Creating and managing jobs

This page shows you how to create and manage Transcoder API jobs.

A job represents the basic unit for managing work with the Transcoder API. When you submit a job to the Transcoder API, you specify the geographic location it should be processed in. You can list all jobs in a region.

To learn more about working with jobs and related Google Cloud resources across geographic regions, see Regions.

Set up your Google Cloud project and authentication

If you have not created a Google Cloud project and credentials, see Before you begin.

Creating jobs

You can create jobs using either a preset job template or a custom job template you have created. To learn how to create a job template, see Creating and managing job templates. Instead of using a template, you can also create a job and directly send the configuration of the job in the request.

The Transcoder API supports two job modes: interactive and batch. The following sections describe how to start a job in interactive mode. To start a job in batch mode, you must set an additional field (see more information on batch jobs).

Creating jobs based on presets

To create a job, use the method. The job transcodes a media file that is stored as an object in Cloud Storage.

Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:

  • PROJECT_ID: Your Google Cloud project ID listed in the IAM Settings.
  • LOCATION: The location where your job will run. Use one of the supported regions.
    • us-central1
    • us-west1
    • us-west2
    • us-east1
    • us-east4
    • southamerica-east1
    • northamerica-northeast1
    • asia-east1
    • asia-northeast1
    • asia-northeast3
    • asia-south1
    • asia-southeast1
    • australia-southeast1
    • europe-west1
    • europe-west2
    • europe-west4
    • me-west1
    • me-central1
    • me-central2
  • STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME: The name of the Cloud Storage bucket you created.
  • STORAGE_INPUT_VIDEO: The name of the video in your Cloud Storage bucket that you are transcoding, such as my-vid.mp4. This field should take into account any folders that you created in the bucket (for example, input/my-vid.mp4).
  • STORAGE_OUTPUT_FOLDER: The Cloud Storage folder name where you want to save the encoded video outputs.

To send your request, expand one of these options:

Save the request body in a file named request.json. Run the following command in the terminal to create or overwrite this file in the current directory:

cat > request.json << 'EOF'
  "templateId": "preset/web-hd"

Then execute the following command to send your REST request:

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d @request.json \

Save the request body in a file named request.json. Run the following command in the terminal to create or overwrite this file in the current directory:

  "templateId": "preset/web-hd"
'@  | Out-File -FilePath request.json -Encoding utf8

Then execute the following command to send your REST request:

$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }

Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method POST `
-Headers $headers `
-ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
-InFile request.json `
-Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content

You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:

  "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/LOCATION/jobs/JOB_ID",
  "config": {
    "inputs": [
        "key": "input0",
    "editList": [
        "key": "atom0",
        "inputs": [
        "startTimeOffset": "0s"
    "elementaryStreams": [
        "videoStream": {
          "h264": {
            "widthPixels": 640,
            "heightPixels": 360,
            "frameRate": 30,
            "bitrateBps": 550000,
            "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
            "rateControlMode": "vbr",
            "crfLevel": 21,
            "gopDuration": "3s",
            "vbvSizeBits": 550000,
            "vbvFullnessBits": 495000,
            "entropyCoder": "cabac",
            "bFrameCount": 3,
            "aqStrength": 1,
            "profile": "high",
            "preset": "veryfast"
        "key": "video-stream0"
        "videoStream": {
          "h264": {
            "widthPixels": 1280,
            "heightPixels": 720,
            "frameRate": 30,
            "bitrateBps": 2500000,
            "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
            "rateControlMode": "vbr",
            "crfLevel": 21,
            "gopDuration": "3s",
            "vbvSizeBits": 2500000,
            "vbvFullnessBits": 2250000,
            "entropyCoder": "cabac",
            "bFrameCount": 3,
            "aqStrength": 1,
            "profile": "high",
            "preset": "veryfast"
        "key": "video-stream1"
        "audioStream": {
          "codec": "aac",
          "bitrateBps": 64000,
          "channelCount": 2,
          "channelLayout": [
          "sampleRateHertz": 48000
        "key": "audio-stream0"
    "muxStreams": [
        "key": "sd",
        "fileName": "sd.mp4",
        "container": "mp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
        "key": "hd",
        "fileName": "hd.mp4",
        "container": "mp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
        "key": "media-sd",
        "fileName": "media-sd.ts",
        "container": "ts",
        "elementaryStreams": [
        "key": "media-hd",
        "fileName": "media-hd.ts",
        "container": "ts",
        "elementaryStreams": [
        "key": "video-only-sd",
        "fileName": "video-only-sd.m4s",
        "container": "fmp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
        "key": "video-only-hd",
        "fileName": "video-only-hd.m4s",
        "container": "fmp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
        "key": "audio-only",
        "fileName": "audio-only.m4s",
        "container": "fmp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
    "manifests": [
        "fileName": "manifest.m3u8",
        "type": "HLS",
        "muxStreams": [
        "fileName": "manifest.mpd",
        "type": "DASH",
        "muxStreams": [
    "output": {
  "state": "PENDING",
  "createTime": CREATE_TIME,
  "ttlAfterCompletionDays": 30

Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

  • LOCATION: The location where your job will run. Use one of the supported regions.
    • us-central1
    • us-west1
    • us-west2
    • us-east1
    • us-east4
    • southamerica-east1
    • northamerica-northeast1
    • asia-east1
    • asia-northeast1
    • asia-northeast3
    • asia-south1
    • asia-southeast1
    • australia-southeast1
    • europe-west1
    • europe-west2
    • europe-west4
    • me-west1
    • me-central1
    • me-central2
  • STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME: The name of the Cloud Storage bucket you created.
  • STORAGE_INPUT_VIDEO: The name of the video in your Cloud Storage bucket that you are transcoding, such as my-vid.mp4. This field should take into account any folders that you created in the bucket (for example, input/my-vid.mp4).
  • STORAGE_OUTPUT_FOLDER: The Cloud Storage folder name where you want to save the encoded video outputs.

Execute the following command:

Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

gcloud transcoder jobs create \
  --location=LOCATION \
gcloud transcoder jobs create `
  --location=LOCATION `
gcloud transcoder jobs create ^
  --location=LOCATION ^

You should receive a response similar to the following:

  "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/LOCATION/jobs/JOB_ID",
  "config": {
    "inputs": [
        "key": "input0",
    "editList": [
        "key": "atom0",
        "inputs": [
        "startTimeOffset": "0s"
    "elementaryStreams": [
        "videoStream": {
          "h264": {
            "widthPixels": 640,
            "heightPixels": 360,
            "frameRate": 30,
            "bitrateBps": 550000,
            "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
            "rateControlMode": "vbr",
            "crfLevel": 21,
            "gopDuration": "3s",
            "vbvSizeBits": 550000,
            "vbvFullnessBits": 495000,
            "entropyCoder": "cabac",
            "bFrameCount": 3,
            "aqStrength": 1,
            "profile": "high",
            "preset": "veryfast"
        "key": "video-stream0"
        "videoStream": {
          "h264": {
            "widthPixels": 1280,
            "heightPixels": 720,
            "frameRate": 30,
            "bitrateBps": 2500000,
            "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
            "rateControlMode": "vbr",
            "crfLevel": 21,
            "gopDuration": "3s",
            "vbvSizeBits": 2500000,
            "vbvFullnessBits": 2250000,
            "entropyCoder": "cabac",
            "bFrameCount": 3,
            "aqStrength": 1,
            "profile": "high",
            "preset": "veryfast"
        "key": "video-stream1"
        "audioStream": {
          "codec": "aac",
          "bitrateBps": 64000,
          "channelCount": 2,
          "channelLayout": [
          "sampleRateHertz": 48000
        "key": "audio-stream0"
    "muxStreams": [
        "key": "sd",
        "fileName": "sd.mp4",
        "container": "mp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
        "key": "hd",
        "fileName": "hd.mp4",
        "container": "mp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
        "key": "media-sd",
        "fileName": "media-sd.ts",
        "container": "ts",
        "elementaryStreams": [
        "key": "media-hd",
        "fileName": "media-hd.ts",
        "container": "ts",
        "elementaryStreams": [
        "key": "video-only-sd",
        "fileName": "video-only-sd.m4s",
        "container": "fmp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
        "key": "video-only-hd",
        "fileName": "video-only-hd.m4s",
        "container": "fmp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
        "key": "audio-only",
        "fileName": "audio-only.m4s",
        "container": "fmp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
    "manifests": [
        "fileName": "manifest.m3u8",
        "type": "HLS",
        "muxStreams": [
        "fileName": "manifest.mpd",
        "type": "DASH",
        "muxStreams": [
    "output": {
  "state": "PENDING",
  "createTime": CREATE_TIME,
  "ttlAfterCompletionDays": 30

