Reference documentation and code samples for the googleauth class Google::Auth::UserAuthorizer.
Handles an interactive 3-Legged-OAuth2 (3LO) user consent authorization.
Example usage for a simple command line app:
credentials = authorizer.get_credentials(user_id)
if credentials.nil?
url = authorizer.get_authorization_url(
base_url: OOB_URI)
puts "Open the following URL in the browser and enter the " +
"resulting code after authorization"
puts url
code = gets
credentials = authorizer.get_and_store_credentials_from_code(
user_id: user_id, code: code, base_url: OOB_URI)
# Credentials ready to use, call APIs
- Object
def self.generate_code_verifier()
Generate the code verifier needed to be sent while fetching authorization URL.
def code_verifier=(new_code_verifier)
The code verifier for PKCE for OAuth 2.0. When set, the authorization URI will contain the Code Challenge and Code Challenge Method querystring parameters, and the token URI will contain the Code Verifier parameter.
- new_code_erifier (String|nil)
def get_and_store_credentials_from_code(options = {}) -> Google::Auth::UserRefreshCredentials
Exchanges an authorization code returned in the oauth callback. Additionally, stores the resulting credentials in the token store if the exchange is successful.
- user_id (String) — Unique ID of the user for loading/storing credentials.
- code (String) — The authorization code from the OAuth callback
- scope (String, Array<String>) — Authorization scope requested. Overrides the instance scopes if not nil.
- base_url (String) — Absolute URL to resolve the configured callback uri against. Required if the configured callback uri is a relative.
- (Google::Auth::UserRefreshCredentials) — Credentials if exchange is successful
def get_authorization_url(options = {}) -> String
Build the URL for requesting authorization.
- login_hint (String) — Login hint if need to authorize a specific account. Should be a user's email address or unique profile ID.
- state (String) — Opaque state value to be returned to the oauth callback.
- base_url (String) — Absolute URL to resolve the configured callback uri against. Required if the configured callback uri is a relative.
- scope (String, Array<String>) — Authorization scope to request. Overrides the instance scopes if not nil.
- additional_parameters (Hash) — Additional query parameters to be added to the authorization URL.
- (String) — Authorization url
def get_credentials(user_id, scope = nil) -> Google::Auth::UserRefreshCredentials
Fetch stored credentials for the user.
- user_id (String) — Unique ID of the user for loading/storing credentials.
- scope (Array<String>, String) — If specified, only returns credentials that have all the requested scopes
- (Google::Auth::UserRefreshCredentials) — Stored credentials, nil if none present
def get_credentials_from_code(options = {}) -> Google::Auth::UserRefreshCredentials
Exchanges an authorization code returned in the oauth callback
- user_id (String) — Unique ID of the user for loading/storing credentials.
- code (String) — The authorization code from the OAuth callback
- scope (String, Array<String>) — Authorization scope requested. Overrides the instance scopes if not nil.
- base_url (String) — Absolute URL to resolve the configured callback uri against. Required if the configured callback uri is a relative.
- additional_parameters (Hash) — Additional parameters to be added to the post body of token endpoint request.
- (Google::Auth::UserRefreshCredentials) — Credentials if exchange is successful
def initialize(client_id, scope, token_store, legacy_callback_uri = nil, callback_uri: nil, code_verifier: nil) -> UserAuthorizer
Initialize the authorizer
- client_id (Google::Auth::ClientID) — Configured ID & secret for this application
- scope (String, Array<String>) — Authorization scope to request
- token_store (Google::Auth::Stores::TokenStore) — Backing storage for persisting user credentials
- legacy_callback_uri (String) — URL (either absolute or relative) of the auth callback. Defaults to '/oauth2callback'. @deprecated This field is deprecated. Instead, use the keyword argument callback_uri.
- code_verifier (String) (defaults to: nil) — Random string of 43-128 chars used to verify the key exchange using PKCE.
- (UserAuthorizer) — a new instance of UserAuthorizer
def revoke_authorization(user_id)
Revokes a user's credentials. This both revokes the actual grant as well as removes the token from the token store.
- user_id (String) — Unique ID of the user for loading/storing credentials.
def store_credentials(user_id, credentials)
Store credentials for a user. Generally not required to be called directly, but may be used to migrate tokens from one store to another.
- user_id (String) — Unique ID of the user for loading/storing credentials.
- credentials (Google::Auth::UserRefreshCredentials) — Credentials to store.
value: "Token client ID of %s does not match configured client id %s".freeze
value: "Client id can not be nil.".freeze
value: "Scope can not be nil.".freeze
value: "User ID can not be nil.".freeze
value: "Can not call method if token store is nil".freeze
value: 'Absolute base url required for relative callback url "%s"'.freeze