, suivez les instructions de configuration pour C# décrites dans le guide de démarrage rapide de Vertex AI à l'aide des bibliothèques clientes. Pour en savoir plus, consultez la documentation de référence de l'API Vertex AI C#.

Pour vous authentifier auprès de Vertex AI, configurez le service Identifiants par défaut de l'application. Pour en savoir plus, consultez Configurer l'authentification pour un environnement de développement local.

public async Task<string> GenerateContentWithResponseSchema3(
    string projectId = "your-project-id",
    string location = "us-central1",
    string publisher = "google",
    string model = "gemini-1.5-pro-001")

    var predictionServiceClient = new PredictionServiceClientBuilder
        Endpoint = $"{location}"

    var responseSchema = new OpenApiSchema
        Type = Type.Object,
        Properties =
            ["forecast"] = new()
                Type = Type.Array,
                Items = new()
                    Type = Type.Object,
                    Properties =
                        ["Forecast"] = new() { Type = Type.String },
                        ["Humidity"] = new() { Type = Type.String },
                        ["Temperature"] = new() { Type = Type.Integer },
                        ["Wind Speed"] = new() { Type = Type.Integer }

    string prompt = @"
    The week ahead brings a mix of weather conditions.
    Sunday is expected to be sunny with a temperature of 77°F and a humidity level of 50%. Winds will be light at around 10 km/h.
    Monday will see partly cloudy skies with a slightly cooler temperature of 72°F and humidity increasing to 55%. Winds will pick up slightly to around 15 km/h.
    Tuesday brings rain showers, with temperatures dropping to 64°F and humidity rising to 70%. Expect stronger winds at 20 km/h.
    Wednesday may see thunderstorms, with a temperature of 68°F and high humidity of 75%. Winds will be gusty at 25 km/h.
    Thursday will be cloudy with a temperature of 66°F and moderate humidity at 60%. Winds will ease slightly to 18 km/h.
    Friday returns to partly cloudy conditions, with a temperature of 73°F and lower humidity at 45%. Winds will be light at 12 km/h.
    Finally, Saturday rounds off the week with sunny skies, a temperature of 80°F, and a humidity level of 40%. Winds will be gentle at 8 km/h.";

    var generateContentRequest = new GenerateContentRequest
        Model = $"projects/{projectId}/locations/{location}/publishers/{publisher}/models/{model}",
        Contents =
            new Content
                Role = "USER",
                Parts =
                    new Part { Text = prompt }
        GenerationConfig = new GenerationConfig
            ResponseMimeType = "application/json",
            ResponseSchema = responseSchema

    GenerateContentResponse response = await predictionServiceClient.GenerateContentAsync(generateContentRequest);

    string responseText = response.Candidates[0].Content.Parts[0].Text;

    return responseText;

Avant d'essayer cet exemple, suivez les instructions de configuration pour Go décrites dans le guide de démarrage rapide de Vertex AI à l'aide des bibliothèques clientes. Pour en savoir plus, consultez la documentation de référence de l'API Vertex AI Go.

Pour vous authentifier auprès de Vertex AI, configurez le service Identifiants par défaut de l'application. Pour en savoir plus, consultez Configurer l'authentification pour un environnement de développement local.

import (


// controlledGenerationResponseSchema3 shows how to make sure the generated output
// will always be valid JSON and adhere to a specific schema.
func controlledGenerationResponseSchema3(w io.Writer, projectID, location, modelName string) error {
	// location := "us-central1"
	// modelName := "gemini-1.5-pro-001"
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := genai.NewClient(ctx, projectID, location)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to create client: %w", err)
	defer client.Close()

	model := client.GenerativeModel(modelName)

	model.GenerationConfig.ResponseMIMEType = "application/json"

