Class AnnotateImageResponse (2.1.0)

AnnotateImageResponse(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Response to an image annotation request.


face_annotations Sequence[.image_annotator.FaceAnnotation]
If present, face detection has completed successfully.
landmark_annotations Sequence[.image_annotator.EntityAnnotation]
If present, landmark detection has completed successfully.
logo_annotations Sequence[.image_annotator.EntityAnnotation]
If present, logo detection has completed successfully.
label_annotations Sequence[.image_annotator.EntityAnnotation]
If present, label detection has completed successfully.
text_annotations Sequence[.image_annotator.EntityAnnotation]
If present, text (OCR) detection has completed successfully.
full_text_annotation .text_annotation.TextAnnotation
If present, text (OCR) detection or document (OCR) text detection has completed successfully. This annotation provides the structural hierarchy for the OCR detected text.
safe_search_annotation .image_annotator.SafeSearchAnnotation
If present, safe-search annotation has completed successfully.
image_properties_annotation .image_annotator.ImageProperties
If present, image properties were extracted successfully.
crop_hints_annotation .image_annotator.CropHintsAnnotation
If present, crop hints have completed successfully.
web_detection .gcv_web_detection.WebDetection
If present, web detection has completed successfully.
error .status.Status
If set, represents the error message for the operation. Note that filled-in image annotations are guaranteed to be correct, even when error is set.
context .image_annotator.ImageAnnotationContext
If present, contextual information is needed to understand where this image comes from.