Service Usage release notes

This page details updates to Service Usage. You can periodically check this page for announcements about new or updated features, bug fixes, known issues, and deprecated functionality.

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June 01, 2018

Public v1 release: Service Usage is now generally available. You can use version 1 of Service Usage to discover and manage other APIs and services in your Google Cloud project.

The default behavior of the services.disable method now generates an error if any currently enabled services depend on the service you are trying to disable. If you set the disableDependentServices field to true, any enabled services that depend on the service you are disabling, are also disabled.

March 01, 2018

When you call the services.list method, you can now filter for disabled APIs and services.

February 01, 2018

Public beta release: Service Usage is an infrastructure service of Google Cloud that lets you discover and manage other APIs and services in your Cloud project.