	// Build an OpenAPI schema, in memory
	model.GenerationConfig.ResponseSchema = &genai.Schema{
		Type: genai.TypeObject,
		Properties: map[string]*genai.Schema{
			"forecast": {
				Type: genai.TypeArray,
				Items: &genai.Schema{
					Type: genai.TypeObject,
					Properties: map[string]*genai.Schema{
						"Day": {
							Type: genai.TypeString,
						"Forecast": {
							Type: genai.TypeString,
						"Humidity": {
							Type: genai.TypeString,
						"Temperature": {
							Type: genai.TypeInteger,
						"Wind Speed": {
							Type: genai.TypeInteger,
					Required: []string{"Day", "Temperature", "Forecast"},

	prompt := `
		The week ahead brings a mix of weather conditions.
		Sunday is expected to be sunny with a temperature of 77°F and a humidity level of 50%. Winds will be light at around 10 km/h.
		Monday will see partly cloudy skies with a slightly cooler temperature of 72°F and humidity increasing to 55%. Winds will pick up slightly to around 15 km/h.
		Tuesday brings rain showers, with temperatures dropping to 64°F and humidity rising to 70%. Expect stronger winds at 20 km/h.
		Wednesday may see thunderstorms, with a temperature of 68°F and high humidity of 75%. Winds will be gusty at 25 km/h.
		Thursday will be cloudy with a temperature of 66°F and moderate humidity at 60%. Winds will ease slightly to 18 km/h.
		Friday returns to partly cloudy conditions, with a temperature of 73°F and lower humidity at 45%. Winds will be light at 12 km/h.
		Finally, Saturday rounds off the week with sunny skies, a temperature of 80°F, and a humidity level of 40%. Winds will be gentle at 8 km/h.

	res, err := model.GenerateContent(ctx, genai.Text(prompt))
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to generate contents: %v", err)

	if len(res.Candidates) == 0 ||
		len(res.Candidates[0].Content.Parts) == 0 {
		return errors.New("empty response from model")

	fmt.Fprint(w, res.Candidates[0].Content.Parts[0])
	return nil

Avant d'essayer cet exemple, suivez les instructions de configuration pour Java décrites dans le guide de démarrage rapide de Vertex AI à l'aide des bibliothèques clientes. Pour en savoir plus, consultez la documentation de référence de l'API Vertex AI Java.

Pour vous authentifier auprès de Vertex AI, configurez le service Identifiants par défaut de l'application. Pour en savoir plus, consultez Configurer l'authentification pour un environnement de développement local.

import java.util.Arrays;

public class ControlledGenerationSchema3 {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "genai-java-demos";
    String location = "us-central1";
    String modelName = "gemini-1.5-pro-001";

    controlGenerationWithJsonSchema3(projectId, location, modelName);

  // Generate responses that are always valid JSON and comply with a JSON schema
  public static String controlGenerationWithJsonSchema3(
      String projectId, String location, String modelName)
      throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs
    // to be created once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
    try (VertexAI vertexAI = new VertexAI(projectId, location)) {
      GenerationConfig generationConfig = GenerationConfig.newBuilder()
              .putProperties("forecast", Schema.newBuilder()
                          .putProperties("Day", Schema.newBuilder()
                          .putProperties("Forecast", Schema.newBuilder()
                          .putProperties("Humidity", Schema.newBuilder()
                          .putProperties("Temperature", Schema.newBuilder()
                          .putProperties("Wind Speed", Schema.newBuilder()
                          .addAllRequired(Arrays.asList("Day", "Temperature", "Forecast"))

      GenerativeModel model = new GenerativeModel(modelName, vertexAI)

