JavaScript API reference for reCAPTCHA

This page describes methods of the reCAPTCHA JavaScript API and their configuration parameters that you can use to render the web pages with a reCAPTCHA key (site key).

reCAPTCHA JavaScript API methods

This section describes the syntax and parameters of reCAPTCHA JavaScript API methods.


Renders the container as a reCAPTCHA widget and returns the ID of the newly created widget.


grecaptcha.enterprise.render(container: string | HTMLelement, parameters: Object): number

Method Parameters

Parameter Description
container The HTML element to render the reCAPTCHA widget. Specify either the ID of the container (string) or the DOM element itself.

An object containing parameters as key=value pairs, for example, {"sitekey": "your_site_key", "action": "login", "theme": "dark"}.

See Attributes and parameters for details about each configurable parameter.

Return value

Returns the ID of the newly created widget.


Resets the reCAPTCHA widget.


grecaptcha.enterprise.reset(widget_id: number): void


Parameter Description
widget_id Optional. Widget ID returned from grecaptcha.enterprise.render(). If not specified, it defaults to the ID of the first widget that was created.

Return value

Does not return a value.


Programmatically invokes the reCAPTCHA verification.


grecaptcha.enterprise.execute(widget_id: number): Promise<string>
grecaptcha.enterprise.execute(sitekey: string, action: Object): Promise<string>


Parameter Description
widget_id Optional. Widget ID returned from grecaptcha.enterprise.render().

If not specified, it defaults to the ID of the first widget that was created.


Specify the reCAPTCHA site key to be protected.

action An object with a single key=value pair, where the value for action key specifies the action name associated with the protected element.

For example: {"action": "action_name"}

Return value

If successful, returns a Promise object containing the token if successful.


Runs your function when the reCAPTCHA JavaScript library loads.


grecaptcha.enterprise.ready(callback: function): void


Parameter Description
callback The function to call when the reCAPTCHA library finishes loading.

Return value

Does not return a value.


Gets the response for the reCAPTCHA widget.


grecaptcha.enterprise.getResponse(widget_id: number): string


Parameter Description
widget_id Optional. Widget ID returned from grecaptcha.enterprise.render(). If not specified, it defaults to the ID of the first widget that was created.

Return value

Gets the response of the reCAPTCHA widget. It can be either a string with the token created by grecaptcha.enterprise.execute() or an empty string if the token has not yet been created.


This section describes the JavaScript resource parameters and the parameters used by grecaptcha.enterprise.render() and attributes of the g-recaptcha widget.

JavaScript resource (enterprise.js) parameters

The following table lists the parameters of the JavaScript resource (enterprise.js) that you must include when using reCAPTCHA.

For more information about using these parameters, see the examples in Rendering the reCAPTCHA widget on the frontend.

Parameter Value Description
onload callback Optional. The name of your callback function to be executed after all the dependencies have loaded.
render onload

Optional, default value. Renders the widget in the first g-recaptcha tag it finds.


Optional. Does not render the widget automatically. You need to call grecaptcha.enterprise.render() to render it programmatically.


When used with score-based site keys, this parameter is not optional. The value siteKey specifies the score-based site key associated.

hl See language codes. Optional. Forces the widget to render in a specific language. Auto-detects the user's language if unspecified.

g-recaptcha tag attributes and grecaptcha.enterprise.render() parameters

The following table lists the g-recaptcha tag attributes and the corresponding grecaptcha.enterprise.render() parameters.

g-recaptcha tag attribute grecaptcha.enterprise.render() parameter Allowed values Default Description
data-sitekey sitekey reCAPTCHA Key.
data-badge badge bottomright, bottomleft, inline bottomright Optional. Reposition the reCAPTCHA badge. inline lets you position it with CSS.
data-action action Optional. String describing current action.
data-theme theme dark, light light Optional. The color theme of the widget.
data-size size compact, normal normal Optional. The size of the widget.
data-tabindex tabindex Integer 0 Optional. The tabindex of the widget and challenge. If other elements in your page use tabindex, it should be set to make user navigation easier.
data-callback callback String N/A Optional. The name of your callback function, executed when the user submits a successful response. The g-recaptcha-response token is passed to your callback.
data-expired-callback expired-callback String N/A Optional. The name of your callback function, executed when the reCAPTCHA response expires and the user needs to re-verify.
data-error-callback error-callback String N/A Optional. The name of your callback function, executed when reCAPTCHA encounters an error (usually network connectivity) and cannot continue until connectivity is restored. The callback does not receive any arguments containing error details. If you specify a function here, you are responsible for informing the user that they should retry.