Google Workspace Events V1 API - Class Google::Apps::Events::Subscriptions::V1::SubscriptionsService::Client (v0.1.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Workspace Events V1 API class Google::Apps::Events::Subscriptions::V1::SubscriptionsService::Client.

Client for the SubscriptionsService service.

A service that manages subscriptions to Google Workspace events.


  • Object



def self.configure() { |config| ... } -> Client::Configuration

Configure the SubscriptionsService Client class.

See Configuration for a description of the configuration fields.

  • (config) — Configure the Client client.
Yield Parameter
# Modify the configuration for all SubscriptionsService clients
::Google::Apps::Events::Subscriptions::V1::SubscriptionsService::Client.configure do |config|
  config.timeout = 10.0


def configure() { |config| ... } -> Client::Configuration

Configure the SubscriptionsService Client instance.

The configuration is set to the derived mode, meaning that values can be changed, but structural changes (adding new fields, etc.) are not allowed. Structural changes should be made on Client.configure.

See Configuration for a description of the configuration fields.

  • (config) — Configure the Client client.
Yield Parameter


def create_subscription(request, options = nil) -> ::Gapic::Operation
def create_subscription(subscription: nil, validate_only: nil) -> ::Gapic::Operation

Creates a Google Workspace subscription. To learn how to use this method, see Create a Google Workspace subscription.

def create_subscription(request, options = nil) -> ::Gapic::Operation
Pass arguments to create_subscription via a request object, either of type CreateSubscriptionRequest or an equivalent Hash.
  • request (::Google::Apps::Events::Subscriptions::V1::CreateSubscriptionRequest, ::Hash) — A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
  • options (::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash) — Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
def create_subscription(subscription: nil, validate_only: nil) -> ::Gapic::Operation
Pass arguments to create_subscription via keyword arguments. Note that at least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
  • (response, operation) — Access the result along with the RPC operation
Yield Parameters
  • response (::Gapic::Operation)
  • operation (::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation)
  • (::Gapic::Operation)
  • (::Google::Cloud::Error) — if the RPC is aborted.

Basic example

require "google/apps/events/subscriptions/v1"

# Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
client =

# Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
request =

# Call the create_subscription method.
result = client.create_subscription request

# The returned object is of type Gapic::Operation. You can use it to
# check the status of an operation, cancel it, or wait for results.
# Here is how to wait for a response.
result.wait_until_done! timeout: 60
if result.response?
  p result.response
  puts "No response received."


def delete_subscription(request, options = nil) -> ::Gapic::Operation
def delete_subscription(name: nil, validate_only: nil, allow_missing: nil, etag: nil) -> ::Gapic::Operation

Deletes a Google Workspace subscription. To learn how to use this method, see Delete a Google Workspace subscription.

def delete_subscription(request, options = nil) -> ::Gapic::Operation
Pass arguments to delete_subscription via a request object, either of type DeleteSubscriptionRequest or an equivalent Hash.
  • request (::Google::Apps::Events::Subscriptions::V1::DeleteSubscriptionRequest, ::Hash) — A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
  • options (::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash) — Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
def delete_subscription(name: nil, validate_only: nil, allow_missing: nil, etag: nil) -> ::Gapic::Operation
Pass arguments to delete_subscription via keyword arguments. Note that at least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
  • name (::String) — Required. Resource name of the subscription to delete.

    Format: subscriptions/{subscription}

  • validate_only (::Boolean) — Optional. If set to true, validates and previews the request, but doesn't delete the subscription.
  • allow_missing (::Boolean) — Optional. If set to true and the subscription isn't found, the request succeeds but doesn't delete the subscription.
  • etag (::String) — Optional. Etag of the subscription.

    If present, it must match with the server's etag. Otherwise, request fails with the status ABORTED.

  • (response, operation) — Access the result along with the RPC operation
Yield Parameters
  • response (::Gapic::Operation)
  • operation (::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation)
  • (::Gapic::Operation)
  • (::Google::Cloud::Error) — if the RPC is aborted.

