Set up a multi-cluster mesh on GKE
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This guide explains how to join two clusters into a single Cloud Service Mesh using Mesh CA or Istio CA, and enable cross-cluster load balancing. You can easily extend this process to incorporate any number of clusters into your mesh.
A multi-cluster Cloud Service Mesh configuration can solve several crucial enterprise scenarios, such as scale, location, and isolation. For more information, see Multi-cluster use cases.
This guide assumes that you have two or more Google Cloud GKE clusters that meet the following requirements:
Cloud Service Mesh version 1.11 or later installed on the clusters using
asmcli install
. You needasmcli
, theistioctl
tool, and samples thatasmcli
downloads to the directory that you specified in--output_dir
when you ranasmcli install
If need to get set up, follow the steps in Install dependent tools and validate cluster to:Clusters in your mesh must have connectivity between all pods before you configure Cloud Service Mesh. Additionally, if you join clusters that are not in the same project, they must be registered to the same fleet host project, and the clusters must be in a shared VPC configuration together on the same network. We also recommend that you have one project to host the shared VPC, and two service projects for creating clusters. For more information, see Setting up clusters with Shared VPC.
If you use Istio CA, use the same custom root certificate for both clusters.
If your Cloud Service Mesh is built on private clusters, we recommend creating a single subnet in the same VPC, otherwise, you must ensure that:
- The control planes can reach the remote private cluster control planes via the cluster private IPs.
- You can add the calling control planes' IP ranges to the remote private clusters' authorized networks. For more information, see Configure endpoint discovery between private clusters.
The API server must be reachable by the other instances of the Cloud Service Mesh control plane in the multi-cluster mesh.
- Ensure the clusters have global access enabled.
- Ensure the Cloud Service Mesh control plane IP has been properly allowed via the allow list with the Master Authorized Network.
Setting project and cluster variables
Create the following environment variables for the project ID, cluster zone or region, cluster name, and context.
export PROJECT_1=
PROJECT_ID_1 export LOCATION_1=CLUSTER_LOCATION_1 export CLUSTER_1=CLUSTER_NAME_1 export CTX_1="gke_${PROJECT_1}_${LOCATION_1}_${CLUSTER_1}" export PROJECT_2=PROJECT_ID_2 export LOCATION_2=CLUSTER_LOCATION_2 export CLUSTER_2=CLUSTER_NAME_2 export CTX_2="gke_${PROJECT_2}_${LOCATION_2}_${CLUSTER_2}"If these are newly created clusters, ensure to fetch credentials for each cluster with the following
commands otherwise their associatedcontext
will not be available for use in the next steps of this guide.The commands depend on your cluster type, either regional or zonal:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_1} --region ${LOCATION_1} gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_2} --region ${LOCATION_2}
gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_1} --zone ${LOCATION_1} gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_2} --zone ${LOCATION_2}
Create firewall rule
In some cases, you need to create a firewall rule to allow cross-cluster traffic. For example, you need to create a firewall rule if:
- You use different subnets for the clusters in your mesh.
- Your Pods open ports other than 443 and 15002.
GKE automatically adds firewall rules to each node to allow traffic within the same subnet. If your mesh contains multiple subnets, you must explicitly set up the firewall rules to allow cross-subnet traffic. You must add a new firewall rule for each subnet to allow the source IP CIDR blocks and targets ports of all the incoming traffic.
The following instructions allow communication between all clusters in your
project or only between $CLUSTER_1
and $CLUSTER_2
Gather information about your clusters' network.
