Resolving managed Cloud Service Mesh issues
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This document explains common Cloud Service Mesh problems and how to resolve
them, such as when a pod is injected with istio.istio-system
, the installation
tool generates errors such as HTTP 400
status codes and cluster membership
If you need additional assistance troubleshooting Cloud Service Mesh, see Getting support.
Revision(s) reporting as unhealthy error
You may see a generic Revision(s) reporting unhealthy
error if the service
agent for managed Cloud Service Mesh does not have the required
Identity and Access Management (IAM) role. Generally, this occurs when the role is revoked
by Terraform, Puppet, or CI/CD reconfiguration.
The steps required to troubleshoot this error depend on whether you are using the Google Cloud console or the Google Cloud CLI.
In the Google Cloud console, navigate to the IAM & Admin > IAM.
Select Include Google-provided role grants.
Review the Principal list.
If you see the service agent with the required IAM role in the list, then it is configured correctly.
If the list doesn't include the service agent and the required role, then continue to the next step.
Grant the Anthos Service Mesh Service Agent role (
) to the Cloud Service Mesh service agent on the project. For instructions, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.
In the Google Cloud CLI, run the following command to check if the required IAM role has been granted:
gcloud projects get-iam-policy
PROJECT_ID \ --flatten="bindings[].members" \ --filter="bindings.members:serviceAccount:service-PROJECT_NUMBER AND bindings.role:roles/anthosservicemesh.serviceAgent" \ --format='table(bindings.role)'Review the
list.If you see any roles in the list, then it is configured correctly.
If you don't see any roles in the list, then the required role was revoked.
To grant the required role to the service agent, run the following command:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding
PROJECT_ID \ --member="serviceAccount:service-PROJECT_NUMBER" \ --role="roles/anthosservicemesh.serviceAgent"
The install tool generates HTTP 400 errors
The installation tool might generate HTTP 400
errors like the following:
HealthCheckContainerError, message: Cloud Run error: Container failed to start.
Failed to start and then listen on the port defined by the PORT environment
variable. Logs for this revision might contain more information.
The error can occur if you did not enable Workload Identity on your Kubernetes cluster, which you can do by using the following command:
export CLUSTER_NAME=...
export PROJECT_ID=...
export LOCATION=...
gcloud container clusters update $CLUSTER_NAME --zone $LOCATION \
Managed data plane state
The following command displays the state of the managed data plane:
gcloud container fleet mesh describe --project PROJECT_ID
The following table lists all possible managed data plane states:
State | Code | Description |
OK |
The managed data plane is running normally. |
The managed data plane will be in this state if no namespace or revision
is configured to use it. Follow the instructions to
enable managed Cloud Service Mesh via the fleet API, or
enable the managed data plane after provisioning managed Cloud Service Mesh with asmcli .
Note that the managed data plane status reporting is only available if you
enabled the managed data plane by annotating a namespace or revision.
Annotating individual pods causes those pods to be managed but with a
feature state of DISABLED if no namespaces or revisions are
annotated. |
The managed data plane requires an active managed Cloud Service Mesh control plane. |
The managed data plane is being provisioned. If this state persists for more than 10 minutes, an error has likely occurred and you should contact Support. |
The managed data plane is blocked from operating due to an internal error condition. If the issue persists, contact Support. |
The managed data plane requires manual intervention in order to bring the
service back to the normal state. For more information and how to resolve
this issue, see
If the gcloud container fleet mesh describe
command shows that the managed
data plane state is in NEEDS_ATTENTION
state and the code is
, then the managed data plane has failed to upgrade certain
workloads. These workloads will be labeled with dataplane-upgrade: failed
the managed data plane service for further analysis. The proxies must be
restarted manually to be upgraded. To get the list of pods that require
attention, run the following command:
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -l dataplane-upgrade=failed
Cluster membership error (No identity provider specified)
The installation tool might fail with Cluster membership errors like the following:
asmcli: [ERROR]: Cluster has CRD but no identity
provider specified. Please ensure that an identity provider is available for the
registered cluster.
The error can occur if you don't have
GKE workload identity enabled
before registering the cluster. You can re-register the cluster on the command
line by using the
gcloud container fleet memberships register --enable-workload-identity
Check the managed control plane status
To check the managed control plane status, run
gcloud container fleet mesh describe --project FLEET_PROJECT_ID
In the response, the
field might
explain the specific error.
If you need more details, then check the ControlPlaneRevision
custom resource
in the cluster, which is updated when the managed control plane is provisioned
or fails provisioning.