Basic example

require "google/apps/events/subscriptions/v1"

# Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
client =

# Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
request =

# Call the delete_subscription method.
result = client.delete_subscription request

# The returned object is of type Gapic::Operation. You can use it to
# check the status of an operation, cancel it, or wait for results.
# Here is how to wait for a response.
result.wait_until_done! timeout: 60
if result.response?
  p result.response
  puts "No response received."


def get_subscription(request, options = nil) -> ::Google::Apps::Events::Subscriptions::V1::Subscription
def get_subscription(name: nil) -> ::Google::Apps::Events::Subscriptions::V1::Subscription

Gets details about a Google Workspace subscription. To learn how to use this method, see Get details about a Google Workspace subscription.

def get_subscription(request, options = nil) -> ::Google::Apps::Events::Subscriptions::V1::Subscription
Pass arguments to get_subscription via a request object, either of type GetSubscriptionRequest or an equivalent Hash.
  • request (::Google::Apps::Events::Subscriptions::V1::GetSubscriptionRequest, ::Hash) — A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
  • options (::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash) — Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
def get_subscription(name: nil) -> ::Google::Apps::Events::Subscriptions::V1::Subscription
Pass arguments to get_subscription via keyword arguments. Note that at least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
  • name (::String) — Required. Resource name of the subscription.

    Format: subscriptions/{subscription}

  • (response, operation) — Access the result along with the RPC operation
Yield Parameters
  • (::Google::Cloud::Error) — if the RPC is aborted.

Basic example

require "google/apps/events/subscriptions/v1"

# Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
client =

# Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
request =

# Call the get_subscription method.
result = client.get_subscription request

# The returned object is of type Google::Apps::Events::Subscriptions::V1::Subscription.
p result


def initialize() { |config| ... } -> Client

Create a new SubscriptionsService client object.

  • (config) — Configure the SubscriptionsService client.
Yield Parameter
  • (Client) — a new instance of Client
# Create a client using the default configuration
client =

# Create a client using a custom configuration
client = do |config|
  config.timeout = 10.0


def list_subscriptions(request, options = nil) -> ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Apps::Events::Subscriptions::V1::Subscription>
def list_subscriptions(page_size: nil, page_token: nil, filter: nil) -> ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Apps::Events::Subscriptions::V1::Subscription>

Lists Google Workspace subscriptions. To learn how to use this method, see List Google Workspace subscriptions.

def list_subscriptions(request, options = nil) -> ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Apps::Events::Subscriptions::V1::Subscription>
Pass arguments to list_subscriptions via a request object, either of type ListSubscriptionsRequest or an equivalent Hash.
  • request (::Google::Apps::Events::Subscriptions::V1::ListSubscriptionsRequest, ::Hash) — A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
  • options (::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash) — Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
def list_subscriptions(page_size: nil, page_token: nil, filter: nil) -> ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Apps::Events::Subscriptions::V1::Subscription>
Pass arguments to list_subscriptions via keyword arguments. Note that at least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
  • page_size (::Integer) — Optional. The maximum number of subscriptions to return. The service might return fewer than this value.

    If unspecified or set to 0, up to 50 subscriptions are returned.

    The maximum value is 100. If you specify a value more than 100, the system only returns 100 subscriptions.

  • page_token (::String) — Optional. A page token, received from a previous list subscriptions call. Provide this parameter to retrieve the subsequent page.

    When paginating, the filter value should match the call that provided the page token. Passing a different value might lead to unexpected results.

  • filter (::String) — Required. A query filter.

    You can filter subscriptions by event type (event_types) and target resource (target_resource).

    You must specify at least one event type in your query. To filter for multiple event types, use the OR operator.

    To filter by both event type and target resource, use the AND operator and specify the full resource name, such as //{space}.

    For example, the following queries are valid:

    ``` event_types:"" OR event_types:""

    event_types:"" AND target_resource="//{space}"

    ( event_types:"" OR event_types:"" ) AND target_resource="//{space}" ```

    The server rejects invalid queries with an INVALID_ARGUMENT error.

  • (response, operation) — Access the result along with the RPC operation
Yield Parameters
  • (::Google::Cloud::Error) — if the RPC is aborted.

