Reference documentation and code samples for the googleauth class Google::Auth::WebUserAuthorizer.
Varation on UserAuthorizer adapted for Rack based web applications.
Example usage:
get('/') do
user_id = request.session['user_email']
credentials = authorizer.get_credentials(user_id, request)
if credentials.nil?
redirect authorizer.get_authorization_url(user_id: user_id,
request: request)
# Credentials are valid, can call APIs
get('/oauth2callback') do url = Google::Auth::WebUserAuthorizer.handle_auth_callback_deferred( request) redirect url end
Instead of implementing the callback directly, applications are encouraged to use CallbackApp instead.
def self.default()
Returns the value of attribute default.
def self.default=(value)
Sets the attribute default
def self.extract_callback_state(request)
def self.handle_auth_callback_deferred(request)
Handle the result of the oauth callback. This version defers the exchange of the code by temporarily stashing the results in the user's session. This allows apps to use the generic CallbackApp handler for the callback without any additional customization.
Apps that wish to handle the callback directly should use #handle_auth_callback instead.
- request (Rack::Request) — Current request
def self.validate_callback_state(state, request)
Verifies the results of an authorization callback
- state (Hash) — Callback state
- request (Rack::Request) — Current request
- (Signet::AuthorizationError)
def get_authorization_url(options = {}) -> String
Build the URL for requesting authorization.
- login_hint (String) — Login hint if need to authorize a specific account. Should be a user's email address or unique profile ID.
- request (Rack::Request) — Current request
- redirect_to (String) — Optional URL to proceed to after authorization complete. Defaults to the current URL.
- scope (String, Array<String>) — Authorization scope to request. Overrides the instance scopes if not nil.
- state (Hash) — Optional key-values to be returned to the oauth callback.
- (String) — Authorization url
def get_credentials(user_id, request = nil, scope = nil) -> Google::Auth::UserRefreshCredentials
Fetch stored credentials for the user from the given request session.
- user_id (String) — Unique ID of the user for loading/storing credentials.
- request (Rack::Request) — Current request. Optional. If omitted, this will attempt to fall back on the base class behavior of reading from the token store.
- scope (Array<String>, String) — If specified, only returns credentials that have all the \ requested scopes
- (Google::Auth::UserRefreshCredentials) — Stored credentials, nil if none present
- (Signet::AuthorizationError) — May raise an error if an authorization code is present in the session and exchange of the code fails
def handle_auth_callback(user_id, request) -> Google::Auth::UserRefreshCredentials, String
Handle the result of the oauth callback. Exchanges the authorization code from the request and persists to storage.
- user_id (String) — Unique ID of the user for loading/storing credentials.
- request (Rack::Request) — Current request
- (Google::Auth::UserRefreshCredentials, String) — credentials & next URL to redirect to
def initialize(client_id, scope, token_store, legacy_callback_uri = nil, callback_uri: nil, code_verifier: nil) -> WebUserAuthorizer
Initialize the authorizer
- client_id (Google::Auth::ClientID) — Configured ID & secret for this application
- scope (String, Array<String>) — Authorization scope to request
- token_store (Google::Auth::Stores::TokenStore) — Backing storage for persisting user credentials
- legacy_callback_uri (String) — URL (either absolute or relative) of the auth callback. Defaults to '/oauth2callback'. @deprecated This field is deprecated. Instead, use the keyword argument callback_uri.
- code_verifier (String) (defaults to: nil) — Random string of 43-128 chars used to verify the key exchange using PKCE.
- (WebUserAuthorizer) — a new instance of WebUserAuthorizer
value: "state".freeze
value: "code".freeze
value: "error".freeze
value: "session_id".freeze
value: "g-auth-callback".freeze
value: "current_uri".freeze
value: "g-xsrf-token".freeze
value: "scope".freeze
value: "Request is required.".freeze
value: "Sessions must be enabled".freeze
value: "Missing authorization code in request".freeze
value: "Authorization error: %s".freeze
value: "State token does not match expected value".freeze