Request proxy logs
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Cloud Service Mesh supports two different types of access logs in Cloud Logging: Traffic logs (also known as Google Cloud Observability access logs) and Envoy access logs. This page shows you how to enable, disable, view, and interpret these logs. Note that traffic logs are enabled by default.
Enabling and disabling access logs
Run the following command to enable Envoy access logs and disable traffic logs:
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n istio-system -f -
kind: Telemetry
name: enable-envoy-disable-sd
namespace: istio-system
- providers:
- name: envoy
- providers:
- name: stackdriver
disabled: true
Note that the provider name for traffic log is stackdriver
By default, traffic logs are enabled and Envoy access logs are disabled. If you previously enabled Envoy access logs and want to enable traffic logs and disable Envoy access logs, run the following command:
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n istio-system -f -
kind: Telemetry
name: disable-envoy-enable-sd
namespace: istio-system
- providers:
- name: envoy
disabled: true
- providers:
- name: stackdriver
To enable both Envoy access logs and traffic logs, run the following command:
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n istio-system -f - apiVersion: kind: Telemetry metadata: name: enable-envoy-and-sd-access-log namespace: istio-system spec: accessLogging: - providers: - name: envoy - name: stackdriver EOF
To disable both Envoy access logs and traffic logs, run the following command:
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n istio-system -f - apiVersion: kind: Telemetry metadata: name: disable-envoy-and-sd namespace: istio-system spec: accessLogging: - providers: - name: envoy disabled: true - providers: - name: stackdriver disabled: true EOF
Run the following commands to enable Envoy access logging:
Run the following command to add
accessLogFile: /dev/stdout
:cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: v1 data: mesh: |- accessLogFile: /dev/stdout kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: istio-
release-channel namespace: istio-system EOFwhere release-channel is your release channel (
, orasm-managed-rapid
).Run the following command to view the configmap:
kubectl get configmap istio-
release-channel -n istio-system -o yamlTo verify that access logging is enabled, ensure the
accessLogFile: /dev/stdout
line appears in themesh:
section.... apiVersion: v1 data: mesh: | .... accessLogFile: /dev/stdout ...
Traffic logs are enabled by default.
For more information, see Enable Envoy's access logging.
Traffic logs are enabled by default, unless Cloud Service Mesh is installed on Google Distributed Cloud with Istio CA (previously known as Citadel).
To enable traffic logs on Google Distributed Cloud with Istio CA
when installing in-cluster Cloud Service Mesh,
then use the flag --option stackdriver
. Alternatively, you can enable traffic
logs on Google Distributed Cloud with Istio CA
after installing in-cluster Cloud Service Mesh.
Viewing access logs
To view Envoy access logs in the istio-proxy log, run the following command:
kubectl logs POD_NAME -n NAMESPACE_NAME -c istio-proxy
To view Envoy access logs in the Logs Explorer:
Navigate to the Logs Explorer:
Select the appropriate Google Cloud project.
Run the following query:
resource.type="k8s_container" \
resource.labels.cluster_name="CLUSTER_NAME " \
resource.labels.namespace_name="NAMESPACE_NAME " \
resource.labels.pod_name="POD_NAME "
To view traffic logs in the Logs Explorer:
Navigate to the Logs Explorer:
Select the appropriate Google Cloud project.
Run the following query depending on whether you are viewing client or server access logs:
CLUSTER_NAME " logName="projects/PROJECT_NAME /logs/server-accesslog-stackdriver"resource.labels.cluster_name="
CLUSTER_NAME " logName="projects/PROJECT_NAME /logs/client-accesslog-stackdriver"
To view traffic logs in the Cloud Service Mesh page for a Service during a specified time span, follow these steps:
In Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Service Mesh page.
Under Services, select the name of the Service you want to inspect.
Go to the Metrics page.
Specify a time span from the Time Span drop-down menu or set a custom span with the timeline.
Under filter_list Select a filter option, click View traffic logs.
The traffic log is named as server-accesslog-stackdriver and is attached to the corresponding monitored resource (k8s_container or gce_instance) your service is using. The traffic log contains the following information:
HTTP request properties, such as ID, URL, size, latency, and common headers.