To inspect the status of the resource, replace NAME with the value
corresponding to each channel: asm-managed
, asm-managed-stable
, or
kubectl describe controlplanerevisionNAME -n istio-system
The output is similar to:
Name: asm-managed … Status: Conditions: Last Transition Time: 2021-08-05T18:56:32Z Message: The provisioning process has completed successfully Reason: Provisioned Status: True Type: Reconciled Last Transition Time: 2021-08-05T18:56:32Z Message: Provisioning has finished Reason: ProvisioningFinished Status: True Type: ProvisioningFinished Last Transition Time: 2021-08-05T18:56:32Z Message: Provisioning has not stalled Reason: NotStalled Status: False Type: Stalled
The Reconciled
condition determines whether the managed control plane is
running correctly. If true
, the control plane is running successfully.
determines whether the managed control plane provisioning process has
encountered an error. If Stalled
, the Message
field contains more
information about the specific error. See
Stalled codes for more information about possible errors.
ControlPlaneRevision Stalled Codes
There are multiple reasons the Stalled
condition could become true in the
Reason | Message | Description |
PreconditionFailed | Only GKE memberships are supported but ${CLUSTER_NAME} is not a GKE cluster. | The current cluster does not appear to be a GKE cluster. Managed control plane only works on GKE clusters. |
Unsupported ControlPlaneRevision name: ${NAME} | The name of the ControlPlaneRevision must be one of the following:
Unsupported ControlPlaneRevision namespace: ${NAMESPACE} | The namespace of the ControlPlaneRevision must be istio-system . |
Unsupported channel ${CHANNEL} for ControlPlaneRevision with name${NAME}. Expected ${OTHER_CHANNEL} | The name of the ControlPlaneRevision must match the channel of the ControlPlaneRevision with the following:
Channel must not be omitted or blank | Channel is a required field on the ControlPlaneRevision. It is missing or blank on the custom resource. |
Unsupported control plane revision type: ${TYPE} | managed_service is the only allow field for the ControlPlaneRevisionType field. |
Unsupported Kubernetes version: ${VERSION} | Kubernetes versions 1.15+ are supported. | |
Workload identity is not enabled | Please enable workload identity on your cluster. | |
Unsupported workload pool: ${POOL} | The workload pool must be of the form ${PROJECT_ID} . |
ProvisioningFailed | An error occurred updating cluster resources | Google was unable to update your in-cluster resources such as CRDs and webhooks. |
MutatingWebhookConfiguration "istiod-asm-managed" contains a webhook with URL of ${EXISTING_URL} but expected ${EXPECTED_URL} | Google will not overwrite existing webhooks to avoid breaking your installation. Update this manually if it is desired behavior. | |
ValidatingWebhookConfiguration ${NAME} contains a webhook with URL of ${EXISTING_URL} but expected ${EXPECTED_URL} | Google will not overwrite existing webhooks to avoid breaking your installation. Update this manually if it is desired behavior. |
Managed Cloud Service Mesh is unable to connect to the GKE cluster
Between June 2022 and September 2022, Google completed security work related to Authorized Networks, Cloud Run and Cloud Run functions on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). Projects that previously used managed Cloud Service Mesh but stopped using it before the migration do not have the API required for the communication between Cloud Run and GKE.
In this scenario, managed Cloud Service Mesh provisioning will fail and Cloud Logging will display the following error message:
Connect Gateway API has not been used in project [*PROJECT_NUMBER*] before or it is disabled.
Enable it by visiting[*PROJECT_NUMBER*] then retry.
If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.
Filter this message using the following query:
jsonPayload.message=~"Connect Gateway API has not been used in project"
In the meantime, sidecar injection and deploying any Cloud Service Mesh related Kubernetes custom resources will also fail and Cloud Logging will display the following warning message:
Error creating: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook
"": failed to call webhook: an error on
the server ("unknown") has prevented the request from succeeding.
Filter this message using the following query:
jsonPayload.message=~"Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook"
To resolve the issue:
Enable the required
API:gcloud services enable --project=[*PROJECT_ID*]
Perform a rolling restart on the workloads.
Google Cloud APIs are not enabled
If your managed Cloud Service Mesh fleet uses the TRAFFIC_DIRECTOR
control plane implementation,
then certain APIs must be enabled.
Enable all required APIs, including those listed as "Can Be Disabled" when not using managed Cloud Service Mesh.
gcloud services enable --project=[*PROJECT_ID*] \ \ \
Ensure that you don't have any automated tooling that will revert this change. If the error recurs, then update any relevant configurations or allow-lists.
NodePool Workload Identity Federation for GKE is disabled
The following command displays the state of managed Cloud Service Mesh:
gcloud container fleet mesh describe
error code in
the Conditions
field of your membership:
details: One or more node pools have workload identity federation disabled.
severity: ERROR
details: Required in-cluster components are not ready. This will be retried
within 15 minutes.
implementation: TRAFFIC_DIRECTOR
This error is shown if the GKE cluster does not have Workload Identity Federation enabled on all node pools of that cluster, since this is a prerequisites for the installation of Cloud Service Mesh.
To resolve this error message, you must follow instructions to Enable Workload Identity Federation on all node pools. Note that enablement may vary depending on your specific cluster case.
After enablement, the error message should be automatically removed and your
cluster should go back to ACTIVE
state. If the issue persists and you need
additional assistance, see Getting support.