Reconoce una solicitud de sincronización

Carga el archivo de audio del disco en la solicitud.

Muestra de código


// Create a Speech client with the default configuration
auto client = speech::SpeechClient(speech::MakeSpeechConnection());
// Parse command line arguments.
auto const args = ParseArguments(argc, argv);
speech::v1::RecognizeRequest request;
*request.mutable_config() = args.config;
  // Load the audio file from disk into the request.
  auto content =
                      std::ifstream(args.path, std::ios::binary).rdbuf()),
// Send audio content using Recognize().
auto response = client.Recognize(request);
if (!response) throw std::move(response).status();
// Dump the transcript of all the results.
for (auto const& result : response->results()) {
  for (auto const& alternative : result.alternatives()) {
    std::cout << alternative.confidence() << "\t" << alternative.transcript()
              << "\n";

¿Qué sigue?

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