Source and destination workload information, such as name, namespace, identity, and common labels.
If tracing is enabled, trace information, such as sampling, trace ID, and span ID.
An example log entry looks like the following:
{ insertId: "1awb4hug5pos2qi" httpRequest: { requestMethod: "GET" requestUrl: "YOUR-INGRESS/productpage" requestSize: "952" status: 200 responseSize: "5875" remoteIp: "" serverIp: "" latency: "1.587232023s" protocol: "http" } resource: { type: "k8s_container" labels: { location: "us-central1-a" project_id: "YOUR-PROJECT" pod_name: "productpage-v1-76589d9fdc-ptnt9" cluster_name: "YOUR-CLUSTER-NAME" container_name: "productpage" namespace_name: "default" } } timestamp: "2020-04-28T19:55:21.056759Z" severity: "INFO" labels: { destination_principal: "spiffe://cluster.local/ns/default/sa/bookinfo-productpage" response_flag: "-" destination_service_host: "productpage.default.svc.cluster.local" source_app: "istio-ingressgateway" service_authentication_policy: "MUTUAL_TLS" source_name: "istio-ingressgateway-5ff85d8dd8-mwplb" mesh_uid: "YOUR-MESH-UID" request_id: "021ce752-9001-4ac6-b6d6-3b15f5d3632" destination_namespace: "default" source_principal: "spiffe://cluster.local/ns/istio-system/sa/istio-ingressgateway-service-account" destination_workload: "productpage-v1" destination_version: "v1" source_namespace: "istio-system" source_workload: "istio-ingressgateway" destination_name: "productpage-v1-76589d9fdc-ptnt9" destination_app: "productpage" } trace: "projects/YOUR-PROJECT/traces/d4197f59b7a43e3aeff3571bac99d536" receiveTimestamp: "2020-04-29T03:07:14.362416217Z" spanId: "43226343ca2bb2b1" traceSampled: true logName: "projects/YOUR-PROJECT/logs/server-accesslog-stackdriver" receiveTimestamp: "2020-04-28T19:55:32.185229100Z" }
Interpret Cloud Service Mesh telemetry
The following sections explain how to check the status of your mesh and review the various telemetry that contain helpful details to assist your troubleshooting.
Interpret control plane metrics
Cloud Service Mesh with a managed Cloud Service Mesh control plane doesn't support control plane metrics.
Cloud Service Mesh with a managed istiod
control plane doesn't support
the control plane metric inspection in this section.
When installing Cloud Service Mesh with the in-cluster control plane, istiod
exports metrics to Google Cloud Observability for monitoring, by default.
prefixes these metrics with
and give insights into
the control plane state, such as number of proxies connected to each control
plane instance, configuration events, pushes and validations.
Observe or troubleshoot the control plane, using the following steps.
Load a sample dashboard:
git clone && cd monitoring-dashboard-samples/dashboards && git checkout servicemesh
Install the Cloud Service Mesh dashboard:
gcloud monitoring dashboards create --config-from-file=dashboards/servicemesh/anthos-service-mesh-control-plane-monitoring.json
Look for a dashboard named
Istio Control Plane Dashboard
in the list. For more information, see Viewing the installed dashboard.
For the full list of metrics available, see Exported metrics.
Diagnose configuration delays
Cloud Service Mesh with a managed Cloud Service Mesh control plane doesn't support diagnosing configuration delays.
Cloud Service Mesh with a managed istiod control plane doesn't support diagnosing configuration delays.
The following steps explain how to use the pilot_proxy_convergence_time
to diagnose a delay between a configuration change and all proxies converging.
Run a shell command in a pod:
kubectl debug --image istio/base --target istio-proxy -it $(kubectl get pod -l app=pilot -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}' -n istio-system) -n istio-system -- curl -s
in metrics:curl http://localhost:15014/metrics | grep convergence
Interpret traffic logs
The following information explains how to use the traffic logs to troubleshoot connection problems. Traffic logs are enabled by default.
Cloud Service Mesh exports data into traffic logs that can help you debug the following types of problems:
- Traffic flow and failures
- End-to-end request routing
Traffic logs are enabled by default for Cloud Service Mesh installations on
Google Kubernetes Engine. You can enable traffic logs by re-running asmcli install
. Use
the same options that you originally installed but omit the custom overlay that
disabled Stackdriver.