Before trying this sample, follow the C# setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API C# API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

using Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNames;
using Google.Cloud.Video.Transcoder.V1;

public class CreateJobFromPresetSample
    public Job CreateJobFromPreset(
        string projectId, string location, string inputUri, string outputUri, string preset)
        // Create the client.
        TranscoderServiceClient client = TranscoderServiceClient.Create();

        // Build the parent location name.
        LocationName parent = new LocationName(projectId, location);

        // Build the job.
        Job newJob = new Job
            InputUri = inputUri,
            OutputUri = outputUri,
            TemplateId = preset

        // Call the API.
        Job job = client.CreateJob(parent, newJob);

        // Return the result.
        return job;

Before trying this sample, follow the Go setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Go API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

import (

	transcoder ""

// createJobFromPreset creates a job based on a given preset template. See
// for more information.
func createJobFromPreset(w io.Writer, projectID string, location string, inputURI string, outputURI string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project-id"
	// location := "us-central1"
	// inputURI := "gs://my-bucket/my-video-file"
	// outputURI := "gs://my-bucket/my-output-folder/"
	preset := "preset/web-hd"
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := transcoder.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("NewClient: %w", err)
	defer client.Close()

	req := &transcoderpb.CreateJobRequest{
		Parent: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s", projectID, location),
		Job: &transcoderpb.Job{
			InputUri:  inputURI,
			OutputUri: outputURI,
			JobConfig: &transcoderpb.Job_TemplateId{
				TemplateId: preset,
	// Creates the job, Jobs take a variable amount of time to run.
	// You can query for the job state.
	response, err := client.CreateJob(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("createJobFromPreset: %w", err)

	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Job: %v", response.GetName())
	return nil

Before trying this sample, follow the Java setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Java API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.


public class CreateJobFromPreset {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "my-project-id";
    String location = "us-central1";
    String inputUri = "gs://my-bucket/my-video-file";
    String outputUri = "gs://my-bucket/my-output-folder/";
    // See
    // for information on this preset.
    String preset = "preset/web-hd";

    createJobFromPreset(projectId, location, inputUri, outputUri, preset);

  // Creates a job from a preset.
  public static void createJobFromPreset(
      String projectId, String location, String inputUri, String outputUri, String preset)
      throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
    try (TranscoderServiceClient transcoderServiceClient = TranscoderServiceClient.create()) {

      CreateJobRequest createJobRequest =
              .setParent(LocationName.of(projectId, location).toString())

      // Send the job creation request and process the response.
      Job job = transcoderServiceClient.createJob(createJobRequest);
      System.out.println("Job: " + job.getName());

Before trying this sample, follow the Node.js setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Node.js API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// projectId = 'my-project-id';
// location = 'us-central1';
// inputUri = 'gs://my-bucket/my-video-file';
// outputUri = 'gs://my-bucket/my-output-folder/';
// preset = 'preset/web-hd';

// Imports the Transcoder library
const {TranscoderServiceClient} =

// Instantiates a client
const transcoderServiceClient = new TranscoderServiceClient();

async function createJobFromPreset() {
  // Construct request
  const request = {
    parent: transcoderServiceClient.locationPath(projectId, location),
    job: {
      inputUri: inputUri,
      outputUri: outputUri,
      templateId: preset,

  // Run request
  const [response] = await transcoderServiceClient.createJob(request);
  console.log(`Job: ${}`);


Before trying this sample, follow the PHP setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API PHP API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\Client\TranscoderServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\CreateJobRequest;
use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\Job;

 * Creates a job based on a job preset.
 * @param string $projectId The ID of your Google Cloud Platform project.
 * @param string $location The location of the job.
 * @param string $inputUri Uri of the video in the Cloud Storage bucket.
 * @param string $outputUri Uri of the video output folder in the Cloud Storage bucket.
 * @param string $preset The preset template (for example, "preset/web-hd").
function create_job_from_preset($projectId, $location, $inputUri, $outputUri, $preset)
    // Instantiate a client.
    $transcoderServiceClient = new TranscoderServiceClient();

    $formattedParent = $transcoderServiceClient->locationName($projectId, $location);
    $job = new Job();
    $request = (new CreateJobRequest())

    $response = $transcoderServiceClient->createJob($request);

    // Print job name.
    printf('Job: %s' . PHP_EOL, $response->getName());

Before trying this sample, follow the Python setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Python API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

import argparse

from import transcoder_v1
from import (

def create_job_from_preset(
    project_id: str,
    location: str,
    input_uri: str,
    output_uri: str,
    preset: str,
) -> transcoder_v1.types.resources.Job:
    """Creates a job based on a job preset.

        project_id: The GCP project ID.
        location: The location to start the job in.
        input_uri: Uri of the video in the Cloud Storage bucket.
        output_uri: Uri of the video output folder in the Cloud Storage bucket.
        preset: The preset template (for example, 'preset/web-hd').

        The job resource.

    client = TranscoderServiceClient()

    parent = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}"
    job = transcoder_v1.types.Job()
    job.input_uri = input_uri
    job.output_uri = output_uri
    job.template_id = preset

    response = client.create_job(parent=parent, job=job)
    print(f"Job: {}")
    return response

Before trying this sample, follow the Ruby setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Ruby API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

# project_id  = "YOUR-GOOGLE-CLOUD-PROJECT"  # (e.g. "my-project")
# location    = "YOUR-JOB-LOCATION"  # (e.g. "us-central1")
# input_uri   = "YOUR-GCS-INPUT-VIDEO"  # (e.g. "gs://my-bucket/my-video-file")
# output_uri  = "YOUR-GCS-OUTPUT-FOLDER/"  # (e.g. "gs://my-bucket/my-output-folder/")
# preset      = "YOUR-JOB-PRESET"  # (e.g. "preset/web-hd")

# Require the Transcoder client library.
require "google/cloud/video/transcoder"

# Create a Transcoder client.
client = Google::Cloud::Video::Transcoder.transcoder_service

# Build the resource name of the parent.
parent = client.location_path project: project_id, location: location

# Set the job fields.
new_job = {
  input_uri: input_uri,
  output_uri: output_uri,
  template_id: preset

job = client.create_job parent: parent, job: new_job

# Print the job name.
puts "Job: #{}"

Creating jobs based on job templates

If you've created at least one job template in a location, you can specify a job template when sending a request to create a Transcoder API job in that location.

To create a job, use the method.

Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:

  • PROJECT_ID: Your Google Cloud project ID listed in the IAM Settings.
  • LOCATION: The location where your job will run. Use one of the supported regions.
    • us-central1
    • us-west1
    • us-west2
    • us-east1
    • us-east4
    • southamerica-east1
    • northamerica-northeast1
    • asia-east1
    • asia-northeast1
    • asia-northeast3
    • asia-south1
    • asia-southeast1
    • australia-southeast1
    • europe-west1
    • europe-west2
    • europe-west4
    • me-west1
    • me-central1
    • me-central2
  • STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME: The name of the Cloud Storage bucket you created.
  • STORAGE_INPUT_VIDEO: The name of the video in your Cloud Storage bucket that you are transcoding, such as my-vid.mp4. This field should take into account any folders that you created in the bucket (for example, input/my-vid.mp4).
  • STORAGE_OUTPUT_FOLDER: The Cloud Storage folder name where you want to save the encoded video outputs.
  • TEMPLATE_ID: The ID of the job template you created. If you don't specify a custom job template, the Transcoder API uses the preset/web-hd job template.

To send your request, expand one of these options:

Save the request body in a file named request.json. Run the following command in the terminal to create or overwrite this file in the current directory:

cat > request.json << 'EOF'
  "templateId": "TEMPLATE_ID"

Then execute the following command to send your REST request:

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d @request.json \

Save the request body in a file named request.json. Run the following command in the terminal to create or overwrite this file in the current directory:

  "templateId": "TEMPLATE_ID"
'@  | Out-File -FilePath request.json -Encoding utf8

Then execute the following command to send your REST request:

$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }

Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method POST `
-Headers $headers `
-ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
-InFile request.json `
-Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content

You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:

