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Change the tone and writing style of a blurb.

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Prompt Freeform

Here's a blurb for an upcoming startup event. Rewrite this in a more professional tone intended for a corporate email.

"Calling all tech junkies, investors, and curious minds! 🤖🧠🎉

Ready to witness the future? We're throwing a pitch party where brilliant startups will showcase their mind-blowing AI creations. Think healthcare that reads your mind (almost!), businesses that run themselves (we wish!), and robots that make you coffee (we definitely need!).Whether you're an investor, a budding entrepreneur, or just someone who wants to geek out over AI, this event is your jam! Come watch the pitches, mingle with industry experts, and get inspired by these rockstar companies. Oh, and did we mention free food and drinks? Register now before the robots take all the spots! 😉"


Subject: Invitation to [Startup Event Name] - A Showcase of Cutting-Edge AI Innovations

Dear [Recipient Name],

We are pleased to invite you to [Startup Event Name], a unique event showcasing the latest advancements in artificial intelligence. This event will feature a series of pitches from promising startups developing innovative AI solutions across various sectors.

Attendees will have the opportunity to witness firsthand how AI is revolutionizing industries such as healthcare, business operations, and consumer technology. The event will provide a platform for investors, entrepreneurs, and industry experts to connect, network, and explore the potential of AI.

[Optional: Briefly highlight a few specific startups or AI applications that will be featured.]

We encourage you to join us for an evening of insightful presentations, engaging discussions, and networking opportunities. Refreshments will be served.

To register for this event, please visit [Registration Link].

We look forward to welcoming you to [Startup Event Name].


[Your Name/Organization Name]

Model: gemini-1.5-flash-001
Temperature: 1
Max output tokens: 8192
TopK: 40
TopP: 0.95