If the clusters are in the same project, you can use the following command to allow communication between all clusters in your project. If there are clusters in your project that you don't want to expose, use the command in the Specific clusters tab.
function join_by { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; } ALL_CLUSTER_CIDRS=$(gcloud container clusters list --project $PROJECT_1 --format='value(clusterIpv4Cidr)' | sort | uniq) ALL_CLUSTER_CIDRS=$(join_by , $(echo "${ALL_CLUSTER_CIDRS}")) ALL_CLUSTER_NETTAGS=$(gcloud compute instances list --project $PROJECT_1 --format='value(tags.items.[0])' | sort | uniq) ALL_CLUSTER_NETTAGS=$(join_by , $(echo "${ALL_CLUSTER_NETTAGS}"))
The following command allows communication between
and doesn't expose other clusters in your project.function join_by { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; } ALL_CLUSTER_CIDRS=$(for P in $PROJECT_1 $PROJECT_2; do gcloud --project $P container clusters list --filter="name:($CLUSTER_1,$CLUSTER_2)" --format='value(clusterIpv4Cidr)'; done | sort | uniq) ALL_CLUSTER_CIDRS=$(join_by , $(echo "${ALL_CLUSTER_CIDRS}")) ALL_CLUSTER_NETTAGS=$(for P in $PROJECT_1 $PROJECT_2; do gcloud --project $P compute instances list --filter="name:($CLUSTER_1,$CLUSTER_2)" --format='value(tags.items.[0])' ; done | sort | uniq) ALL_CLUSTER_NETTAGS=$(join_by , $(echo "${ALL_CLUSTER_NETTAGS}"))
Create the firewall rule.
gcloud compute firewall-rules create istio-multicluster-pods \ --allow=tcp,udp,icmp,esp,ah,sctp \ --direction=INGRESS \ --priority=900 \ --source-ranges="${ALL_CLUSTER_CIDRS}" \ --target-tags="${ALL_CLUSTER_NETTAGS}" --quiet \ --network=
YOUR_NETWORK TAGS="" for CLUSTER in ${CLUSTER_1} ${CLUSTER_2} do TAGS+=$(gcloud compute firewall-rules list --filter="Name:$CLUSTER*" --format="value(targetTags)" | uniq) && TAGS+="," done TAGS=${TAGS::-1} echo "Network tags for pod ranges are $TAGS" gcloud compute firewall-rules create asm-multicluster-pods \ --allow=tcp,udp,icmp,esp,ah,sctp \ --network=gke-cluster-vpc \ --direction=INGRESS \ --priority=900 --network=
VPC_NAME \ --source-ranges="${ALL_CLUSTER_CIDRS}" \ --target-tags=$TAGS
Configure endpoint discovery
The steps required to configure endpoint discovery depend on whether you prefer to use the declarative API across clusters in a fleet, or enable it manually on public clusters or private clusters.
Enable endpoint discovery between clusters with declarative API (preview)
You can enable endpoint discovery across clusters in a fleet by applying the
config "multicluster_mode":"connected"
in the in the asm-options
Clusters with this config enabled in the same fleet will have cross-cluster
service discovery automatically enabled between each other.
This method is available for managed Cloud Service Mesh installations on all release channels. Before proceeding, you must have created a firewall rule.
For multiple projects, you must manually add
to trustDomainAliases
in the
revison's meshConfig
if it's not already present.
If the asm-options
configmap already exists in your cluster, then enable
endpoint discovery for the cluster:
kubectl patch configmap/asm-options -n istio-system --type merge -p '{"data":{"multicluster_mode":"connected"}}'
If the asm-options
configmap does not yet exist in your cluster, then
create it with the associated data and enable endpoint discovery for the
kubectl --context ${CTX_1} create configmap asm-options -n istio-system --from-file <(echo '{"data":{"multicluster_mode":"connected"}}')
Disable endpoint discovery for a cluster:
kubectl patch configmap/asm-options -n istio-system --type merge -p '{"data":{"multicluster_mode":"manual"}}'
If you unregister a cluster from the fleet without disabling endpoint discovery, secrets could remain in the cluster. You must manually clean up any remaining secrets.
Run the following command to find secrets requiring cleanup:
kubectl get secrets -n istio-system -l,istio/multiCluster=true
Delete each secret:
kubectl delete secret
SECRET_NAME Repeat this step for each remaining secret.
Configure endpoint discovery between public clusters
To configure endpoint discovery between GKE clusters, you run
asmcli create-mesh
. This command:
- Registers all clusters to the same fleet.