  "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/LOCATION/jobs/JOB_ID",
  "config": {
    "inputs": [
        "key": "input0",
    "editList": [
        "key": "atom0",
        "inputs": [
        "startTimeOffset": "0s"
    "elementaryStreams": [
        "videoStream": {
          "h264": {
            "widthPixels": 640,
            "heightPixels": 360,
            "frameRate": 60,
            "bitrateBps": 550000,
            "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
            "rateControlMode": "vbr",
            "crfLevel": 21,
            "gopDuration": "3s",
            "vbvSizeBits": 550000,
            "vbvFullnessBits": 495000,
            "entropyCoder": "cabac",
            "profile": "high",
            "preset": "veryfast"
        "key": "video-stream0"
        "videoStream": {
          "h264": {
            "widthPixels": 1280,
            "heightPixels": 720,
            "frameRate": 60,
            "bitrateBps": 2500000,
            "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
            "rateControlMode": "vbr",
            "crfLevel": 21,
            "gopDuration": "3s",
            "vbvSizeBits": 2500000,
            "vbvFullnessBits": 2250000,
            "entropyCoder": "cabac",
            "profile": "high",
            "preset": "veryfast"
        "key": "video-stream1"
        "audioStream": {
          "codec": "aac",
          "bitrateBps": 64000,
          "channelCount": 2,
          "channelLayout": [
          "sampleRateHertz": 48000
        "key": "audio-stream0"
    "muxStreams": [
        "key": "sd",
        "fileName": "sd.mp4",
        "container": "mp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
        "key": "hd",
        "fileName": "hd.mp4",
        "container": "mp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
    "output": {
  "state": "PENDING",
  "createTime": CREATE_TIME,
  "ttlAfterCompletionDays": 30
  1. Make the following replacements for the gcloud command:
    • STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME: The name of the Cloud Storage bucket you created.
    • STORAGE_INPUT_VIDEO: The name of the video in your Cloud Storage bucket that you are transcoding, such as my-vid.mp4. This field should take into account any folders that you created in the bucket (for example, input/my-vid.mp4).
    • LOCATION: The location where your job will run. Use one of the supported regions.
      • us-central1
      • us-west1
      • us-west2
      • us-east1
      • us-east4
      • southamerica-east1
      • northamerica-northeast1
      • asia-east1
      • asia-northeast1
      • asia-northeast3
      • asia-south1
      • asia-southeast1
      • australia-southeast1
      • europe-west1
      • europe-west2
      • europe-west4
      • me-west1
      • me-central1
      • me-central2
    • STORAGE_OUTPUT_FOLDER: The Cloud Storage folder name where you want to save the encoded video outputs.
    • TEMPLATE_ID: The ID of the job template you created. If you don't specify a custom job template, the Transcoder API uses the preset/web-hd job template.
  2. Run the following command:
    gcloud transcoder jobs create \
      --location=LOCATION \
    You should see a response similar to the following:
      "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/LOCATION/jobs/JOB_ID",
      "config": {
        "inputs": [
            "key": "input0",
        "editList": [
            "key": "atom0",
            "inputs": [
            "startTimeOffset": "0s"
        "elementaryStreams": [
            "videoStream": {
              "h264": {
                "widthPixels": 640,
                "heightPixels": 360,
                "frameRate": 60,
                "bitrateBps": 550000,
                "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
                "rateControlMode": "vbr",
                "crfLevel": 21,
                "gopDuration": "3s",
                "vbvSizeBits": 550000,
                "vbvFullnessBits": 495000,
                "entropyCoder": "cabac",
                "profile": "high",
                "preset": "veryfast"
            "key": "video-stream0"
            "videoStream": {
              "h264": {
                "widthPixels": 1280,
                "heightPixels": 720,
                "frameRate": 60,
                "bitrateBps": 2500000,
                "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
                "rateControlMode": "vbr",
                "crfLevel": 21,
                "gopDuration": "3s",
                "vbvSizeBits": 2500000,
                "vbvFullnessBits": 2250000,
                "entropyCoder": "cabac",
                "profile": "high",
                "preset": "veryfast"
            "key": "video-stream1"
            "audioStream": {
              "codec": "aac",
              "bitrateBps": 64000,
              "channelCount": 2,
              "channelLayout": [
              "sampleRateHertz": 48000
            "key": "audio-stream0"
        "muxStreams": [
            "key": "sd",
            "fileName": "sd.mp4",
            "container": "mp4",
            "elementaryStreams": [
            "key": "hd",
            "fileName": "hd.mp4",
            "container": "mp4",
            "elementaryStreams": [
        "output": {
      "state": "PENDING",
      "createTime": CREATE_TIME,
      "ttlAfterCompletionDays": 30

Before trying this sample, follow the C# setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API C# API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

using Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNames;
using Google.Cloud.Video.Transcoder.V1;

public class CreateJobFromTemplateSample
    public Job CreateJobFromTemplate(
        string projectId, string location, string inputUri, string outputUri, string templateId)
        // Create the client.
        TranscoderServiceClient client = TranscoderServiceClient.Create();

        // Build the parent location name.
        LocationName parent = new LocationName(projectId, location);

        // Build the job.
        Job newJob = new Job
            InputUri = inputUri,
            OutputUri = outputUri,
            TemplateId = templateId

        // Call the API.
        Job job = client.CreateJob(parent, newJob);

        // Return the result.
        return job;

Before trying this sample, follow the Go setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Go API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

import (

	transcoder ""

// createJobFromTemplate creates a job from a template. See
// for more information.
func createJobFromTemplate(w io.Writer, projectID string, location string, inputURI string, outputURI string, templateID string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project-id"
	// location := "us-central1"
	// inputURI := "gs://my-bucket/my-video-file"
	// outputURI := "gs://my-bucket/my-output-folder/"
	// templateID := "my-job-template"
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := transcoder.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("NewClient: %w", err)
	defer client.Close()

	req := &transcoderpb.CreateJobRequest{
		Parent: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s", projectID, location),
		Job: &transcoderpb.Job{
			InputUri:  inputURI,
			OutputUri: outputURI,
			JobConfig: &transcoderpb.Job_TemplateId{
				TemplateId: templateID,
	// Creates the job, Jobs take a variable amount of time to run.
	// You can query for the job state.
	response, err := client.CreateJob(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("createJobFromTemplate: %w", err)

	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Job: %v", response.GetName())
	return nil

Before trying this sample, follow the Java setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Java API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.


public class CreateJobFromTemplate {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "my-project-id";
    String location = "us-central1";
    String inputUri = "gs://my-bucket/my-video-file";
    String outputUri = "gs://my-bucket/my-output-folder/";
    String templateId = "my-job-template";

    createJobFromTemplate(projectId, location, inputUri, outputUri, templateId);

  // Creates a job from a job template.
  public static void createJobFromTemplate(
      String projectId, String location, String inputUri, String outputUri, String templateId)
      throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
    try (TranscoderServiceClient transcoderServiceClient = TranscoderServiceClient.create()) {

      CreateJobRequest createJobRequest =
              .setParent(LocationName.of(projectId, location).toString())

      // Send the job creation request and process the response.
      Job job = transcoderServiceClient.createJob(createJobRequest);
      System.out.println("Job: " + job.getName());

Before trying this sample, follow the Node.js setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Node.js API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// projectId = 'my-project-id';
// location = 'us-central1';
// inputUri = 'gs://my-bucket/my-video-file';
// outputUri = 'gs://my-bucket/my-output-folder/';
// templateId = 'my-job-template';

// Imports the Transcoder library
const {TranscoderServiceClient} =

// Instantiates a client
const transcoderServiceClient = new TranscoderServiceClient();

async function createJobFromTemplate() {
  // Construct request
  const request = {
    parent: transcoderServiceClient.locationPath(projectId, location),
    job: {
      inputUri: inputUri,
      outputUri: outputUri,
      templateId: templateId,

  // Run request
  const [response] = await transcoderServiceClient.createJob(request);
  console.log(`Job: ${}`);


Before trying this sample, follow the PHP setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API PHP API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\Client\TranscoderServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\CreateJobRequest;
use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\Job;

 * Creates a job based on a job template.
 * @param string $projectId The ID of your Google Cloud Platform project.
 * @param string $location The location of the job.
 * @param string $inputUri Uri of the video in the Cloud Storage bucket.
 * @param string $outputUri Uri of the video output folder in the Cloud Storage bucket.
 * @param string $templateId The job template ID.
function create_job_from_template($projectId, $location, $inputUri, $outputUri, $templateId)
    // Instantiate a client.
    $transcoderServiceClient = new TranscoderServiceClient();

    $formattedParent = $transcoderServiceClient->locationName($projectId, $location);
    $job = new Job();
    $request = (new CreateJobRequest())

    $response = $transcoderServiceClient->createJob($request);

    // Print job name.
    printf('Job: %s' . PHP_EOL, $response->getName());

Before trying this sample, follow the Python setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Python API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

import argparse

from import transcoder_v1
from import (

def create_job_from_template(
    project_id: str,
    location: str,
    input_uri: str,
    output_uri: str,
    template_id: str,
) -> transcoder_v1.types.resources.Job:
    """Creates a job based on a job template.

        project_id: The GCP project ID.
        location: The location to start the job in.
        input_uri: Uri of the video in the Cloud Storage bucket.
        output_uri: Uri of the video output folder in the Cloud Storage bucket.
        template_id: The user-defined template ID.

