Set up proxyless gRPC services
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This guide demonstrates how to set up a proxyless gRPC service mesh with
and GRPCRoute
and Mesh
resources (click to enlarge)Before you begin
Make sure that you read Prepare to set up with Envoy and proxyless workloads and complete the prerequisites described in that document.
Configure the Mesh
When a proxyless gRPC application connects to an xds://hostname
, the gRPC
client library establishes a connection to Cloud Service Mesh. The client library
uses the connection to obtain the routing configuration that is needed to route
requests for the hostname.
Make sure that you note the name of the Mesh
resource, which is the key that
the proxyless gRPC application uses to request the configuration associated with
this Mesh.
Create the
specification and save it in a file called grpc-mesh
Create the
resource using themesh.yaml
specification:gcloud network-services meshes import grpc-mesh \ --source=mesh.yaml \ --location=global
After the Mesh
resource is created, Cloud Service Mesh is ready to serve the
configuration, but because there are no services defined yet, the configuration
is empty. In the next section, you define the services and attach them to the
Configure the gRPC server
For demonstration purposes, you create a backend service with autoscaled VMs
in a managed instance group. The VMs serve the
phrase hello world
using the gRPC protocol on port 50051
Create the Compute Engine VM instance template with a
gRPC service that is exposed on port50051
:gcloud compute instance-templates create grpc-td-vm-template \ --scopes= \ --tags=allow-health-checks \ --image-family=debian-10 \ --image-project=debian-cloud \ --metadata-from-file=startup-script=<(echo '#! /bin/bash set -e cd /root sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-11-jdk-headless curl -L | tar -xz cd grpc-java-1.38.0/examples/example-hostname ../gradlew --no-daemon installDist sudo systemd-run ./build/install/hostname-server/bin/hostname-server')
Create a managed instance group based on the template:
gcloud compute instance-groups managed create grpc-td-mig-us-east1 \ --zone=
ZONE \ --size=2 \ --template=grpc-td-vm-templateCreate the named port for the gRPC service. The named port is the port on which the gRPC service listens for requests. In the following example, the named port is
:gcloud compute instance-groups set-named-ports grpc-td-mig-us-east1 \ --named-ports=grpc-helloworld-port:50051 \ --zone=
ZONE Create a gRPC health check. The services must implement the gRPC health checking protocol so that gRPC health checks work properly. For more information, see health checks.
gcloud compute health-checks create grpc grpc-helloworld-health-check \ --use-serving-port
Create a firewall rule to allow health check connections to instances in your network:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create grpc-vm-allow-health-checks \ --network=default \ --action=ALLOW \ --direction=INGRESS \ --source-ranges=, \ --target-tags allow-health-checks \ --rules=tcp:50051
Create a global backend service with a load balancing scheme of
and add the health check to the backend service. The port specified here is used to connect to the VMs in the managed instance group.gcloud compute backend-services create grpc-helloworld-service \ --global \ --load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED \ --protocol=GRPC \ --port-name=grpc-helloworld-port \ --health-checks grpc-helloworld-health-check
Add the managed instance group to the backend service.
gcloud compute backend-services add-backend \ grpc-helloworld-service \ --instance-group=grpc-td-mig-us-east1 \ --instance-group-zone=
ZONE \ --global
The Mesh
resource and services are configured. In the next section, you set
up routing.
Set up routing with GRPCRoute
Use the following instructions to set up routing.
Create the
specification and save it in a file calledgrpc_route.yaml
.You can use either
.name: helloworld-grpc-route hostnames: - helloworld-gce meshes: - projects/
PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/meshes/grpc-mesh rules: - action: destinations: - serviceName: projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/backendServices/grpc-helloworld-serviceCreate the
resource using thegrpc_route.yaml
specification:gcloud network-services grpc-routes import helloworld-grpc-route \ --source=grpc_route.yaml \ --location=global
Cloud Service Mesh is now configured to load balance traffic for the services
specified in the GRPCRoute
resource across backends in the managed instance
Create a gRPC client
You can verify the configuration by instantiating a proxyless gRPC application and connecting it to Cloud Service Mesh. In its bootstrap file, the application must specify the VPC network indicated in the Mesh.
After it is configured, the application can send a request to the instances
or endpoints associated with helloworld-gce
using the xds:///helloworld-gce
service URI.
In the following examples, you use the grpcurl tool to test the gRPC service.
Create a client VM.
gcloud compute instances create grpc-client \ --zone=
ZONE \ --scopes= \ --image-family=debian-10 \ --image-project=debian-cloud \ --metadata-from-file=startup-script=<(echo '#! /bin/bash set -e export GRPC_XDS_BOOTSTRAP=/run/td-grpc-bootstrap.json echo export GRPC_XDS_BOOTSTRAP=$GRPC_XDS_BOOTSTRAP | sudo tee /etc/profile.d/ curl -L | tar -xz ./td-grpc-bootstrap-0.16.0/td-grpc-bootstrap --config-mesh-experimental grpc-mesh | tee $GRPC_XDS_BOOTSTRAP')
Set up the bootstrap file
The client application must have a bootstrap configuration file. The startup
script in the previous section sets the GRPC_XDS_BOOTSTRAP
environment variable and uses a helper script to generate the bootstrap file.
and zone in the
generated bootstrap file are obtained from the metadata server that knows these
details about your VM instances. You can provide these values to the helper
script manually using the --gcp-project-number
option. You must
provide a mesh name matching the Mesh
resource using the
To verify the configuration, sign in to the client VM and run the following.
SSH to the client VM.
gcloud compute ssh grpc-client
Download and install the
tool.curl -L | tar -xz
Run the
tool withxds:///helloworld-gce
as the service URI andhelloworld.Greeter/SayHello
as the service name and method to invoke. The parameters to theSayHello
method are passed using the-d
option../grpcurl --plaintext \ -d '{"name": "world"}' \ xds:///helloworld-gce helloworld.Greeter/SayHello
You should see output similar to the following, where INSTANCE_HOSTNAME
is the
name of the VM instance:
Greeting: Hello world, from INSTANCE_HOSTNAME
The output verifies that the proxyless gRPC client successfully connected to
Cloud Service Mesh and learned about the backends for the
service using the xds
name resolver.
The client sent a request to one of the service's backends without needing to
know about the IP address or performing DNS resolution.
What's next
- For information about listing route resources associated with a
resource, see ListRoute