- Configures the mesh to trust the fleet workload identity.
- Creates remote secrets.
You can either specify the URI for each cluster or the path the kubeconfig file.
In the following command, replace FLEET_PROJECT_ID
the project ID of the fleet host project and the cluster URI with the
cluster name, zone or region, and project ID for each cluster.
This example only shows two clusters, but you can run the command to enable
endpoint discovery on additional clusters, subject to the
maximum permitted number of clusters that you can add to your fleet.
./asmcli create-mesh \
In the following command, replace FLEET_PROJECT_ID
the project ID of the
fleet host project
with the path to each
file. This example only shows two clusters, but you can run the
command to enable endpoint discovery on additional clusters, subject to the
maximum permitted number of clusters that you can add to your fleet.
./asmcli create-mesh \
Configure endpoint discovery between private clusters
Configure remote secrets to allow API server access to the cluster to the other cluster's Cloud Service Mesh control plane. The commands depend on your Cloud Service Mesh type (either in-cluster or managed):
A. For in-cluster Cloud Service Mesh, you must configure the private IPs instead of public IPs because the public IPs are not accessible:
PRIV_IP=`gcloud container clusters describe "${CLUSTER_1}" --project "${PROJECT_1}" \ --zone "${LOCATION_1}" --format "value(privateClusterConfig.privateEndpoint)"` ./istioctl x create-remote-secret --context=${CTX_1} --name=${CLUSTER_1} --server=https://${PRIV_IP} > ${CTX_1}.secret
PRIV_IP=`gcloud container clusters describe "${CLUSTER_2}" --project "${PROJECT_2}" \ --zone "${LOCATION_2}" --format "value(privateClusterConfig.privateEndpoint)"` ./istioctl x create-remote-secret --context=${CTX_2} --name=${CLUSTER_2} --server=https://${PRIV_IP} > ${CTX_2}.secret
B. For Managed Cloud Service Mesh:
PUBLIC_IP=`gcloud container clusters describe "${CLUSTER_1}" --project "${PROJECT_1}" \ --zone "${LOCATION_1}" --format "value(privateClusterConfig.publicEndpoint)"` ./istioctl x create-remote-secret --context=${CTX_1} --name=${CLUSTER_1} --server=https://${PUBLIC_IP} > ${CTX_1}.secret
PUBLIC_IP=`gcloud container clusters describe "${CLUSTER_2}" --project "${PROJECT_2}" \ --zone "${LOCATION_2}" --format "value(privateClusterConfig.publicEndpoint)"` ./istioctl x create-remote-secret --context=${CTX_2} --name=${CLUSTER_2} --server=https://${PUBLIC_IP} > ${CTX_2}.secret
Apply the new secrets into the clusters:
kubectl apply -f ${CTX_1}.secret --context=${CTX_2}
kubectl apply -f ${CTX_2}.secret --context=${CTX_1}
Configure authorized networks for private clusters
Follow this section only if all of the following conditions apply to your mesh:
- You are using private clusters.
- The clusters do not belong to the same subnet.
- The clusters have enabled authorized networks.
When deploying multiple private clusters, the Cloud Service Mesh control plane in each cluster needs to call the GKE control plane of the remote clusters. To allow traffic, you need to add the Pod address range in the calling cluster to the authorized networks of the remote clusters.
