Module types (0.39.0)

API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types module.



Request message for the AddProductToProductSet method.

The resource name for the Product to be added to this ProductSet. Format is: projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOC_ID/products/PRODUCT_ID


Response to a single file annotation request. A file may contain one or more images, which individually have their own responses.

Individual responses to images found within the file.


Request for performing Google Cloud Vision API tasks over a user-provided image, with user-requested features.

Requested features.


Response to an image annotation request.

If present, landmark detection has completed successfully.

If present, label detection has completed successfully.

If present, text (OCR) detection has completed successfully.

If present, safe-search annotation has completed successfully.

If present, crop hints have completed successfully.

If present, product search has completed successfully.

If present, contextual information is needed to understand where this image comes from.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.Any class.


An offline file annotation request.

Required. Requested features.

Required. The desired output location and metadata (e.g. format).


The response for a single offline file annotation request.


Multiple async file annotation requests are batched into a single service call.


Response to an async batch file annotation request.


Multiple image annotation requests are batched into a single service call.


Response to a batch image annotation request.


Metadata for the batch operations such as the current state.

This is included in the metadata field of the Operation returned by the GetOperation call of the google::longrunning::Operations service.

The time when the batch request was submitted to the server.


Logical element on the page.

The bounding box for the block. The vertices are in the order of top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left. When a rotation of the bounding box is detected the rotation is represented as around the top-left corner as defined when the text is read in the 'natural' orientation. For example: - when the text is horizontal it might look like: :: 0----1 | | 3----2 - when it's rotated 180 degrees around the top-left corner it becomes: :: 2----3 | | 1----0 and the vertice order will still be (0, 1, 2, 3).

Detected block type (text, image etc) for this block.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.BoolValue class.


A bounding polygon for the detected image annotation.

The bounding polygon normalized vertices.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.BytesValue class.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.CancelOperationRequest class.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.Color class.


Color information consists of RGB channels, score, and the fraction of the image that the color occupies in the image.

Image-specific score for this color. Value in range [0, 1].


Request message for the CreateProduct method.

The product to create.


Request message for the CreateProductSet method.

The ProductSet to create.


Request message for the CreateReferenceImage method.

The reference image to create. If an image ID is specified, it is ignored.


Single crop hint that is used to generate a new crop when serving an image.

Confidence of this being a salient region. Range [0, 1].


Set of crop hints that are used to generate new crops when serving images.


Parameters for crop hints annotation request.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.DeleteOperationRequest class.


Request message for the DeleteProduct method.


Request message for the DeleteProductSet method.


Request message for the DeleteReferenceImage method.


Set of dominant colors and their corresponding scores.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.DoubleValue class.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.Empty class.


Set of detected entity features.

The language code for the locale in which the entity textual description is expressed.

Overall score of the result. Range [0, 1].

The relevancy of the ICA (Image Content Annotation) label to the image. For example, the relevancy of "tower" is likely higher to an image containing the detected "Eiffel Tower" than to an image containing a detected distant towering building, even though the confidence that there is a tower in each image may be the same. Range [0, 1].

The location information for the detected entity. Multiple LocationInfo elements can be present because one location may indicate the location of the scene in the image, and another location may indicate the location of the place where the image was taken. Location information is usually present for landmarks.


A face annotation object contains the results of face detection.

The fd_bounding_poly bounding polygon is tighter than the boundingPoly, and encloses only the skin part of the face. Typically, it is used to eliminate the face from any image analysis that detects the "amount of skin" visible in an image. It is not based on the landmarker results, only on the initial face detection, hence the fd (face detection) prefix.

Roll angle, which indicates the amount of clockwise/anti- clockwise rotation of the face relative to the image vertical about the axis perpendicular to the face. Range [-180,180].

Pitch angle, which indicates the upwards/downwards angle that the face is pointing relative to the image's horizontal plane. Range [-180,180].

Face landmarking confidence. Range [0, 1].

Sorrow likelihood.

Surprise likelihood.

Blurred likelihood.


The type of Google Cloud Vision API detection to perform, and the maximum number of results to return for that type. Multiple Feature objects can be specified in the features list.

Maximum number of results of this type. Does not apply to TEXT_DETECTION, DOCUMENT_TEXT_DETECTION, or CROP_HINTS.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.FieldMask class.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.FloatValue class.


The Google Cloud Storage location where the output will be written to.


