Storage Event Function App


Storage Event Function App is an image directory and thumbnail maker. It is made up of the following components:

  • A client application where users can upload images.
    • Container hosted API and static site - Golang - Cloud Run
    • Storage - File Storage - Cloud Storage
  • An image processor that creates thumbnails of the images.
    • Functions as a Service - Golang - Cloud Functions
  • A deployment pipeline.
    • Deployment - Cloud Build

Get Started

Click on the following link to a copy of the source code in Cloud Shell. Once there, a single command will spin up a working copy of the application in your project..

Open in Cloud Shell

View source code on GitHub

Storage Event Function App components

The Storage Event Function App architecture makes use of several products. The following lists the components, along with more information on the components, including links to related videos, product documentation, and interactive walkthroughs.
Video Docs Walkthroughs
Cloud Run Cloud Run allows you to run applications in a container, but in a serverless way, no having to configure number of instances, processors, or memory. Upload a container, get a url.
Cloud Storage Cloud Storage provides file storage and public serving of images over http(s).
Cloud Functions Cloud Functions is a functions a service platform that allows you to listen for Cloud Storage file uploads and run code to create thumbnails of them.
Cloud Build Cloud Build is the tool that packages up the containers and deploys them to be available as Cloud Run services.


The install script uses an executable written in go and Terraform CLI tools to take an empty project and install the application in it. The output should be a working application and a url for the load balancing IP address.


Enable services

Google Cloud Services are disabled in a project by default. In order to use any of the solutions here we have to activate the following:

  • Cloud Build - creates container images and deploys to Cloud Run
  • Cloud Storage - hosts static files
  • Cloud Functions - Functions as a Service platform
  • Cloud Run - the serverless tool which will host the container and provide a URLS from which to access the application.
  • Artifact Registry - stores the Docker images for use with Cloud Build.
variable "gcp_service_list" {
    description = "The list of apis necessary for the project"
    type        = list(string)
    default = [

resource "google_project_service" "all" {
    for_each                   = toset(var.gcp_service_list)
    project                    = var.project_number
    service                    = each.key
    disable_dependent_services = false
    disable_on_destroy         = false

Set permissions

Sets IAM roles and permissions that allow Cloud Build to deploy all of the services.

  • Enable Cloud Build Service Account to deploy to Cloud Run
  • Enable Cloud Build Service Account to perform Service Account activities
  • Enable Cloud Build Service Account to publish to Cloud Run
  • Enable Cloud Build Service Account to store containers in Artifact Registry
variable "build_roles_list" {
    description = "The list of roles that build needs for"
    type        = list(string)
    default = [

resource "google_project_iam_member" "allbuild" {
    for_each   = toset(var.build_roles_list)
    project    = var.project_number
    role       = each.key
    member     = "serviceAccount:${local.sabuild}"
    depends_on = [google_project_service.all]

Create Storage buckets

Creates the Storage location for the uploaded images and thumbnails, and provides a temporary storage location for the Cloud Functions upload.

resource "google_storage_bucket" "target_bucket" {
    name     = var.bucket
    project  = var.project_number
    location = var.location

resource "google_storage_bucket" "function_bucket" {
    name     = "${var.project_id}-function-deployer"
    project  = var.project_number
    location = var.location

Create Artifact Registry repoistory

The following code outlines the parameters for the Artifact Registry repository in which the containers are stored.

resource "google_artifact_registry_repository" "app" {
    provider      = google-beta
    format        = "DOCKER"
    location      = var.region
    project       = var.project_id
    repository_id = "${var.basename}-app"
    depends_on    = [google_project_service.all]

Build container for Cloud Run application

The following builds an image and uploads it to Artifact Registry for use with Cloud Build.

resource "null_resource" "cloudbuild_app" {
    provisioner "local-exec" {
        working_dir = "${path.module}/code/app"
        command     = "gcloud builds submit . --substitutions=_REGION=${var.region},_BASENAME=${var.basename}"

    depends_on = [,

Deploy to Cloud Run

The following uses Cloud Build to deploy the client web app to Cloud Run.

resource "google_cloud_run_service" "app" {
    name     = "${var.basename}-app"
    location = var.region
    project  = var.project_id

    template {
        spec {
            containers {
                image = "${var.region}${var.project_id}/${var.basename}-app/prod"
                env {
                name  = "BUCKET"
                value = var.bucket

        metadata {
            annotations = {
                "" = "1000"
                ""   = "terraform"
    autogenerate_revision_name = true
    depends_on = [

data "google_iam_policy" "noauth" {
    binding {
        role = "roles/run.invoker"
        members = [

resource "google_cloud_run_service_iam_policy" "noauth_app" {
    location    =
    project     =
    service     =
    policy_data = data.google_iam_policy.noauth.policy_data

Deploy function code to Cloud Functions

Push directly to functions and activate.

resource "google_storage_bucket_object" "archive" {
    name   = ""
    bucket =
    source = ""
    depends_on = [

resource "google_cloudfunctions_function" "function" {
    name    = var.basename
    project = var.project_id
    region  = var.region
    runtime = "go116"

    available_memory_mb   = 128
    source_archive_bucket =
    source_archive_object =
    entry_point           = "OnFileUpload"
    event_trigger {
        event_type = ""
        resource   =

    depends_on = [


Build API Container

The following makes a Docker image for the web app.

- name: ""
  args: [ "build", "-t", "$$PROJECT_ID/$_BASENAME-app/prod", ".", ]

Push API container to Artifact Registry

Pushing the container to Artifact Registry makes it possible for Cloud Run to get the image and serve it.

- name: ""
  args: ["push", "$$PROJECT_ID/$_BASENAME-app/prod"]


Create a variable with a default so that these values can be changed at deploy time.

  _REGION: us-central1
  _BASENAME: scaler


You now have a thumbnail-creating solution running in your project using Cloud Functions to respond to changes in a Storage Bucket. You also have all of the code to modify or extend this solution