电子邮件提醒 (v3)

Cloud Talent Solution 还提供了一个搜索 API,即 SearchJobsForAlert,它可以满足“被动求职者”的需求。这些人不一定在主动寻找工作,但如果遇到合适的条件,可能有意申请新职位。例如,如果电子邮件广告旨在定期为接收者提供有关其可能感兴趣的最新招聘信息,则客户可以利用 Cloud Talent Solution 来填充此类电子邮件广告的内容。 SearchJobsForAlert 的结果可能与 searchJobs 不同,旨在用于针对被动求职者的招聘信息提醒电子邮件和其他广告。调用 SearchJobsForAlert 时,您可以使用发布日期过滤器限制招聘信息集搜索结果的范围,仅显示自上次生成提醒以来发布的招聘信息。如需详细了解如何使用此功能,请参阅电子邮件提醒实施指南



如需详细了解如何安装和创建 Cloud Talent Solution 客户端,请参阅 Cloud Talent Solution 客户端库

/** Search jobs for alert. */
public static void searchForAlerts(String companyName) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  // Make sure to set the requestMetadata the same as the associated search request
  RequestMetadata requestMetadata =
      new RequestMetadata()
          // Make sure to hash your userID
          // Make sure to hash the sessionID
          // Domain of the website where the search is conducted

  SearchJobsRequest request =
      new SearchJobsRequest()
          .setSearchMode("JOB_SEARCH"); // Set the search mode to a regular search
  if (companyName != null) {
    request.setJobQuery(new JobQuery().setCompanyNames(Arrays.asList(companyName)));

  SearchJobsResponse response =
          .searchForAlert(DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID, request)
  System.out.printf("Search jobs for alert results: %s\n", response);


如需详细了解如何安装和创建 Cloud Talent Solution 客户端,请参阅 Cloud Talent Solution 客户端库

def search_for_alerts(client_service, company_name):
    request_metadata = {
        "user_id": "HashedUserId",
        "session_id": "HashedSessionId",
        "domain": "www.google.com",
    request = {
        "search_mode": "JOB_SEARCH",
        "request_metadata": request_metadata,
    if company_name is not None:
        request.update({"job_query": {"company_names": [company_name]}})
    response = (
        .searchForAlert(parent=parent, body=request)


如需详细了解如何安装和创建 Cloud Talent Solution 客户端,请参阅 Cloud Talent Solution 客户端库

// searchForAlerts searches for jobs with email alert set which could receive
// updates later if search result updates.
func searchForAlerts(w io.Writer, projectID, companyName string) (*talent.SearchJobsResponse, error) {
	ctx := context.Background()

	client, err := google.DefaultClient(ctx, talent.CloudPlatformScope)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("google.DefaultClient: %w", err)
	// Create the jobs service client.
	service, err := talent.New(client)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("talent.New: %w", err)

	parent := "projects/" + projectID
	req := &talent.SearchJobsRequest{
		// Make sure to set the RequestMetadata the same as the associated
		// search request.
		RequestMetadata: &talent.RequestMetadata{
			// Make sure to hash your userID.
			UserId: "HashedUsrId",
			// Make sure to hash the sessionID.
			SessionId: "HashedSessionId",
			// Domain of the website where the search is conducted.
			Domain: "www.googlesample.com",
		// Set the search mode to a regular search.
		SearchMode: "JOB_SEARCH",
	if companyName != "" {
		req.JobQuery = &talent.JobQuery{
			CompanyNames: []string{companyName},

	resp, err := service.Projects.Jobs.SearchForAlert(parent, req).Do()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to search for jobs with alerts: %w", err)

	fmt.Fprintln(w, "Jobs:")
	for _, j := range resp.MatchingJobs {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t%q\n", j.Job.Name)

	return resp, nil