The Google Cloud Storage location where the input will be read from.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.GetOperationRequest class.


Request message for the GetProduct method.


Request message for the GetProductSet method.


Request message for the GetReferenceImage method.


Client image to perform Google Cloud Vision API tasks over.

Google Cloud Storage image location, or publicly-accessible image URL. If both content and source are provided for an image, content takes precedence and is used to perform the image annotation request.


If an image was produced from a file (e.g. a PDF), this message gives information about the source of that image.

If the file was a PDF or TIFF, this field gives the page number within the file used to produce the image.


Image context and/or feature-specific parameters.

List of languages to use for TEXT_DETECTION. In most cases, an empty value yields the best results since it enables automatic language detection. For languages based on the Latin alphabet, setting language_hints is not needed. In rare cases, when the language of the text in the image is known, setting a hint will help get better results (although it will be a significant hindrance if the hint is wrong). Text detection returns an error if one or more of the specified languages is not one of the supported languages </vision/docs/languages>__.

Parameters for product search.


Stores image properties, such as dominant colors.


External image source (Google Cloud Storage or web URL image location).

The URI of the source image. Can be either: 1. A Google Cloud Storage URI of the form gs://bucket_name/object_name. Object versioning is not supported. See Google Cloud Storage Request URIs <>__ for more info. 2. A publicly-accessible image HTTP/HTTPS URL. When fetching images from HTTP/HTTPS URLs, Google cannot guarantee that the request will be completed. Your request may fail if the specified host denies the request (e.g. due to request throttling or DOS prevention), or if Google throttles requests to the site for abuse prevention. You should not depend on externally-hosted images for production applications. When both gcs_image_uri and image_uri are specified, image_uri takes precedence.


The Google Cloud Storage location for a csv file which preserves a list of ImportProductSetRequests in each line.


The input content for the ImportProductSets method.

The Google Cloud Storage location for a csv file which preserves a list of ImportProductSetRequests in each line.


Request message for the ImportProductSets method.

The input content for the list of requests.


Response message for the ImportProductSets method.

This message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation] method in the returned google.longrunning.Operation.response][google.longrunning.Operation.response] field.

The rpc status for each ImportProductSet request, including both successes and errors. The number of statuses here matches the number of lines in the csv file, and statuses[i] stores the success or failure status of processing the i-th line of the csv, starting from line 0.


The desired input location and metadata.

The type of the file. Currently only "application/pdf" and "image/tiff" are supported. Wildcards are not supported.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.Int32Value class.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.Int64Value class.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.LatLng class.


Rectangle determined by min and max LatLng pairs.

Max lat/long pair.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.ListOperationsRequest class.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.ListOperationsResponse class.


Request message for the ListProductSets method.

The maximum number of items to return. Default 10, maximum 100.


Response message for the ListProductSets method.

Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list.


Request message for the ListProductsInProductSet method.

The maximum number of items to return. Default 10, maximum 100.


Response message for the ListProductsInProductSet method.

Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list.


Request message for the ListProducts method.

The maximum number of items to return. Default 10, maximum 100.


Response message for the ListProducts method.

Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list.


Request message for the ListReferenceImages method.

The maximum number of items to return. Default 10, maximum 100.


Response message for the ListReferenceImages method.

The maximum number of items to return. Default 10, maximum 100.


Set of detected objects with bounding boxes.

The BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see code_locale_identifier.

Score of the result. Range [0, 1].


Detected entity location information.


A normalized bounding polygon around a portion of an image.


X coordinate.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.Operation class.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.OperationInfo class.


Contains metadata for the BatchAnnotateImages operation.

The time when the batch request was received.


The desired output location and metadata.

The max number of response protos to put into each output JSON file on Google Cloud Storage. The valid range is [1, 100]. If not specified, the default value is 20. For example, for one pdf file with 100 pages, 100 response protos will be generated. If batch_size = 20, then 5 json files each containing 20 response protos will be written under the prefix gcs_destination.\ uri. Currently, batch_size only applies to GcsDestination, with potential future support for other output configurations.


Detected page from OCR.

Page width. For PDFs the unit is points. For images (including TIFFs) the unit is pixels.

List of blocks of text, images etc on this page.


Structural unit of text representing a number of words in certain order.

