Reference documentation and code samples for the activerecord-spanner-adapter class ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Spanner::IndexDefinition.
- ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::IndexDefinition
def columns_with_order()
rubocop:enable Lint/MissingSuper
def initialize(table_name, name, columns, unique: false, null_filtered: false, interleave_in: nil, storing: nil, orders: nil) -> IndexDefinition
This constructor intentionally does not call super. rubocop:disable Lint/MissingSuper
- (IndexDefinition) — a new instance of IndexDefinition
def interleave_in()
Returns the value of attribute interleave_in.
def null_filtered()
Returns the value of attribute null_filtered.
def orders()
Returns the value of attribute orders.
def storing()
Returns the value of attribute storing.