        The job resource.

    client = TranscoderServiceClient()

    parent = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}"
    job = transcoder_v1.types.Job()
    job.input_uri = input_uri
    job.output_uri = output_uri
    job.template_id = template_id

    response = client.create_job(parent=parent, job=job)
    print(f"Job: {}")
    return response

Before trying this sample, follow the Ruby setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Ruby API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

# project_id  = "YOUR-GOOGLE-CLOUD-PROJECT"  # (e.g. "my-project")
# location    = "YOUR-JOB-LOCATION"  # (e.g. "us-central1")
# input_uri   = "YOUR-GCS-INPUT-VIDEO"  # (e.g. "gs://my-bucket/my-video-file")
# output_uri  = "YOUR-GCS-OUTPUT-FOLDER/"  # (e.g. "gs://my-bucket/my-output-folder/")
# template_id = "YOUR-JOB-TEMPLATE"  # (e.g. "my-job-template")

# Require the Transcoder client library.
require "google/cloud/video/transcoder"

# Create a Transcoder client.
client = Google::Cloud::Video::Transcoder.transcoder_service

# Build the resource name of the parent.
parent = client.location_path project: project_id, location: location

# Set the job fields.
new_job = {
  input_uri: input_uri,
  output_uri: output_uri,
  template_id: template_id

job = client.create_job parent: parent, job: new_job

# Print the job name.
puts "Job: #{}"

The response is similar to the response returned when creating a job using the default template.

Creating jobs with ad-hoc configurations

You can send an ad-hoc configuration for a job with the request to create the job.

To create a job, use the method.

Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:

  • PROJECT_ID: Your Google Cloud project ID listed in the IAM Settings.
  • LOCATION: The location where your job will run. Use one of the supported regions.
    • us-central1
    • us-west1
    • us-west2
    • us-east1
    • us-east4
    • southamerica-east1
    • northamerica-northeast1
    • asia-east1
    • asia-northeast1
    • asia-northeast3
    • asia-south1
    • asia-southeast1
    • australia-southeast1
    • europe-west1
    • europe-west2
    • europe-west4
    • me-west1
    • me-central1
    • me-central2
  • STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME: The name of the Cloud Storage bucket you created.
  • STORAGE_INPUT_VIDEO: The name of the video in your Cloud Storage bucket that you are transcoding, such as my-vid.mp4. This field should take into account any folders that you created in the bucket (for example, input/my-vid.mp4).
  • STORAGE_OUTPUT_FOLDER: The Cloud Storage folder name where you want to save the encoded video outputs.

To send your request, expand one of these options:

Save the request body in a file named request.json. Run the following command in the terminal to create or overwrite this file in the current directory:

cat > request.json << 'EOF'
  "config": {
    "inputs": [
            "key": "input0",
    "elementaryStreams": [
        "key": "video-stream0",
        "videoStream": {
          "h264": {
            "heightPixels": 360,
            "widthPixels": 640,
            "bitrateBps": 550000,
            "frameRate": 60
        "key": "video-stream1",
        "videoStream": {
          "h264": {
            "heightPixels": 720,
            "widthPixels": 1280,
            "bitrateBps": 2500000,
            "frameRate": 60
        "key": "audio-stream0",
        "audioStream": {
          "codec": "aac",
          "bitrateBps": 64000
    "muxStreams": [
        "key": "sd",
        "container": "mp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
        "key": "hd",
        "container": "mp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
    "output": {

Then execute the following command to send your REST request:

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d @request.json \

Save the request body in a file named request.json. Run the following command in the terminal to create or overwrite this file in the current directory:

  "config": {
    "inputs": [
            "key": "input0",
    "elementaryStreams": [
        "key": "video-stream0",
        "videoStream": {
          "h264": {
            "heightPixels": 360,
            "widthPixels": 640,
            "bitrateBps": 550000,
            "frameRate": 60
        "key": "video-stream1",
        "videoStream": {
          "h264": {
            "heightPixels": 720,
            "widthPixels": 1280,
            "bitrateBps": 2500000,
            "frameRate": 60
        "key": "audio-stream0",
        "audioStream": {
          "codec": "aac",
          "bitrateBps": 64000
    "muxStreams": [
        "key": "sd",
        "container": "mp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
        "key": "hd",
        "container": "mp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
    "output": {
'@  | Out-File -FilePath request.json -Encoding utf8

Then execute the following command to send your REST request:

$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }

Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method POST `
-Headers $headers `
-ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
-InFile request.json `
-Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content

You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:

  "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/LOCATION/jobs/JOB_ID",
  "config": {
    "inputs": [
        "key": "input0",
    "editList": [
        "key": "atom0",
        "inputs": [
        "startTimeOffset": "0s"
    "elementaryStreams": [
        "videoStream": {
          "h264": {
            "widthPixels": 640,
            "heightPixels": 360,
            "frameRate": 60,
            "bitrateBps": 550000,
            "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
            "rateControlMode": "vbr",
            "crfLevel": 21,
            "gopDuration": "3s",
            "vbvSizeBits": 550000,
            "vbvFullnessBits": 495000,
            "entropyCoder": "cabac",
            "profile": "high",
            "preset": "veryfast"
        "key": "video-stream0"
        "videoStream": {
          "h264": {
            "widthPixels": 1280,
            "heightPixels": 720,
            "frameRate": 60,
            "bitrateBps": 2500000,
            "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
            "rateControlMode": "vbr",
            "crfLevel": 21,
            "gopDuration": "3s",
            "vbvSizeBits": 2500000,
            "vbvFullnessBits": 2250000,
            "entropyCoder": "cabac",
            "profile": "high",
            "preset": "veryfast"
        "key": "video-stream1"
        "audioStream": {
          "codec": "aac",
          "bitrateBps": 64000,
          "channelCount": 2,
          "channelLayout": [
          "sampleRateHertz": 48000
        "key": "audio-stream0"
    "muxStreams": [
        "key": "sd",
        "fileName": "sd.mp4",
        "container": "mp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
        "key": "hd",
        "fileName": "hd.mp4",
        "container": "mp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
    "output": {
  "state": "PENDING",
  "createTime": CREATE_TIME,
  "ttlAfterCompletionDays": 30

Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

  • LOCATION: The location where your job will run. Use one of the supported regions.
    • us-central1
    • us-west1
    • us-west2
    • us-east1
    • us-east4
    • southamerica-east1
    • northamerica-northeast1
    • asia-east1
    • asia-northeast1
    • asia-northeast3
    • asia-south1
    • asia-southeast1
    • australia-southeast1
    • europe-west1
    • europe-west2
    • europe-west4
    • me-west1
    • me-central1
    • me-central2
  • STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME: The name of the Cloud Storage bucket you created.
  • STORAGE_INPUT_VIDEO: The name of the video in your Cloud Storage bucket that you are transcoding, such as my-vid.mp4. This field should take into account any folders that you created in the bucket (for example, input/my-vid.mp4).
  • STORAGE_OUTPUT_FOLDER: The Cloud Storage folder name where you want to save the encoded video outputs.

Save the following content in a file called request.json:

  "config": {
    "elementaryStreams": [
        "key": "video-stream0",
        "videoStream": {
          "h264": {
            "heightPixels": 360,
            "widthPixels": 640,
            "bitrateBps": 550000,
            "frameRate": 60
        "key": "video-stream1",
        "videoStream": {
          "h264": {
            "heightPixels": 720,
            "widthPixels": 1280,
            "bitrateBps": 2500000,
            "frameRate": 60
        "key": "audio-stream0",
        "audioStream": {
          "codec": "aac",
          "bitrateBps": 64000
    "muxStreams": [
        "key": "sd",
        "container": "mp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
        "key": "hd",
        "container": "mp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [

Execute the following command:

Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

gcloud transcoder jobs create \
  --location=LOCATION \
gcloud transcoder jobs create `
  --location=LOCATION `
gcloud transcoder jobs create ^
  --location=LOCATION ^

You should receive a response similar to the following:

  "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/LOCATION/jobs/JOB_ID",
  "config": {
    "inputs": [
        "key": "input0",
    "editList": [
        "key": "atom0",
        "inputs": [
        "startTimeOffset": "0s"
    "elementaryStreams": [
        "videoStream": {
          "h264": {
            "widthPixels": 640,
            "heightPixels": 360,
            "frameRate": 60,
            "bitrateBps": 550000,
            "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
            "rateControlMode": "vbr",
            "crfLevel": 21,
            "gopDuration": "3s",
            "vbvSizeBits": 550000,
            "vbvFullnessBits": 495000,
            "entropyCoder": "cabac",
            "profile": "high",
            "preset": "veryfast"
        "key": "video-stream0"
        "videoStream": {
          "h264": {
            "widthPixels": 1280,
            "heightPixels": 720,
            "frameRate": 60,
            "bitrateBps": 2500000,
            "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
            "rateControlMode": "vbr",
            "crfLevel": 21,
            "gopDuration": "3s",
            "vbvSizeBits": 2500000,
            "vbvFullnessBits": 2250000,
            "entropyCoder": "cabac",
            "profile": "high",
            "preset": "veryfast"
        "key": "video-stream1"
        "audioStream": {
          "codec": "aac",
          "bitrateBps": 64000,
          "channelCount": 2,
          "channelLayout": [
          "sampleRateHertz": 48000
        "key": "audio-stream0"
    "muxStreams": [
        "key": "sd",
        "fileName": "sd.mp4",
        "container": "mp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
        "key": "hd",
        "fileName": "hd.mp4",
        "container": "mp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
    "output": {
  "state": "PENDING",
  "createTime": CREATE_TIME,
  "ttlAfterCompletionDays": 30

