Access control with IAM

This page shows how you can control Text-to-Speech access and permissions by using Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and permissions.


Google Cloud offers Identity and Access Management (IAM), which lets you give more granular access to specific Google Cloud resources, and prevent unwanted access to other resources. For information about IAM, see Identity and Access Management documentation.

Text-to-Speech provides a set of predefined roles that help you control access to your Text-to-Speech resources. You can also create your own custom roles, if the predefined roles don't provide the sets of permissions you need.

The basic roles of Editor, Viewer, and Owner are also available, though they don't provide fine-grained control like the Text-to-Speech roles. In particular, the basic roles provide access to resources across Google Cloud. The roles specific to Text-to-Speech provide only Text-to-Speech permissions. For more information, see basic roles.

Predefined roles

Predefined roles provide finer-grained permissions to principals (individuals, groups, or service accounts). The role you grant to a principal controls what actions the principal can take. You can grant multiple roles to the same principal, and you can change the roles granted to a principal at any time, provided you have the permissions to do so.

Broader roles encompass the more narrowly defined roles. For example, the Text-to-Speech Editor role includes all Text-to-Speech Editor role permissions and the Text-to-Speech Viewer role permissions. Likewise, the Text-to-Speech Admin role includes all Text-to-Speech Admin role permissions and the Text-to-Speech Editor role permissions.

Name Text-to-Speech permissions
Text-to-Speech Editor locations.longAudioSynthesize
Read/write access to all Text-to-Speech long audio synthesis resources.
Text-to-Speech Viewer operations.get
Read access to all Text-to-Speech long audio synthesis resources.

Manage Text-to-Speech IAM

You can get and set IAM policies and roles by using the Google Cloud console. For more information, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

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