Reference documentation and code samples for the activerecord-spanner-adapter class ActiveRecordSpannerAdapter::Connection.
- Object
def self.database_path(config)
def self.information_schema(config)
def self.reset_information_schemas!()
Clears the cached information about the underlying information schemas. Call this method if you drop and recreate a database with the same name to prevent the cached information to be used for the new database.
def self.spanners(config)
def abort_batch()
Aborts the current batch on this connection. This is a no-op if there is no batch on this connection.
def active?() -> Boolean
- (Boolean)
def begin_transaction(isolation = nil)
def commit_transaction()
def connect!()
def create_database()
Database Operations
def create_transaction_after_failed_first_statement(original_error)
Creates a transaction using a BeginTransaction RPC. This is used if the first statement of a transaction fails, as that also means that no transaction id was returned.
def current_transaction()
Returns the value of attribute current_transaction.
def current_transaction=(value)
Sets the attribute current_transaction
def database()
def database_id()
Returns the value of attribute database_id.
def ddl_batch()
Executes a set of DDL statements as one batch. This method raises an error if no block is given.
- (Google::Cloud::FailedPreconditionError)
connection.ddl_batch do connection.execute_ddl "CREATE TABLE `Users` (Id INT64, Name STRING(MAX)) PRIMARY KEY (Id)" connection.execute_ddl "CREATE INDEX Idx_Users_Name ON `Users` (Name)" end
def ddl_batch?() -> Boolean
Returns true if this connection is currently executing a DDL batch, and otherwise false.
- (Boolean)
def disconnect!()
def execute_ddl(statements, operation_id: nil, wait_until_done: true)
def execute_query(sql, params: nil, types: nil, single_use_selector: nil, request_options: nil)
DQL, DML Statements
def execute_sql_request(sql, converted_params, types, selector, request_options = nil)
rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity
def initialize(config) -> Connection
- (Connection) — a new instance of Connection
def instance_id()
Returns the value of attribute instance_id.
def raise_aborted_err()
def reset!()
def rollback_transaction()
def run_batch()
Runs the current batch on this connection. This will raise a FailedPreconditionError if there is no active batch on this connection.
def session()
def session_not_found?(err) -> Boolean
- (Boolean)
def spanner()
Returns the value of attribute spanner.
def start_batch_ddl()
Starts a manual DDL batch. The batch must be ended by calling either run_batch or abort_batch.
begin connection.start_batch_ddl connection.execute_ddl "CREATE TABLE `Users` (Id INT64, Name STRING(MAX)) PRIMARY KEY (Id)" connection.execute_ddl "CREATE INDEX Idx_Users_Name ON `Users` (Name)" connection.run_batch rescue StandardError connection.abort_batch raise end
def transaction_not_found?(err) -> Boolean
- (Boolean)
def transaction_selector()
def truncate(table_name)