Before trying this sample, follow the C# setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API C# API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

using Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNames;
using Google.Cloud.Video.Transcoder.V1;

public class CreateJobFromAdHocSample
    public Job CreateJobFromAdHoc(
        string projectId, string location, string inputUri, string outputUri)
        // Create the client.
        TranscoderServiceClient client = TranscoderServiceClient.Create();

        // Build the parent location name.
        LocationName parent = new LocationName(projectId, location);

        // Build the job config.
        VideoStream videoStream0 = new VideoStream
            H264 = new VideoStream.Types.H264CodecSettings
                BitrateBps = 550000,
                FrameRate = 60,
                HeightPixels = 360,
                WidthPixels = 640

        VideoStream videoStream1 = new VideoStream
            H264 = new VideoStream.Types.H264CodecSettings
                BitrateBps = 2500000,
                FrameRate = 60,
                HeightPixels = 720,
                WidthPixels = 1280

        AudioStream audioStream0 = new AudioStream
            Codec = "aac",
            BitrateBps = 64000

        ElementaryStream elementaryStream0 = new ElementaryStream
            Key = "video_stream0",
            VideoStream = videoStream0

        ElementaryStream elementaryStream1 = new ElementaryStream
            Key = "video_stream1",
            VideoStream = videoStream1

        ElementaryStream elementaryStream2 = new ElementaryStream
            Key = "audio_stream0",
            AudioStream = audioStream0

        MuxStream muxStream0 = new MuxStream
            Key = "sd",
            Container = "mp4",
            ElementaryStreams = { "video_stream0", "audio_stream0" }

        MuxStream muxStream1 = new MuxStream
            Key = "hd",
            Container = "mp4",
            ElementaryStreams = { "video_stream1", "audio_stream0" }


        Input input = new Input
            Key = "input0",
            Uri = inputUri

        Output output = new Output
            Uri = outputUri

        JobConfig jobConfig = new JobConfig
            Inputs = { input },
            Output = output,
            ElementaryStreams = { elementaryStream0, elementaryStream1, elementaryStream2 },
            MuxStreams = { muxStream0, muxStream1 }

        // Build the job.
        Job newJob = new Job
            Config = jobConfig,
            InputUri = inputUri,
            OutputUri = outputUri

        // Call the API.
        Job job = client.CreateJob(parent, newJob);

        // Return the result.
        return job;

Before trying this sample, follow the Go setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Go API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

import (

	transcoder ""

// createJobFromAdHoc creates a job based on a given configuration. See
// for more information.
func createJobFromAdHoc(w io.Writer, projectID string, location string, inputURI string, outputURI string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project-id"
	// location := "us-central1"
	// inputURI := "gs://my-bucket/my-video-file"
	// outputURI := "gs://my-bucket/my-output-folder/"
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := transcoder.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("NewClient: %w", err)
	defer client.Close()

	req := &transcoderpb.CreateJobRequest{
		Parent: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s", projectID, location),
		Job: &transcoderpb.Job{
			InputUri:  inputURI,
			OutputUri: outputURI,
			JobConfig: &transcoderpb.Job_Config{
				Config: &transcoderpb.JobConfig{
					ElementaryStreams: []*transcoderpb.ElementaryStream{
							Key: "video_stream0",
							ElementaryStream: &transcoderpb.ElementaryStream_VideoStream{
								VideoStream: &transcoderpb.VideoStream{
									CodecSettings: &transcoderpb.VideoStream_H264{
										H264: &transcoderpb.VideoStream_H264CodecSettings{
											BitrateBps:   550000,
											FrameRate:    60,
											HeightPixels: 360,
											WidthPixels:  640,
							Key: "video_stream1",
							ElementaryStream: &transcoderpb.ElementaryStream_VideoStream{
								VideoStream: &transcoderpb.VideoStream{
									CodecSettings: &transcoderpb.VideoStream_H264{
										H264: &transcoderpb.VideoStream_H264CodecSettings{
											BitrateBps:   2500000,
											FrameRate:    60,
											HeightPixels: 720,
											WidthPixels:  1280,
							Key: "audio_stream0",
							ElementaryStream: &transcoderpb.ElementaryStream_AudioStream{
								AudioStream: &transcoderpb.AudioStream{
									Codec:      "aac",
									BitrateBps: 64000,
					MuxStreams: []*transcoderpb.MuxStream{
							Key:               "sd",
							Container:         "mp4",
							ElementaryStreams: []string{"video_stream0", "audio_stream0"},
							Key:               "hd",
							Container:         "mp4",
							ElementaryStreams: []string{"video_stream1", "audio_stream0"},
	// Creates the job, Jobs take a variable amount of time to run.
	// You can query for the job state.
	response, err := client.CreateJob(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("createJobFromAdHoc: %w", err)

	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Job: %v", response.GetName())
	return nil

Before trying this sample, follow the Java setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Java API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.


public class CreateJobFromAdHoc {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "my-project-id";
    String location = "us-central1";
    String inputUri = "gs://my-bucket/my-video-file";
    String outputUri = "gs://my-bucket/my-output-folder/";

    createJobFromAdHoc(projectId, location, inputUri, outputUri);

  // Creates a job from an ad-hoc configuration.
  public static void createJobFromAdHoc(
      String projectId, String location, String inputUri, String outputUri) throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
    try (TranscoderServiceClient transcoderServiceClient = TranscoderServiceClient.create()) {

      VideoStream videoStream0 =

      VideoStream videoStream1 =

      AudioStream audioStream0 =

      JobConfig config =

      CreateJobRequest createJobRequest =
              .setParent(LocationName.of(projectId, location).toString())

      // Send the job creation request and process the response.
      Job job = transcoderServiceClient.createJob(createJobRequest);
      System.out.println("Job: " + job.getName());

Before trying this sample, follow the Node.js setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Node.js API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// projectId = 'my-project-id';
// location = 'us-central1';
// inputUri = 'gs://my-bucket/my-video-file';
// outputUri = 'gs://my-bucket/my-output-folder/';

// Imports the Transcoder library
const {TranscoderServiceClient} =

// Instantiates a client
const transcoderServiceClient = new TranscoderServiceClient();

async function createJobFromAdHoc() {
  // Construct request
  const request = {
    parent: transcoderServiceClient.locationPath(projectId, location),
    job: {
      inputUri: inputUri,
      outputUri: outputUri,
      config: {
        elementaryStreams: [
            key: 'video-stream0',
            videoStream: {
              h264: {
                heightPixels: 360,
                widthPixels: 640,
                bitrateBps: 550000,
                frameRate: 60,
            key: 'video-stream1',
            videoStream: {
              h264: {
                heightPixels: 720,
                widthPixels: 1280,
                bitrateBps: 2500000,
                frameRate: 60,
            key: 'audio-stream0',
            audioStream: {
              codec: 'aac',
              bitrateBps: 64000,
        muxStreams: [
            key: 'sd',
            container: 'mp4',
            elementaryStreams: ['video-stream0', 'audio-stream0'],
            key: 'hd',
            container: 'mp4',
            elementaryStreams: ['video-stream1', 'audio-stream0'],

  // Run request
  const [response] = await transcoderServiceClient.createJob(request);
  console.log(`Job: ${}`);


Before trying this sample, follow the PHP setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API PHP API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\AudioStream;
use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\Client\TranscoderServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\CreateJobRequest;
use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\ElementaryStream;
use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\Job;
use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\JobConfig;
use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\MuxStream;
use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\VideoStream;

 * Creates a job based on an ad-hoc job configuration.
 * @param string $projectId The ID of your Google Cloud Platform project.
 * @param string $location The location of the job.
 * @param string $inputUri Uri of the video in the Cloud Storage bucket.
 * @param string $outputUri Uri of the video output folder in the Cloud Storage bucket.
function create_job_from_ad_hoc($projectId, $location, $inputUri, $outputUri)
    // Instantiate a client.
    $transcoderServiceClient = new TranscoderServiceClient();

    $formattedParent = $transcoderServiceClient->locationName($projectId, $location);
    $jobConfig =
        (new JobConfig())->setElementaryStreams([
            (new ElementaryStream())
                    (new VideoStream())
                            (new VideoStream\H264CodecSettings())
            (new ElementaryStream())
                    (new VideoStream())
                            (new VideoStream\H264CodecSettings())
            (new ElementaryStream())
                    (new AudioStream())
                (new MuxStream())
                    ->setElementaryStreams(['video-stream0', 'audio-stream0']),
                (new MuxStream())
                    ->setElementaryStreams(['video-stream1', 'audio-stream0'])

    $job = (new Job())
    $request = (new CreateJobRequest())

    $response = $transcoderServiceClient->createJob($request);

    // Print job name.
    printf('Job: %s' . PHP_EOL, $response->getName());

Before trying this sample, follow the Python setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Python API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

import argparse

from import transcoder_v1
from import (

def create_job_from_ad_hoc(
    project_id: str,
    location: str,
    input_uri: str,
    output_uri: str,
) -> transcoder_v1.types.resources.Job:
    """Creates a job based on an ad-hoc job configuration.

        project_id: The GCP project ID.
        location: The location to start the job in.
        input_uri: Uri of the video in the Cloud Storage bucket.
        output_uri: Uri of the video output folder in the Cloud Storage bucket.

