Créer un glossaire (édition Advanced uniquement)

Créer un glossaire

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Avant d'essayer cet exemple, suivez les instructions de configuration pour Go du guide de démarrage rapide de Cloud Translation : Utiliser les bibliothèques clientes. Pour en savoir plus, consultez la documentation de référence de l'API Cloud Translation en langage Go.

Pour vous authentifier auprès de Cloud Translation, configurez le service Identifiants par défaut de l'application. Pour en savoir plus, consultez Configurer l'authentification pour un environnement de développement local.

import (

	translate ""

// createGlossary creates a glossary to use for other operations.
func createGlossary(w io.Writer, projectID string, location string, glossaryID string, glossaryInputURI string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project-id"
	// location := "us-central1"
	// glossaryID := "my-glossary-display-name"
	// glossaryInputURI := "gs://cloud-samples-data/translation/glossary.csv"

	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := translate.NewTranslationClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("NewTranslationClient: %w", err)
	defer client.Close()

	req := &translatepb.CreateGlossaryRequest{
		Parent: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s", projectID, location),
		Glossary: &translatepb.Glossary{
			Name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/glossaries/%s", projectID, location, glossaryID),
			Languages: &translatepb.Glossary_LanguageCodesSet_{
				LanguageCodesSet: &translatepb.Glossary_LanguageCodesSet{
					LanguageCodes: []string{"en", "ja"},
			InputConfig: &translatepb.GlossaryInputConfig{
				Source: &translatepb.GlossaryInputConfig_GcsSource{
					GcsSource: &translatepb.GcsSource{
						InputUri: glossaryInputURI,

	// The CreateGlossary operation is async.
	op, err := client.CreateGlossary(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("CreateGlossary: %w", err)
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Processing operation name: %q\n", op.Name())

	resp, err := op.Wait(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Wait: %w", err)

	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Created: %v\n", resp.GetName())
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Input URI: %v\n", resp.InputConfig.GetGcsSource().GetInputUri())

	return nil

Avant d'essayer cet exemple, suivez les instructions de configuration pour Java du guide de démarrage rapide de Cloud Translation : Utiliser les bibliothèques clientes. Pour en savoir plus, consultez la documentation de référence de l'API Cloud Translation en langage Java.

Pour vous authentifier auprès de Cloud Translation, configurez le service Identifiants par défaut de l'application. Pour en savoir plus, consultez Configurer l'authentification pour un environnement de développement local.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;

public class CreateGlossary {

  public static void createGlossary() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "YOUR-PROJECT-ID";
    String glossaryId = "your-glossary-display-name";
    List<String> languageCodes = new ArrayList<>();
    String inputUri = "gs://your-gcs-bucket/path/to/input/file.txt";
    createGlossary(projectId, glossaryId, languageCodes, inputUri);

  // Create a equivalent term sets glossary
  public static void createGlossary(
      String projectId, String glossaryId, List<String> languageCodes, String inputUri)
      throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {

    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (TranslationServiceClient client = TranslationServiceClient.create()) {
      // Supported Locations: `global`, [glossary location], or [model location]
      // Glossaries must be hosted in `us-central1`
      // Custom Models must use the same location as your model. (us-central1)
      String location = "us-central1";
      LocationName parent = LocationName.of(projectId, location);
      GlossaryName glossaryName = GlossaryName.of(projectId, location, glossaryId);

      // Supported Languages:
      Glossary.LanguageCodesSet languageCodesSet =

      // Configure the source of the file from a GCS bucket
      GcsSource gcsSource = GcsSource.newBuilder().setInputUri(inputUri).build();
      GlossaryInputConfig inputConfig =

      Glossary glossary =

      CreateGlossaryRequest request =

      // Start an asynchronous request
      OperationFuture<Glossary, CreateGlossaryMetadata> future =

      System.out.println("Waiting for operation to complete...");
      Glossary response = future.get();
      System.out.println("Created Glossary.");
      System.out.printf("Glossary name: %s\n", response.getName());
      System.out.printf("Entry count: %s\n", response.getEntryCount());
      System.out.printf("Input URI: %s\n", response.getInputConfig().getGcsSource().getInputUri());

Avant d'essayer cet exemple, suivez les instructions de configuration pour Node.js du guide de démarrage rapide de Cloud Translation : Utiliser les bibliothèques clientes. Pour en savoir plus, consultez la documentation de référence de l'API Cloud Translation en langage Node.js.

Pour vous authentifier auprès de Cloud Translation, configurez le service Identifiants par défaut de l'application. Pour en savoir plus, consultez Configurer l'authentification pour un environnement de développement local.