      GenerateContentResponse response = model.generateContent(
          "The week ahead brings a mix of weather conditions.\n"
              + "Sunday is expected to be sunny with a temperature of 77°F and a humidity level "
              + "of 50%. Winds will be light at around 10 km/h.\n"
              + "Monday will see partly cloudy skies with a slightly cooler temperature of 72°F "
              + "and humidity increasing to 55%. Winds will pick up slightly to around 15 km/h.\n"
              + "Tuesday brings rain showers, with temperatures dropping to 64°F and humidity"
              + "rising to 70%. Expect stronger winds at 20 km/h.\n"
              + "Wednesday may see thunderstorms, with a temperature of 68°F and high humidity "
              + "of 75%. Winds will be gusty at 25 km/h.\n"
              + "Thursday will be cloudy with a temperature of 66°F and moderate humidity at 60%. "
              + "Winds will ease slightly to 18 km/h.\n"
              + "Friday returns to partly cloudy conditions, with a temperature of 73°F and lower "
              + "humidity at 45%. Winds will be light at 12 km/h.\n"
              + "Finally, Saturday rounds off the week with sunny skies, a temperature of 80°F, "
              + "and a humidity level of 40%. Winds will be gentle at 8 km/h."

      String output = ResponseHandler.getText(response);
      return output;

Avant d'essayer cet exemple, suivez les instructions de configuration pour Python décrites dans le guide de démarrage rapide de Vertex AI à l'aide des bibliothèques clientes. Pour en savoir plus, consultez la documentation de référence de l'API Vertex AI Python.

Pour vous authentifier auprès de Vertex AI, configurez le service Identifiants par défaut de l'application. Pour en savoir plus, consultez Configurer l'authentification pour un environnement de développement local.

import vertexai

from vertexai.generative_models import GenerationConfig, GenerativeModel

# TODO(developer): Update and un-comment below line
# PROJECT_ID = "your-project-id"

vertexai.init(project=PROJECT_ID, location="us-central1")

response_schema = {
    "type": "OBJECT",
    "properties": {
        "forecast": {
            "type": "ARRAY",
            "items": {
                "type": "OBJECT",
                "properties": {
                    "Day": {"type": "STRING", "nullable": True},
                    "Forecast": {"type": "STRING", "nullable": True},
                    "Temperature": {"type": "INTEGER", "nullable": True},
                    "Humidity": {"type": "STRING", "nullable": True},
                    "Wind Speed": {"type": "INTEGER", "nullable": True},
                "required": ["Day", "Temperature", "Forecast", "Wind Speed"],

prompt = """
    The week ahead brings a mix of weather conditions.
    Sunday is expected to be sunny with a temperature of 77°F and a humidity level of 50%. Winds will be light at around 10 km/h.
    Monday will see partly cloudy skies with a slightly cooler temperature of 72°F and the winds will pick up slightly to around 15 km/h.
    Tuesday brings rain showers, with temperatures dropping to 64°F and humidity rising to 70%.
    Wednesday may see thunderstorms, with a temperature of 68°F.
    Thursday will be cloudy with a temperature of 66°F and moderate humidity at 60%.
    Friday returns to partly cloudy conditions, with a temperature of 73°F and the Winds will be light at 12 km/h.
    Finally, Saturday rounds off the week with sunny skies, a temperature of 80°F, and a humidity level of 40%. Winds will be gentle at 8 km/h.

model = GenerativeModel("gemini-1.5-pro-002")

response = model.generate_content(
        response_mime_type="application/json", response_schema=response_schema

# Example response:
#  {"forecast": [{"Day": "Sunday", "Forecast": "Sunny", "Temperature": 77, "Humidity": "50%", "Wind Speed": 10},
#     {"Day": "Monday", "Forecast": "Partly Cloudy", "Temperature": 72, "Wind Speed": 15},
#     {"Day": "Tuesday", "Forecast": "Rain Showers", "Temperature": 64, "Humidity": "70%"},
#     {"Day": "Wednesday", "Forecast": "Thunderstorms", "Temperature": 68},
#     {"Day": "Thursday", "Forecast": "Cloudy", "Temperature": 66, "Humidity": "60%"},
#     {"Day": "Friday", "Forecast": "Partly Cloudy", "Temperature": 73, "Wind Speed": 12},
#     {"Day": "Saturday", "Forecast": "Sunny", "Temperature": 80, "Humidity": "40%", "Wind Speed": 8}]}

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