Basic example

require "google/apps/events/subscriptions/v1"

# Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
client =

# Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
request =

# Call the list_subscriptions method.
result = client.list_subscriptions request

# The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can iterate
# over elements, and API calls will be issued to fetch pages as needed.
result.each do |item|
  # Each element is of type ::Google::Apps::Events::Subscriptions::V1::Subscription.
  p item


def operations_client() -> ::Google::Apps::Events::Subscriptions::V1::SubscriptionsService::Operations

Get the associated client for long-running operations.


def reactivate_subscription(request, options = nil) -> ::Gapic::Operation
def reactivate_subscription(name: nil) -> ::Gapic::Operation

Reactivates a suspended Google Workspace subscription.

This method resets your subscription's State field to ACTIVE. Before you use this method, you must fix the error that suspended the subscription. To learn how to use this method, see Reactivate a Google Workspace subscription.

def reactivate_subscription(request, options = nil) -> ::Gapic::Operation
Pass arguments to reactivate_subscription via a request object, either of type ReactivateSubscriptionRequest or an equivalent Hash.
  • request (::Google::Apps::Events::Subscriptions::V1::ReactivateSubscriptionRequest, ::Hash) — A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
  • options (::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash) — Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
def reactivate_subscription(name: nil) -> ::Gapic::Operation
Pass arguments to reactivate_subscription via keyword arguments. Note that at least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
  • name (::String) — Required. Resource name of the subscription.

    Format: subscriptions/{subscription}

  • (response, operation) — Access the result along with the RPC operation
Yield Parameters
  • response (::Gapic::Operation)
  • operation (::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation)
  • (::Gapic::Operation)
  • (::Google::Cloud::Error) — if the RPC is aborted.

Basic example

require "google/apps/events/subscriptions/v1"

# Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
client =

# Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
request =

# Call the reactivate_subscription method.
result = client.reactivate_subscription request

# The returned object is of type Gapic::Operation. You can use it to
# check the status of an operation, cancel it, or wait for results.
# Here is how to wait for a response.
result.wait_until_done! timeout: 60
if result.response?
  p result.response
  puts "No response received."


def universe_domain() -> String

The effective universe domain

  • (String)


def update_subscription(request, options = nil) -> ::Gapic::Operation
def update_subscription(subscription: nil, update_mask: nil, validate_only: nil) -> ::Gapic::Operation

Updates or renews a Google Workspace subscription. To learn how to use this method, see Update or renew a Google Workspace subscription.

def update_subscription(request, options = nil) -> ::Gapic::Operation
Pass arguments to update_subscription via a request object, either of type UpdateSubscriptionRequest or an equivalent Hash.
  • request (::Google::Apps::Events::Subscriptions::V1::UpdateSubscriptionRequest, ::Hash) — A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
  • options (::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash) — Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
def update_subscription(subscription: nil, update_mask: nil, validate_only: nil) -> ::Gapic::Operation
Pass arguments to update_subscription via keyword arguments. Note that at least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
  • subscription (::Google::Apps::Events::Subscriptions::V1::Subscription, ::Hash) — Required. The subscription to update.

    The subscription's name field is used to identify the subscription to update.

  • update_mask (::Google::Protobuf::FieldMask, ::Hash) —

    Optional. Required. The field to update.

    You can update one of the following fields in a subscription:

    • expire_time: The timestamp when the subscription expires.
    • ttl: The time-to-live (TTL) or duration of the subscription.
  • validate_only (::Boolean) — Optional. If set to true, validates and previews the request, but doesn't update the subscription.
  • (response, operation) — Access the result along with the RPC operation
Yield Parameters
  • response (::Gapic::Operation)
  • operation (::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation)
  • (::Gapic::Operation)
  • (::Google::Cloud::Error) — if the RPC is aborted.

Basic example

require "google/apps/events/subscriptions/v1"

# Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
client =

# Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
request =

# Call the update_subscription method.
result = client.update_subscription request

# The returned object is of type Gapic::Operation. You can use it to
# check the status of an operation, cancel it, or wait for results.
# Here is how to wait for a response.
result.wait_until_done! timeout: 60
if result.response?
  p result.response
  puts "No response received."