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID';
// const location = 'global';
// const glossaryId = 'your-glossary-display-name';

// Imports the Google Cloud Translation library
const {TranslationServiceClient} = require('@google-cloud/translate');

// Instantiates a client
const translationClient = new TranslationServiceClient();

async function createGlossary() {
  // Construct glossary
  const glossary = {
    languageCodesSet: {
      languageCodes: ['en', 'es'],
    inputConfig: {
      gcsSource: {
        inputUri: 'gs://cloud-samples-data/translation/glossary.csv',
    name: `projects/${projectId}/locations/${location}/glossaries/${glossaryId}`,

  // Construct request
  const request = {
    parent: `projects/${projectId}/locations/${location}`,
    glossary: glossary,

  // Create glossary using a long-running operation
  const [operation] = await translationClient.createGlossary(request);

  // Wait for the operation to complete
  await operation.promise();

  console.log('Created glossary:');
  console.log(`InputUri ${request.glossary.inputConfig.gcsSource.inputUri}`);


Avant d'essayer cet exemple, suivez les instructions de configuration pour PHP du guide de démarrage rapide de Cloud Translation : Utiliser les bibliothèques clientes. Pour en savoir plus, consultez la documentation de référence de l'API Cloud Translation en langage PHP.

Pour vous authentifier auprès de Cloud Translation, configurez le service Identifiants par défaut de l'application. Pour en savoir plus, consultez Configurer l'authentification pour un environnement de développement local.

use Google\Cloud\Translate\V3\Client\TranslationServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\Translate\V3\CreateGlossaryRequest;
use Google\Cloud\Translate\V3\GcsSource;
use Google\Cloud\Translate\V3\Glossary;
use Google\Cloud\Translate\V3\Glossary\LanguageCodesSet;
use Google\Cloud\Translate\V3\GlossaryInputConfig;

 * @param string $projectId     Your Google Cloud project ID.
 * @param string $glossaryId    Your glossary ID.
 * @param string $inputUri      Path to to source input (e.g. "gs://cloud-samples-data/translation/glossary.csv").
function v3_create_glossary(
    string $projectId,
    string $glossaryId,
    string $inputUri
): void {
    $translationServiceClient = new TranslationServiceClient();

    $formattedParent = $translationServiceClient->locationName(
    $formattedName = $translationServiceClient->glossaryName(
    $languageCodesElement = 'en';
    $languageCodesElement2 = 'ja';
    $languageCodes = [$languageCodesElement, $languageCodesElement2];
    $languageCodesSet = new LanguageCodesSet();
    $gcsSource = (new GcsSource())
    $inputConfig = (new GlossaryInputConfig())
    $glossary = (new Glossary())

    try {
        $request = (new CreateGlossaryRequest())
        $operationResponse = $translationServiceClient->createGlossary($request);
        if ($operationResponse->operationSucceeded()) {
            $response = $operationResponse->getResult();
            printf('Created Glossary.' . PHP_EOL);
            printf('Glossary name: %s' . PHP_EOL, $response->getName());
            printf('Entry count: %s' . PHP_EOL, $response->getEntryCount());
                'Input URI: %s' . PHP_EOL,
        } else {
            $error = $operationResponse->getError();
            // handleError($error)
    } finally {

Avant d'essayer cet exemple, suivez les instructions de configuration pour Python du guide de démarrage rapide de Cloud Translation : Utiliser les bibliothèques clientes. Pour en savoir plus, consultez la documentation de référence de l'API Cloud Translation en langage Python.

Pour vous authentifier auprès de Cloud Translation, configurez le service Identifiants par défaut de l'application. Pour en savoir plus, consultez Configurer l'authentification pour un environnement de développement local.

from import translate_v3 as translate

def create_glossary(
    project_id: str = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID",
    input_uri: str = "YOUR_INPUT_URI",
    glossary_id: str = "YOUR_GLOSSARY_ID",
    timeout: int = 180,
) -> translate.Glossary:
    Create a equivalent term sets glossary. Glossary can be words or
    short phrases (usually fewer than five words).
    client = translate.TranslationServiceClient()

    # Supported language codes:
    source_lang_code = "en"
    target_lang_code = "ja"
    location = "us-central1"  # The location of the glossary

    name = client.glossary_path(project_id, location, glossary_id)
    language_codes_set = translate.types.Glossary.LanguageCodesSet(
        language_codes=[source_lang_code, target_lang_code]

    gcs_source = translate.types.GcsSource(input_uri=input_uri)

    input_config = translate.types.GlossaryInputConfig(gcs_source=gcs_source)

    glossary = translate.types.Glossary(
        name=name, language_codes_set=language_codes_set, input_config=input_config

    parent = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}"
    # glossary is a custom dictionary Translation API uses
    # to translate the domain-specific terminology.
    operation = client.create_glossary(parent=parent, glossary=glossary)

    result = operation.result(timeout)
    print(f"Created: {}")
    print(f"Input Uri: {result.input_config.gcs_source.input_uri}")

    return result

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