There are two types of traffic logs:
Server access logs give a server-side view of requests. They are located under
, attached to thek8s_container
monitored resource. Use the following URL syntax to display server-side access logs:"projects/
PROJECT_ID /logs/server-accesslog-stackdriver"&project=PROJECT_ID Client access logs give a client-side view of requests. They are located under
, attached to thek8s_pod
monitored resource. Use the following URL syntax to display client-side access logs:"projects/
PROJECT_ID /logs/client-accesslog-stackdriver"&project=PROJECT_ID
Access logs contain the following information:
- HTTP request properties, such as ID, URL, size, latency, and common headers.
- Source and destination workload information, such as name, namespace, identity, and common labels.
- Source and destination canonical service and revision information.
- If tracing is enabled, the logs contain trace information, such as sampling, trace ID, and span ID.
Traffic logs may contain the following labels:
This is an example log entry:
{ "insertId": "1j84zg8g68vb62z", "httpRequest": { "requestMethod": "GET", "requestUrl": "", "requestSize": "795", "status": 200, "responseSize": "7005", "remoteIp": "", "serverIp": "", "latency": "0.229384205s", "protocol": "http" }, "resource": { "type": "k8s_container", "labels": { "cluster_name": "istio-e2e22", "namespace_name": "istio-bookinfo-1-68819", "container_name": "productpage", "project_id": "***", "location": "us-west2-a", "pod_name": "productpage-v1-64794f5db4-8xbtf" } }, "timestamp": "2020-08-13T21:37:42.963881Z", "severity": "INFO", "labels": { "protocol": "http", "upstream_host": "", "source_canonical_service": "istio-ingressgateway", "source_namespace": "istio-system", "x-envoy-original-path": "", "source_canonical_revision": "latest", "connection_id": "32", "upstream_cluster": "inbound|9080|http|productpage.istio-bookinfo-1-68819.svc.cluster.local", "requested_server_name": "outbound_.9080_._.productpage.istio-bookinfo-1-68819.svc.cluster.local", "destination_version": "v1", "destination_workload": "productpage-v1", "source_workload": "istio-ingressgateway", "destination_canonical_revision": "v1", "mesh_uid": "cluster.local", "source_principal": "spiffe://cluster.local/ns/istio-system/sa/istio-ingressgateway-service-account", "x-envoy-original-dst-host": "", "service_authentication_policy": "MUTUAL_TLS", "destination_principal": "spiffe://cluster.local/ns/istio-bookinfo-1-68819/sa/bookinfo-productpage", "response_flag": "-", "log_sampled": "false", "destination_service_host": "productpage.istio-bookinfo-1-68819.svc.cluster.local", "destination_name": "productpage-v1-64794f5db4-8xbtf", "destination_canonical_service": "productpage", "destination_namespace": "istio-bookinfo-1-68819", "source_name": "istio-ingressgateway-6845f6d664-lnfvp", "source_app": "istio-ingressgateway", "destination_app": "productpage", "request_id": "39013650-4e62-9be2-9d25-78682dd27ea4", "route_name": "default" }, "logName": "projects/***/logs/server-accesslog-stackdriver", "trace": "projects/***t/traces/466d77d15753cb4d7749ba5413b5f70f", "receiveTimestamp": "2020-08-13T21:37:48.758673203Z", "spanId": "633831cb1fda4fd5", "traceSampled": true }
You can use this log in various ways:
- Integrate with Cloud Trace, which is an optional feature in Cloud Service Mesh.
- Export traffic logs to BigQuery, where you can run queries like selecting all requests take more than 5 seconds.
- Create log-based metrics.
- Troubleshoot
Troubleshoot 404
and 503
The following example explains how to use this log to troubleshoot when a
request fails with a 404
or 503
response code.