        The job resource.

    client = TranscoderServiceClient()

    parent = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}"
    job = transcoder_v1.types.Job()
    job.input_uri = input_uri
    job.output_uri = output_uri
    job.config = transcoder_v1.types.JobConfig(
                    codec="aac", bitrate_bps=64000
                elementary_streams=["video-stream0", "audio-stream0"],
                elementary_streams=["video-stream1", "audio-stream0"],
    response = client.create_job(parent=parent, job=job)
    print(f"Job: {}")
    return response

Before trying this sample, follow the Ruby setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Ruby API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

# project_id  = "YOUR-GOOGLE-CLOUD-PROJECT"  # (e.g. "my-project")
# location    = "YOUR-JOB-LOCATION"  # (e.g. "us-central1")
# input_uri   = "YOUR-GCS-INPUT-VIDEO"  # (e.g. "gs://my-bucket/my-video-file")
# output_uri  = "YOUR-GCS-OUTPUT-FOLDER/"  # (e.g. "gs://my-bucket/my-output-folder/")

# Require the Transcoder client library.
require "google/cloud/video/transcoder"

# Create a Transcoder client.
client = Google::Cloud::Video::Transcoder.transcoder_service

# Build the resource name of the parent.
parent = client.location_path project: project_id, location: location

# Build the job config.
new_job = {
  input_uri: input_uri,
  output_uri: output_uri,
  config: {
    elementary_streams: [
        key: "video-stream0",
        video_stream: {
          h264: {
            height_pixels: 360,
            width_pixels: 640,
            bitrate_bps: 550_000,
            frame_rate: 60
        key: "video-stream1",
        video_stream: {
          h264: {
            height_pixels: 720,
            width_pixels: 1280,
            bitrate_bps: 2_500_000,
            frame_rate: 60
        key: "audio-stream0",
        audio_stream: {
          codec: "aac",
          bitrate_bps: 64_000
    mux_streams: [
        key: "sd",
        container: "mp4",
        elementary_streams: [
        key: "hd",
        container: "mp4",
        elementary_streams: [

job = client.create_job parent: parent, job: new_job

# Print the job name.
puts "Job: #{}"

Getting job details

To check the details or status of a job, use the method.

Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:

  • JOB_ID: The ID of the job you created.
  • PROJECT_ID: Your Google Cloud project ID.
  • LOCATION: The location of your job. Use one of the supported regions.
    • us-central1
    • us-west1
    • us-west2
    • us-east1
    • us-east4
    • southamerica-east1
    • northamerica-northeast1
    • asia-east1
    • asia-northeast1
    • asia-northeast3
    • asia-south1
    • asia-southeast1
    • australia-southeast1
    • europe-west1
    • europe-west2
    • europe-west4
    • me-west1
    • me-central1
    • me-central2
  • To send your request, expand one of these options:

    Execute the following command:

    curl -X GET \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \

    Execute the following command:

    $cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
    $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }

    Invoke-WebRequest `
    -Method GET `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content

    You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:

      "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/LOCATION/jobs/JOB_ID",
      "config": {
        "inputs": [
            "key": "input0",
        "editList": [
            "key": "atom0",
            "inputs": [
            "startTimeOffset": "0s"
        "elementaryStreams": [
            "videoStream": {
              "h264": {
                "widthPixels": 640,
                "heightPixels": 360,
                "frameRate": 60,
                "bitrateBps": 550000,
                "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
                "rateControlMode": "vbr",
                "crfLevel": 21,
                "gopDuration": "3s",
                "vbvSizeBits": 550000,
                "vbvFullnessBits": 495000,
                "entropyCoder": "cabac",
                "profile": "high",
                "preset": "veryfast"
            "key": "video-stream0"
            "videoStream": {
              "h264": {
                "widthPixels": 1280,
                "heightPixels": 720,
                "frameRate": 60,
                "bitrateBps": 2500000,
                "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
                "rateControlMode": "vbr",
                "crfLevel": 21,
                "gopDuration": "3s",
                "vbvSizeBits": 2500000,
                "vbvFullnessBits": 2250000,
                "entropyCoder": "cabac",
                "profile": "high",
                "preset": "veryfast"
            "key": "video-stream1"
            "audioStream": {
              "codec": "aac",
              "bitrateBps": 64000,
              "channelCount": 2,
              "channelLayout": [
              "sampleRateHertz": 48000
            "key": "audio-stream0"
        "muxStreams": [
            "key": "sd",
            "fileName": "sd.mp4",
            "container": "mp4",
            "elementaryStreams": [
            "key": "hd",
            "fileName": "hd.mp4",
            "container": "mp4",
            "elementaryStreams": [
        "output": {
      "state": "PENDING",
      "createTime": CREATE_TIME,
      "ttlAfterCompletionDays": 30
    1. Make the following replacements for the gcloud command:
      • JOB_ID: The ID of the job you created.
      • LOCATION: The location of your job. Use one of the supported regions.
        • us-central1
        • us-west1
        • us-west2
        • us-east1
        • us-east4
        • southamerica-east1
        • northamerica-northeast1
        • asia-east1
        • asia-northeast1
        • asia-northeast3
        • asia-south1
        • asia-southeast1
        • australia-southeast1
        • europe-west1
        • europe-west2
        • europe-west4
        • me-west1
        • me-central1
        • me-central2
    2. Run the following command:
      gcloud transcoder jobs describe JOB_ID --location=LOCATION
      You should see a response similar to the following:
        "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/LOCATION/jobs/JOB_ID",
        "config": {
          "inputs": [
              "key": "input0",
          "editList": [
              "key": "atom0",
              "inputs": [
              "startTimeOffset": "0s"
          "elementaryStreams": [
              "videoStream": {
                "h264": {
                  "widthPixels": 640,
                  "heightPixels": 360,
                  "frameRate": 60,
                  "bitrateBps": 550000,
                  "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
                  "rateControlMode": "vbr",
                  "crfLevel": 21,
                  "gopDuration": "3s",
                  "vbvSizeBits": 550000,
                  "vbvFullnessBits": 495000,
                  "entropyCoder": "cabac",
                  "profile": "high",
                  "preset": "veryfast"
              "key": "video-stream0"
              "videoStream": {
                "h264": {
                  "widthPixels": 1280,
                  "heightPixels": 720,
                  "frameRate": 60,
                  "bitrateBps": 2500000,
                  "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
                  "rateControlMode": "vbr",
                  "crfLevel": 21,
                  "gopDuration": "3s",
                  "vbvSizeBits": 2500000,
                  "vbvFullnessBits": 2250000,
                  "entropyCoder": "cabac",
                  "profile": "high",
                  "preset": "veryfast"
              "key": "video-stream1"
              "audioStream": {
                "codec": "aac",
                "bitrateBps": 64000,
                "channelCount": 2,
                "channelLayout": [
                "sampleRateHertz": 48000
              "key": "audio-stream0"
          "muxStreams": [
              "key": "sd",
              "fileName": "sd.mp4",
              "container": "mp4",
              "elementaryStreams": [
              "key": "hd",
              "fileName": "hd.mp4",
              "container": "mp4",
              "elementaryStreams": [
          "output": {
        "state": "PENDING",
        "createTime": CREATE_TIME,
        "ttlAfterCompletionDays": 30

    Before trying this sample, follow the C# setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API C# API reference documentation.

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

    using Google.Cloud.Video.Transcoder.V1;
    public class GetJobSample
        public Job GetJob(string projectId, string location, string jobId)
            // Create the client.
            TranscoderServiceClient client = TranscoderServiceClient.Create();
            // Build the job name.
            JobName jobName = JobName.FromProjectLocationJob(projectId, location, jobId);
            // Call the API.
            Job job = client.GetJob(jobName);
            // Return the result.
            return job;

    Before trying this sample, follow the Go setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Go API reference documentation.

