PostgreSQL ADO.NET 연결

ADO.NET System.Data.Common 패키지를 사용하여 PostgreSQL용 Cloud SQL에 대한 연결을 열고 닫기 위해 SQL INSERT 문을 실행합니다.

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코드 샘플


insertTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
    using(var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString.ConnectionString))
        using (var insertVoteCommand = connection.CreateCommand())
            insertVoteCommand.CommandText =
                @"INSERT INTO votes (candidate, time_cast) VALUES (@candidate, @time_cast)";
            var candidate = insertVoteCommand.CreateParameter();
            candidate.ParameterName = "@candidate";
            candidate.DbType = DbType.String;
            candidate.Value = team;
            var timeCast = insertVoteCommand.CreateParameter();
            timeCast.ParameterName = "@time_cast";
            timeCast.DbType = DbType.DateTime;
            timeCast.Value = insertTimestamp;
            await insertVoteCommand.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
    return Content($"Vote successfully cast for '{team}' at time {insertTimestamp}!");
catch (Exception ex)
    // If something goes wrong, handle the error in this
    // section. This might involve retrying or adjusting
    // parameters depending on the situation.
    return StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex);

다음 단계

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