Get the Pod IP CIDR block for each cluster:
POD_IP_CIDR_1=`gcloud container clusters describe ${CLUSTER_1} --project ${PROJECT_1} --zone ${LOCATION_1} \ --format "value(ipAllocationPolicy.clusterIpv4CidrBlock)"`
POD_IP_CIDR_2=`gcloud container clusters describe ${CLUSTER_2} --project ${PROJECT_2} --zone ${LOCATION_2} \ --format "value(ipAllocationPolicy.clusterIpv4CidrBlock)"`
Add the Kubernetes cluster Pod IP CIDR blocks to the remote clusters:
EXISTING_CIDR_1=`gcloud container clusters describe ${CLUSTER_1} --project ${PROJECT_1} --zone ${LOCATION_1} \ --format "value(masterAuthorizedNetworksConfig.cidrBlocks.cidrBlock)"` gcloud container clusters update ${CLUSTER_1} --project ${PROJECT_1} --zone ${LOCATION_1} \ --enable-master-authorized-networks \ --master-authorized-networks ${POD_IP_CIDR_2},${EXISTING_CIDR_1//;/,}
EXISTING_CIDR_2=`gcloud container clusters describe ${CLUSTER_2} --project ${PROJECT_2} --zone ${LOCATION_2} \ --format "value(masterAuthorizedNetworksConfig.cidrBlocks.cidrBlock)"` gcloud container clusters update ${CLUSTER_2} --project ${PROJECT_2} --zone ${LOCATION_2} \ --enable-master-authorized-networks \ --master-authorized-networks ${POD_IP_CIDR_1},${EXISTING_CIDR_2//;/,}
For more information, see Creating a cluster with authorized networks.
Verify that the authorized networks are updated:
gcloud container clusters describe ${CLUSTER_1} --project ${PROJECT_1} --zone ${LOCATION_1} \ --format "value(masterAuthorizedNetworksConfig.cidrBlocks.cidrBlock)"
gcloud container clusters describe ${CLUSTER_2} --project ${PROJECT_2} --zone ${LOCATION_2} \ --format "value(masterAuthorizedNetworksConfig.cidrBlocks.cidrBlock)"
Enable control plane global access
Follow this section only if all of the following conditions apply to your mesh:
- You are using private clusters.
- You use different regions for the clusters in your mesh.
You must enable control plane global access to allow Cloud Service Mesh control plane in each cluster to call the GKE control plane of the remote clusters.
Enable control plane global access:
gcloud container clusters update ${CLUSTER_1} --project ${PROJECT_1} --zone ${LOCATION_1} \ --enable-master-global-access
gcloud container clusters update ${CLUSTER_2} --project ${PROJECT_2} --zone ${LOCATION_2} \ --enable-master-global-access
Verify that control plane global access in enabled:
gcloud container clusters describe ${CLUSTER_1} --project ${PROJECT_1} --zone ${LOCATION_1}
gcloud container clusters describe ${CLUSTER_2} --project ${PROJECT_2} --zone ${LOCATION_2}
section in the output displays the status ofmasterGlobalAccessConfig
Verify multicluster connectivity
This section explains how to deploy the sample HelloWorld
and Sleep
to your multi-cluster environment to verify that cross-cluster load
balancing works.
Set variable for samples directory
Navigate to where
was downloaded, and run the following command to setASM_VERSION
export ASM_VERSION="$(./asmcli --version)"
Set a working folder to the samples that you use to verify that cross-cluster load balancing works. The samples are located in a subdirectory in the
directory that you specified in theasmcli install
command. In the following command, changeOUTPUT_DIR
to the directory that you specified in--output_dir
.export SAMPLES_DIR=
Enable sidecar injection
Locate the revision label value, which you use in later steps. The step depends on your Cloud Service Mesh type (either managed or in-cluster).
Use the following command to locate the revision label, which you will use in later steps.
kubectl get controlplanerevision -n istio-system
The output looks similar to the following:
NAME RECONCILED STALLED AGE asm-managed-rapid True False 89d
In the output, under the
column, note the value of the revision label. In this example, the value isasm-managed-rapid
. Use the revision value in the steps in the next section.Use the following command to locate the revision label, which you will use in later steps.
kubectl -n istio-system get pods -l app=istiod --show-labels
The output looks similar to the following:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE LABELS istiod-asm-173-3-5788d57586-bljj4 1/1 Running 0 23h app=istiod,,istio=istiod,pod-template-hash=5788d57586 istiod-asm-173-3-5788d57586-vsklm 1/1 Running 1 23h app=istiod,,istio=istiod,pod-template-hash=5788d57586
In the output, under the
column, note the value of theistiod
revision label, which follows the
. In this example, the value isasm-173-3
. Use the revision value in the steps in the next section.