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

    import (
    	transcoder ""
    // getJob gets a previously-created job. See
    // for more information.
    func getJob(w io.Writer, projectID string, location string, jobID string) error {
    	// projectID := "my-project-id"
    	// location := "us-central1"
    	// jobID := "my-job-id"
    	ctx := context.Background()
    	client, err := transcoder.NewClient(ctx)
    	if err != nil {
    		return fmt.Errorf("NewClient: %w", err)
    	defer client.Close()
    	req := &transcoderpb.GetJobRequest{
    		Name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/jobs/%s", projectID, location, jobID),
    	response, err := client.GetJob(ctx, req)
    	if err != nil {
    		return fmt.Errorf("GetJob: %w", err)
    	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Job: %v", response)
    	return nil

    Before trying this sample, follow the Java setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Java API reference documentation.

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

    public class GetJob {
      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
        String projectId = "my-project-id";
        String location = "us-central1";
        String jobId = "my-job-id";
        getJob(projectId, location, jobId);
      // Gets a job.
      public static void getJob(String projectId, String location, String jobId) throws IOException {
        // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
        // once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
        try (TranscoderServiceClient transcoderServiceClient = TranscoderServiceClient.create()) {
          JobName jobName =
          GetJobRequest getJobRequest = GetJobRequest.newBuilder().setName(jobName.toString()).build();
          // Send the get job request and process the response.
          Job job = transcoderServiceClient.getJob(getJobRequest);
          System.out.println("Job: " + job.getName());

    Before trying this sample, follow the Node.js setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Node.js API reference documentation.

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

     * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
    // projectId = 'my-project-id';
    // location = 'us-central1';
    // jobId = 'my-job-id';
    // Imports the Transcoder library
    const {TranscoderServiceClient} =
    // Instantiates a client
    const transcoderServiceClient = new TranscoderServiceClient();
    async function getJob() {
      // Construct request
      const request = {
        name: transcoderServiceClient.jobPath(projectId, location, jobId),
      const [response] = await transcoderServiceClient.getJob(request);
      console.log(`Job: ${}`);

    Before trying this sample, follow the PHP setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API PHP API reference documentation.

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

    use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\Client\TranscoderServiceClient;
    use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\GetJobRequest;
     * Gets a Transcoder job.
     * @param string $projectId The ID of your Google Cloud Platform project.
     * @param string $location The location of the job.
     * @param string $jobId The job ID.
    function get_job($projectId, $location, $jobId)
        // Instantiate a client.
        $transcoderServiceClient = new TranscoderServiceClient();
        $formattedName = $transcoderServiceClient->jobName($projectId, $location, $jobId);
        $request = (new GetJobRequest())
        $job = $transcoderServiceClient->getJob($request);
        // Print job name.
        printf('Job: %s' . PHP_EOL, $job->getName());

    Before trying this sample, follow the Python setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Python API reference documentation.

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

    import argparse
    from import transcoder_v1
    from import (
    def get_job(
        project_id: str,
        location: str,
        job_id: str,
    ) -> transcoder_v1.types.resources.Job:
        """Gets a job.
            project_id: The GCP project ID.
            location: The location this job is in.
            job_id: The job ID.
            The job resource.
        client = TranscoderServiceClient()
        name = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/jobs/{job_id}"
        response = client.get_job(name=name)
        print(f"Job: {}")
        return response

    Before trying this sample, follow the Ruby setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Ruby API reference documentation.

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

    # project_id = "YOUR-GOOGLE-CLOUD-PROJECT"  # (e.g. "my-project")
    # location   = "YOUR-JOB-LOCATION"  # (e.g. "us-central1")
    # job_id     = "YOUR-JOB-ID"  # (e.g. "c82c295b-3f5a-47df-8562-938a89d40fd0")
    # Require the Transcoder client library.
    require "google/cloud/video/transcoder"
    # Create a Transcoder client.
    client = Google::Cloud::Video::Transcoder.transcoder_service
    # Build the resource name of the job.
    name = client.job_path project: project_id, location: location, job: job_id
    # Get the job.
    job = client.get_job name: name
    # Print the job name.
    puts "Job: #{}"

    The response is similar to the response returned when creating a job.

    Listing jobs

    If you want to review all the jobs you created in a location, use the method.

    Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:

  • PROJECT_ID: Your Google Cloud project ID.
  • LOCATION: The location of your jobs. Use one of the supported regions.
    • us-central1
    • us-west1
    • us-west2
    • us-east1
    • us-east4
    • southamerica-east1
    • northamerica-northeast1
    • asia-east1
    • asia-northeast1
    • asia-northeast3
    • asia-south1
    • asia-southeast1
    • australia-southeast1
    • europe-west1
    • europe-west2
    • europe-west4
    • me-west1
    • me-central1
    • me-central2
  • To send your request, expand one of these options:

    Execute the following command:

    curl -X GET \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \

    Execute the following command:

    $cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
    $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }

    Invoke-WebRequest `
    -Method GET `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content

    You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:

      "jobs": [
          "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/LOCATION/jobs/MY_JOB",
          "config": {
          "state": "PENDING",
          "createTime": CREATE_TIME,
          "ttlAfterCompletionDays": 30
          "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/LOCATION/jobs/MY_OTHER_JOB",
          "config": {
          "state": "SUCCEEDED",
          "createTime": CREATE_TIME,
          "startTime": START_TIME,
          "endTime": END_TIME,
          "ttlAfterCompletionDays": 30
    1. Make the following replacements for the gcloud command:
      • LOCATION: The location of your job(s). Use one of the supported regions.
        • us-central1
        • us-west1
        • us-west2
        • us-east1
        • us-east4
        • southamerica-east1
        • northamerica-northeast1
        • asia-east1
        • asia-northeast1
        • asia-northeast3
        • asia-south1
        • asia-southeast1
        • australia-southeast1
        • europe-west1
        • europe-west2
        • europe-west4
        • me-west1
        • me-central1
        • me-central2
    2. Run the following command:
      gcloud transcoder jobs list --location=LOCATION
      You should see a response similar to the following:
      NAME                                                    STATE      FAILURE_REASON
      projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/LOCATION/jobs/JOB_ID  SUCCEEDED
      projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/LOCATION/jobs/abc123  SUCCEEDED

    Before trying this sample, follow the C# setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API C# API reference documentation.

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

    using Google.Cloud.Video.Transcoder.V1;
    using Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNames;
    using Google.Api.Gax;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    public class ListJobsSample
        public IList<Job> ListJobs(string projectId, string location)
            // Create the client.
            TranscoderServiceClient client = TranscoderServiceClient.Create();
            // Build the parent location name.
            LocationName parentLocation = new LocationName(projectId, location);
            // Call the API.
            PagedEnumerable<ListJobsResponse, Job> response = client.ListJobs(parentLocation);
            // The returned sequence will lazily perform RPCs as it's being iterated over.
            return response.ToList();

    Before trying this sample, follow the Go setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Go API reference documentation.

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

    import (
    	transcoder ""
    // listJobs lists all jobs for a given location. See
    // for more
    // information.
    func listJobs(w io.Writer, projectID string, location string) error {
    	// projectID := "my-project-id"
    	// location := "us-central1"
    	ctx := context.Background()
    	client, err := transcoder.NewClient(ctx)
    	if err != nil {
    		return fmt.Errorf("NewClient: %w", err)
    	defer client.Close()
    	req := &transcoderpb.ListJobsRequest{
    		Parent: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s", projectID, location),
    	it := client.ListJobs(ctx, req)
    	fmt.Fprintln(w, "Jobs:")
    	for {
    		response, err := it.Next()
    		if err == iterator.Done {
    		if err != nil {
    			return fmt.Errorf("ListJobs: %w", err)
    		fmt.Fprintln(w, response.GetName())
    	return nil

    Before trying this sample, follow the Java setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Java API reference documentation.

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

    public class ListJobs {
      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
        String projectId = "my-project-id";
        String location = "us-central1";
        listJobs(projectId, location);
      // Lists the jobs for a given location.
      public static void listJobs(String projectId, String location) throws IOException {
        // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
        // once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
        try (TranscoderServiceClient transcoderServiceClient = TranscoderServiceClient.create()) {
          ListJobsRequest listJobsRequest =
                  .setParent(LocationName.of(projectId, location).toString())
          // Send the list jobs request and process the response.
          TranscoderServiceClient.ListJobsPagedResponse response =
          for (Job job : response.iterateAll()) {

    Before trying this sample, follow the Node.js setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Node.js API reference documentation.

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

     * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
    // projectId = 'my-project-id';
    // location = 'us-central1';
    // Imports the Transcoder library
    const {TranscoderServiceClient} =
    // Instantiates a client
    const transcoderServiceClient = new TranscoderServiceClient();
    async function listJobs() {
      const iterable = await transcoderServiceClient.listJobsAsync({
        parent: transcoderServiceClient.locationPath(projectId, location),
      for await (const response of iterable) {

    Before trying this sample, follow the PHP setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API PHP API reference documentation.

