Class SearchJobsRequest (0.6.2)

The Request body of the SearchJobs call. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The resource name of the tenant to search within. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenant/bar". If tenant id is unspecified, a default tenant is created. For example, "projects/foo".

Required. The meta information collected about the job searcher, used to improve the search quality of the service. The identifiers (such as user_id) are provided by users, and must be unique and consistent.

Controls whether to broaden the search when it produces sparse results. Broadened queries append results to the end of the matching results list. Defaults to false.

An expression specifies a histogram request against matching jobs. Expression syntax is an aggregation function call with histogram facets and other options. Available aggregation function calls are: * count(string_histogram_facet): Count the number of matching entities, for each distinct attribute value. * count(numeric_histogram_facet, list of buckets): Count the number of matching entities within each bucket. Data types: - Histogram facet: facet names with format [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+. - String: string like "any string with backslash escape for quote(")." - Number: whole number and floating point number like 10, -1 and -0.01. - List: list of elements with comma(,) separator surrounded by square brackets, for example, [1, 2, 3] and ["one", "two", "three"]. Built-in constants: - MIN (minimum number similar to java Double.MIN_VALUE) - MAX (maximum number similar to java Double.MAX_VALUE) Built-in functions: - bucket(start, end[, label]): bucket built-in function creates a bucket with range of [start, end). Note that the end is exclusive, for example, bucket(1, MAX, "positive number") or bucket(1, 10). Job histogram facets: - company_display_name: histogram by [Job.company_display_name][ nt.v4beta1.Job.company_display_name]. - employment_type: histogram by [Job.employment_types][ beta1.Job.employment_types], for example, "FULL_TIME", "PART_TIME". - company_size: histogram by CompanySize, for example, "SMALL", "MEDIUM", "BIG". - publish_time_in_month: histogram by the [Job.posting_pu blish_time][ time] in months. Must specify list of numeric buckets in spec. - publish_time_in_year: histogram by the [Job.pos ting_publish_time][\ publish_time] in years. Must specify list of numeric buckets in spec. - degree_types: histogram by the [ gree_types][], for example, "Bachelors", "Masters". - job_level: histogram by the [Job.job_level][], for example, "Entry Level". - country: histogram by the country code of jobs, for example, "US", "FR". - admin1: histogram by the admin1 code of jobs, which is a global placeholder referring to the state, province, or the particular term a country uses to define the geographic structure below the country level, for example, "CA", "IL".

  • city: histogram by a combination of the "city name, admin1 code". For example, "Mountain View, CA", "New York, NY". - admin1_country: histogram by a combination of the "admin1 code, country", for example, "CA, US", "IL, US". - city_coordinate: histogram by the city center's GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude), for example, 37.4038522,-122.0987765. Since the coordinates of a city center can change, customers may need to refresh them periodically. - locale: histogram by the [Job.language_co de][], for example, "en-US", "fr-FR". - language: histogram by the language subtag of the [Job.language_code][ lent.v4beta1.Job.language_code], for example, "en", "fr".
  • category: histogram by the JobCategory, for example, "COMPUTER_AND_IT", "HEALTHCARE". - base_compensation_unit: histogram by the [CompensationInf o.CompensationUnit][ fo.CompensationUnit] of base salary, for example, "WEEKLY", "MONTHLY". - base_compensation: histogram by the base salary. Must specify list of numeric buckets to group results by. - annualized_base_compensation: histogram by the base annualized salary. Must specify list of numeric buckets to group results by. - annualized_total_compensation: histogram by the total annualized salary. Must specify list of numeric buckets to group results by. - string_custom_attribute: histogram by string [Job.custom_attributes][ .Job.custom_attributes]. Values can be accessed via square bracket notations like string_custom_attribute["key1"]. - numeric_custom_attribute: histogram by numeric [Job.custo m_attributes][ tes]. Values can be accessed via square bracket notations like numeric_custom_attribute["key1"]. Must specify list of numeric buckets to group results by. Example expressions: - count(admin1) - count(base_compensation, [bucket(1000, 10000), bucket(10000, 100000), bucket(100000, MAX)]) - count(string_custom_attribute["some-string-custom- attribute"]) - count(numeric_custom_attribute["some- numeric-custom-attribute"], [bucket(MIN, 0, "negative"), bucket(0, MAX, "non-negative"])

    An integer that specifies the current offset (that is, starting result location, amongst the jobs deemed by the API as relevant) in search results. This field is only considered if [page_token][ .page_token] is unset. The maximum allowed value is 5000. Otherwise an error is thrown. For example, 0 means to return results starting from the first matching job, and 10 means to return from the 11th job. This can be used for pagination, (for example, pageSize = 10 and offset = 10 means to return from the second page).

    The token specifying the current offset within search results. See [SearchJobsResponse.next_page_token][ .v4beta1.SearchJobsResponse.next_page_token] for an explanation of how to obtain the next set of query results.

    Controls whether highly similar jobs are returned next to each other in the search results. Jobs are identified as highly similar based on their titles, job categories, and locations. Highly similar results are clustered so that only one representative job of the cluster is displayed to the job seeker higher up in the results, with the other jobs being displayed lower down in the results. Defaults to [Diversifica tionLevel.SIMPLE][ t.DiversificationLevel.SIMPLE] if no value is specified.

    Controls whether to disable exact keyword match on Job.title, [Job.descr iption][], [ pany_display_name][ display_name], Job.addresses, [J ob.qualifications][ ons]. When disable keyword match is turned off, a keyword match returns jobs that do not match given category filters when there are matching keywords. For example, for the query "program manager," a result is returned even if the job posting has the title "software developer," which doesn't fall into "program manager" ontology, but does have "program manager" appearing in its description. For queries like "cloud" that don't contain title or location specific ontology, jobs with "cloud" keyword matches are returned regardless of this flag's value. Use [Company.keyword_search able_job_custom_attributes][ pany.keyword_searchable_job_custom_attributes] if company- specific globally matched custom field/attribute string values are needed. Enabling keyword match improves recall of subsequent search requests. Defaults to false.


builtins.object > google.protobuf.pyext._message.CMessage > builtins.object > google.protobuf.message.Message > SearchJobsRequest



Custom ranking information for SearchJobsRequest. .. attribute:: importance_level

Required. Controls over how important the score of [CustomRank ingInfo.ranking_expression][ hJobsRequest.CustomRankingInfo.ranking_expression] gets applied to job's final ranking position. An error is thrown if not specified.