The bounding box for the paragraph. The vertices are in the order of top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left. When a rotation of the bounding box is detected the rotation is represented as around the top-left corner as defined when the text is read in the 'natural' orientation. For example: * when the text is horizontal it might look like: 0----1 | | 3 ----2 * when it's rotated 180 degrees around the top-left corner it becomes: 2----3 | | 1----0 and the vertice order will still be (0, 1, 2, 3).

Confidence of the OCR results for the paragraph. Range [0, 1].


A 3D position in the image, used primarily for Face detection landmarks. A valid Position must have both x and y coordinates. The position coordinates are in the same scale as the original image.

Y coordinate.


A Product contains ReferenceImages.

The user-provided name for this Product. Must not be empty. Must be at most 4096 characters long.

The category for the product identified by the reference image. This should be either "homegoods" or "apparel". This field is immutable.


Parameters for a product search request.

The category to search in. Optional. It is inferred by the system if it is not specified. [Deprecated] Use product_category.

The bounding polygon around the area of interest in the image. Optional. If it is not specified, system discretion will be applied. [Deprecated] Use bounding_poly.

Specifies the verbosity of the product search results. Optional. Defaults to BASIC.

The list of product categories to search in. Currently, we only consider the first category, and either "homegoods" or "apparel" should be specified.


Results for a product search request.

Product category. Supported values are bag and shoe. [Deprecated] product_category is provided in each Product.

List of detected products.


A ProductSet contains Products. A ProductSet can contain a maximum of 1 million reference images. If the limit is exceeded, periodic indexing will fail.

The user-provided name for this ProductSet. Must not be empty. Must be at most 4096 characters long.

Output only. If there was an error with indexing the product set, the field is populated. This field is ignored when creating a ProductSet.


A Property consists of a user-supplied name/value pair.

Value of the property.


A ReferenceImage represents a product image and its associated metadata, such as bounding boxes.

The Google Cloud Storage URI of the reference image. The URI must start with gs://. Required.


Request message for the RemoveProductFromProductSet method.

The resource name for the Product to be removed from this ProductSet. Format is: projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOC_ID/products/PRODUCT_ID


Set of features pertaining to the image, computed by computer vision methods over safe-search verticals (for example, adult, spoof, medical, violence).

Spoof likelihood. The likelihood that an modification was made to the image's canonical version to make it appear funny or offensive.

Likelihood that this image contains violent content.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.Status class.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.StringValue class.


A single symbol representation.

The bounding box for the symbol. The vertices are in the order of top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left. When a rotation of the bounding box is detected the rotation is represented as around the top-left corner as defined when the text is read in the 'natural' orientation. For example: * when the text is horizontal it might look like: 0----1 | | 3 ----2 * when it's rotated 180 degrees around the top-left corner it becomes: 2----3 | | 1----0 and the vertice order will still be (0, 1, 2, 3).

Confidence of the OCR results for the symbol. Range [0, 1].


TextAnnotation contains a structured representation of OCR extracted text. The hierarchy of an OCR extracted text structure is like this: TextAnnotation -> Page -> Block -> Paragraph -> Word -> Symbol Each structural component, starting from Page, may further have their own properties. Properties describe detected languages, breaks etc.. Please refer to the TextAnnotation.TextProperty message definition below for more detail.

UTF-8 text detected on the pages.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.Timestamp class.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.UInt32Value class.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.UInt64Value class.


Request message for the UpdateProduct method.

The FieldMask][google.protobuf.FieldMask] that specifies which fields to update. If update_mask isn't specified, all mutable fields are to be updated. Valid mask paths include product_labels, display_name and description.


Request message for the UpdateProductSet method.

The FieldMask][google.protobuf.FieldMask] that specifies which fields to update. If update_mask isn't specified, all mutable fields are to be updated. Valid mask path is display_name.


X coordinate.


API documentation for vision_v1p3beta1.types.WaitOperationRequest class.


Relevant information for the image from the Internet.

Fully matching images from the Internet. Can include resized copies of the query image.

Web pages containing the matching images from the Internet.

Best guess text labels for the request image.


Parameters for web detection request.


A word representation.

The bounding box for the word. The vertices are in the order of top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left. When a rotation of the bounding box is detected the rotation is represented as around the top-left corner as defined when the text is read in the 'natural' orientation. For example: * when the text is horizontal it might look like: 0----1 | | 3 ----2 * when it's rotated 180 degrees around the top-left corner it becomes: 2----3 | | 1----0 and the vertice order will still be (0, 1, 2, 3).

Confidence of the OCR results for the word. Range [0, 1].