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

    use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\Client\TranscoderServiceClient;
    use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\ListJobsRequest;
     * Lists all Transcoder jobs in a location.
     * @param string $projectId The ID of your Google Cloud Platform project.
     * @param string $location The location of the jobs.
    function list_jobs($projectId, $location)
        // Instantiate a client.
        $transcoderServiceClient = new TranscoderServiceClient();
        $formattedParent = $transcoderServiceClient->locationName($projectId, $location);
        $request = (new ListJobsRequest())
        $response = $transcoderServiceClient->listJobs($request);
        // Print job list.
        $jobs = $response->iterateAllElements();
        print('Jobs:' . PHP_EOL);
        foreach ($jobs as $job) {
            printf('%s' . PHP_EOL, $job->getName());

    Before trying this sample, follow the Python setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Python API reference documentation.

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

    import argparse
    from import (
    def list_jobs(
        project_id: str,
        location: str,
    ) -> pagers.ListJobsPager:
        """Lists all jobs in a location.
            project_id: The GCP project ID.
            location: The location of the jobs.
            An iterable object containing job resources.
        client = TranscoderServiceClient()
        parent = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}"
        response = client.list_jobs(parent=parent)
        for job in
        return response

    Before trying this sample, follow the Ruby setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Ruby API reference documentation.

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

    # project_id = "YOUR-GOOGLE-CLOUD-PROJECT"  # (e.g. "my-project")
    # location   = "YOUR-JOB-LOCATION"  # (e.g. "us-central1")
    # Require the Transcoder client library.
    require "google/cloud/video/transcoder"
    # Create a Transcoder client.
    client = Google::Cloud::Video::Transcoder.transcoder_service
    # Build the resource name of the parent.
    parent = client.location_path project: project_id, location: location
    # Get the list of jobs.
    response = client.list_jobs parent: parent
    puts "Jobs:"
    # Print out all jobs.
    response.each do |job|

    Additional results

    The list jobs response may include a nextPageToken, which you can use to retrieve additional results:

      "jobs": [
      "nextPageToken": "NEXT_PAGE_TOKEN"

    In the following curl example, you can then send another request, and include the value of NEXT_PAGE_TOKEN to list additional jobs, similar to the following:

    curl -X GET \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token) \

    See the relevant client library for more information on using this token.

    Filtering results

    You can filter the results of the list jobs method. For example, run the following curl command to list all active jobs:

    curl -X GET \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token) \

    This command uses the negation operator to list jobs that have not failed AND jobs that have not succeeded. The resulting list contains jobs that are running or pending (see ProcessingState for information on job states).

    The following are some example filters:

    • ?filter=state="FAILED"+OR+state="SUCCEEDED": lists jobs that have completed
    • ?filter=createTime+>+"2021-06-09T19:25:21.007649960Z": lists jobs created after a certain timestamp
    • ?filter=inputUri="gs://STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME/STORAGE_INPUT_VIDEO": lists jobs with a certain input URI
    • ?filter=config.output.uri="gs://STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME/STORAGE_OUTPUT_FOLDER/": lists jobs with a certain output URI

    For more information, see AIP-160 - Filtering.

    Deleting jobs

    To delete a job, use the method.

    Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:

  • JOB_ID: The ID of the job you created.
  • PROJECT_ID: Your Google Cloud project ID.
  • LOCATION: The location of your job. Use one of the supported regions.
    • us-central1
    • us-west1
    • us-west2
    • us-east1
    • us-east4
    • southamerica-east1
    • northamerica-northeast1
    • asia-east1
    • asia-northeast1
    • asia-northeast3
    • asia-south1
    • asia-southeast1
    • australia-southeast1
    • europe-west1
    • europe-west2
    • europe-west4
    • me-west1
    • me-central1
    • me-central2
  • To send your request, expand one of these options:

    Execute the following command:

    curl -X DELETE \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \

    Execute the following command:

    $cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
    $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }

    Invoke-WebRequest `
    -Method DELETE `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content

    You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:

    1. Make the following replacements for the gcloud command:
      • JOB_ID: The ID of the job you created.
      • LOCATION: The location of your job. Use one of the supported regions.
        • us-central1
        • us-west1
        • us-west2
        • us-east1
        • us-east4
        • southamerica-east1
        • northamerica-northeast1
        • asia-east1
        • asia-northeast1
        • asia-northeast3
        • asia-south1
        • asia-southeast1
        • australia-southeast1
        • europe-west1
        • europe-west2
        • europe-west4
        • me-west1
        • me-central1
        • me-central2
    2. Run the following command:
      gcloud transcoder jobs delete JOB_ID --location=LOCATION
      You should see a response similar to the following:
      Deleted job [projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION/jobs/JOB_ID].

    Before trying this sample, follow the C# setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API C# API reference documentation.

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

    using Google.Cloud.Video.Transcoder.V1;
    public class DeleteJobSample
        public void DeleteJob(string projectId, string location, string jobId)
            // Create the client.
            TranscoderServiceClient client = TranscoderServiceClient.Create();
            // Build the job name.
            JobName jobName = JobName.FromProjectLocationJob(projectId, location, jobId);
            // Call the API.

    Before trying this sample, follow the Go setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Go API reference documentation.

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

    import (
    	transcoder ""
    // deleteJob deletes a previously-created job. See
    // for more
    // information.
    func deleteJob(w io.Writer, projectID string, location string, jobID string) error {
    	// projectID := "my-project-id"
    	// location := "us-central1"
    	// jobID := "my-job-id"
    	ctx := context.Background()
    	client, err := transcoder.NewClient(ctx)
    	if err != nil {
    		return fmt.Errorf("NewClient: %w", err)
    	defer client.Close()
    	req := &transcoderpb.DeleteJobRequest{
    		Name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/jobs/%s", projectID, location, jobID),
    	err = client.DeleteJob(ctx, req)
    	if err != nil {
    		return fmt.Errorf("DeleteJob: %w", err)
    	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Deleted job")
    	return nil

    Before trying this sample, follow the Java setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Java API reference documentation.

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

    public class DeleteJob {
      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
        String projectId = "my-project-id";
        String location = "us-central1";
        String jobId = "my-job-id";
        deleteJob(projectId, location, jobId);
      // Deletes a job.
      public static void deleteJob(String projectId, String location, String jobId) throws IOException {
        // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
        // once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
        try (TranscoderServiceClient transcoderServiceClient = TranscoderServiceClient.create()) {
          JobName jobName =
          DeleteJobRequest deleteJobRequest = DeleteJobRequest.newBuilder().setName(jobName.toString())
          // Send the delete job request and process the response.
          System.out.println("Deleted job");

    Before trying this sample, follow the Node.js setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Node.js API reference documentation.

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

     * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
    // projectId = 'my-project-id';
    // location = 'us-central1';
    // jobId = 'my-job-id';
    // Imports the Transcoder library
    const {TranscoderServiceClient} =
    // Instantiates a client
    const transcoderServiceClient = new TranscoderServiceClient();
    async function deleteJob() {
      // Construct request
      const request = {
        name: transcoderServiceClient.jobPath(projectId, location, jobId),
      await transcoderServiceClient.deleteJob(request);
      console.log('Deleted job');

    Before trying this sample, follow the PHP setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API PHP API reference documentation.

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

    use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\Client\TranscoderServiceClient;
    use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\DeleteJobRequest;
     * Deletes a Transcoder job.
     * @param string $projectId The ID of your Google Cloud Platform project.
     * @param string $location The location of the job.
     * @param string $jobId The job ID.
    function delete_job($projectId, $location, $jobId)
        // Instantiate a client.
        $transcoderServiceClient = new TranscoderServiceClient();
        $formattedName = $transcoderServiceClient->jobName($projectId, $location, $jobId);
        $request = (new DeleteJobRequest())
        print('Deleted job' . PHP_EOL);

    Before trying this sample, follow the Python setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Python API reference documentation.

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

    import argparse
    from import (
    def delete_job(
        project_id: str,
        location: str,
        job_id: str,
    ) -> None:
        """Gets a job.
            project_id: The GCP project ID.
            location: The location this job is in.
            job_id: The job ID."""
        client = TranscoderServiceClient()
        name = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/jobs/{job_id}"
        response = client.delete_job(name=name)
        print("Deleted job")
        return response

    Before trying this sample, follow the Ruby setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Transcoder API Ruby API reference documentation.

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

    # project_id = "YOUR-GOOGLE-CLOUD-PROJECT"  # (e.g. "my-project")
    # location   = "YOUR-JOB-LOCATION"  # (e.g. "us-central1")
    # job_id     = "YOUR-JOB-ID"  # (e.g. "c82c295b-3f5a-47df-8562-938a89d40fd0")
    # Require the Transcoder client library.
    require "google/cloud/video/transcoder"
    # Create a Transcoder client.
    client = Google::Cloud::Video::Transcoder.transcoder_service
    # Build the resource name of the job.
    name = client.job_path project: project_id, location: location, job: job_id
    # Delete the job.
    client.delete_job name: name
    # Print a success message.
    puts "Deleted job"

    What's next

    Learn about Creating and managing job templates.