Install the HelloWorld service
Create the sample namespace and the Service Definition in each cluster. In the following command, substitute REVISION with the
revision label that you noted from the previous step.for CTX in ${CTX_1} ${CTX_2} do kubectl create --context=${CTX} namespace sample kubectl label --context=${CTX} namespace sample \ istio-injection-
REVISION --overwrite donewhere REVISION is the
revision label that you previously noted.The output is:
label "istio-injection" not found. namespace/sample labeled
You can safely ignore
label "istio-injection" not found.
Create the HelloWorld service in both clusters:
kubectl create --context=${CTX_1} \ -f ${SAMPLES_DIR}/samples/helloworld/helloworld.yaml \ -l service=helloworld -n sample
kubectl create --context=${CTX_2} \ -f ${SAMPLES_DIR}/samples/helloworld/helloworld.yaml \ -l service=helloworld -n sample
Deploy HelloWorld v1 and v2 to each cluster
HelloWorld v1
, which helps later to verify cross-cluster load balancing:kubectl create --context=${CTX_1} \ -f ${SAMPLES_DIR}/samples/helloworld/helloworld.yaml \ -l version=v1 -n sample
kubectl create --context=${CTX_2} \ -f ${SAMPLES_DIR}/samples/helloworld/helloworld.yaml \ -l version=v2 -n sample
HelloWorld v1
are running using the following commands. Verify that the output is similar to that shown.:kubectl get pod --context=${CTX_1} -n sample
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE helloworld-v1-86f77cd7bd-cpxhv 2/2 Running 0 40s
kubectl get pod --context=${CTX_2} -n sample
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE helloworld-v2-758dd55874-6x4t8 2/2 Running 0 40s
Deploy the Sleep service
Deploy the
service to both clusters. This pod generates artificial network traffic for demonstration purposes:for CTX in ${CTX_1} ${CTX_2} do kubectl apply --context=${CTX} \ -f ${SAMPLES_DIR}/samples/sleep/sleep.yaml -n sample done
Wait for the
service to start in each cluster. Verify that the output is similar to that shown:kubectl get pod --context=${CTX_1} -n sample -l app=sleep
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE sleep-754684654f-n6bzf 2/2 Running 0 5s
kubectl get pod --context=${CTX_2} -n sample -l app=sleep
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE sleep-754684654f-dzl9j 2/2 Running 0 5s
Verify cross-cluster load balancing
Call the HelloWorld
service several times and check the output to verify
alternating replies from v1 and v2:
Call the
service:kubectl exec --context="${CTX_1}" -n sample -c sleep \ "$(kubectl get pod --context="${CTX_1}" -n sample -l \ app=sleep -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')" \ -- /bin/sh -c 'for i in $(seq 1 20); do curl -sS helloworld.sample:5000/hello; done'
The output is similar to that shown:
Hello version: v2, instance: helloworld-v2-758dd55874-6x4t8 Hello version: v1, instance: helloworld-v1-86f77cd7bd-cpxhv ...
Call the
service again:kubectl exec --context="${CTX_2}" -n sample -c sleep \ "$(kubectl get pod --context="${CTX_2}" -n sample -l \ app=sleep -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')" \ -- /bin/sh -c 'for i in $(seq 1 20); do curl -sS helloworld.sample:5000/hello; done'
The output is similar to that shown:
Hello version: v2, instance: helloworld-v2-758dd55874-6x4t8 Hello version: v1, instance: helloworld-v1-86f77cd7bd-cpxhv ...
Congratulations, you've verified your load-balanced, multi-cluster Cloud Service Mesh!
Clean up HelloWorld service
When you finish verifying load balancing, remove the HelloWorld
and Sleep
service from your cluster.
kubectl delete ns sample --context ${CTX_1} kubectl delete ns sample --context ${CTX_2}