Class RequestMetadata (0.5.0)

Meta information related to the job searcher or entity conducting the job search. This information is used to improve the performance of the service.

Required if [allow_missing_ids][ RequestMetadata.allow_missing_ids] is unset or false. A unique session identification string. A session is defined as the duration of an end user's interaction with the service over a certain period. Obfuscate this field for privacy concerns before providing it to the service. Note that any improvements to the model for a particular tenant site rely on this field being set correctly to a unique session ID. The maximum number of allowed characters is 255.

Only set when any of domain, [session_id][ ion_id] and [user_id][ adata.user_id] isn't available for some reason. It is highly recommended not to set this field and provide accurate domain, [session_id][ ion_id] and [user_id][ adata.user_id] for the best service experience.