In the client access log, search for an entry like the following:
httpRequest: { requestMethod: "GET" requestUrl: "://
IP_ADDRESS /src/Util/PHP/eval-stdin.php" requestSize: "2088" status: 404 responseSize: "75" remoteIp: "" serverIp: "" latency: "0.000371440s" protocol: "http" }Navigate to the labels in the access log entry. Find the
field that looks like the following:response_flag: "NR"
value is an acronym forNoRoute
, which means no route was found for the destination or there was no matching filter chain for a downstream connection. Similarly, you can use theresponse_flag
label to troubleshoot503
errors also.If you see
errors in both the client and server access logs, check that the port names set for each service match the name of the protocol in use between them. For example, if a golang binary client connects to a golang server using HTTP, but the port is namedhttp2
, the protocol will not auto-negotiate correctly.
For more information, see response flags.
Interpret Envoy access logs
The following steps explain how to use the Envoy access logs to show traffic between both ends of a connection for troubleshooting purposes.
Envoy access logs are useful for diagnosing issues like:
- Traffic flow and failures
- End-to-end request routing
Envoy access logs are not enabled by default in Cloud Service Mesh and can be enabled for the clusters in a mesh.
You can troubleshoot connection or request failures by generating activity in your application that triggers an HTTP request, then inspecting the associated request in the source or destination logs.
If you trigger a request appears and it appears in the source proxy logs, it
indicates that iptables
traffic redirection is working correctly and the Envoy
proxy is handling traffic. If you see errors in the logs, generate an Envoy
configuration dump and check the Envoy cluster configuration to ensure it is
correct. If you see the request but the log has no errors, check the destination
proxy logs instead.
If the request appears in the destination proxy logs, it indicates that the mesh itself is working correctly. If you see an error instead, run an Envoy configuration dump and verify the correct values for the traffic port set in the listener configuration.
If the problem persists after performing the previous steps, Envoy might be
unable to auto-negotiate the protocol between the sidecar and its application
pod. Ensure that the Kubernetes service port name, for example http-80
matches the protocol that the application uses.
Use Logs Explorer to query logs
You can use the Logs Explorer interface
to query specific Envoy access logs. For example, to query all requests that
enabled and use protocol grpc
, append following to the
server access logs query:
labels.protocol="grpc" labels.service_authentication_policy="MULTUAL_TLS"
Set an access log policy
To configure access logs for Cloud Service Mesh with a managed Cloud Service Mesh control plane, see Enabling access logs.
To configure access logs for Cloud Service Mesh with a managed istiod control plane, see Enabling access logs.
To set an access log policy for Cloud Service Mesh with the in-cluster control plane:
Create an
custom overlay file that includes the applicableAccessLogPolicyConfig
values for your scenario.Pass this file to
using the--custom_overlay
option to update the in-cluster control plane configuration. For information on runningasmcli install
with a custom overlay file, see Install with optional features.
View service or workload-specific information
If you have an issue with a specific service or workload rather than a mesh-wide
problem, inspect the individual Envoy proxies and gather relevant information
from them. To gather information about a particular workload and its proxies,
you can use pilot-agent
kubectl execPOD_NAME -nNAMESPACE_NAME -c istio-proxy -- pilot-agent request GETSCOPE
In the example, SCOPE is one of the following:
- Certificates within the Envoy instanceclusters
- Clusters with Envoy configuredconfig_dump
- Dumps the Envoy configurationlisteners
- Listeners with Envoy configuredlogging
- View and change logging settingsstats
- Envoy statisticsstats/prometheus
- Envoy statistics as Prometheus records
View proxy socket states
You can directly examine the state of Envoy proxy sockets by using the following process.
Display a list of established sockets, including sockets in the
state, which can negatively affect scalability if their count is high:kubectl debug --image istio/base --target istio-proxy -it
POD_NAME -nNAMESPACE_NAME -- ss -anopimDisplay a summary of socket statistics:
kubectl debug --image istio/base --target istio-proxy -it
For more information, see An Introduction to the ss Command.
and istio-init
In addition, retrieve the istio-proxy
logs and review its contents for any
errors that might suggest the cause of the problem:
kubectl logsPOD_NAME -nNAMESPACE_NAME -c istio-proxy
You can do the same for the init
kubectl logsPOD_NAME -nNAMESPACE_NAME -c istio-init
What's next
Integrate with Cloud Trace. Cloud Trace is an optional feature in Cloud Service Mesh.