Class ConsumerInfo (1.11.1)

ConsumerInfo(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

ConsumerInfo provides information about the consumer.


project_number int
The Google cloud project number, e.g. 1234567890. A value of 0 indicates no project number is found. NOTE: This field is deprecated after we support flexible consumer id. New code should not depend on this field anymore.
The type of the consumer which should have been defined in `Google Resource Manager
consumer_number int
The consumer identity number, can be Google cloud project number, folder number or organization number e.g. 1234567890. A value of 0 indicates no consumer number is found.




The type of the consumer as defined in Google Resource Manager <>__.

Values: CONSUMER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): This is never used. PROJECT (1): The consumer is a Google Cloud Project. FOLDER (2): The consumer is a Google Cloud Folder. ORGANIZATION (3): The consumer is a Google Cloud Organization. SERVICE_SPECIFIC (4): Service-specific resource container which is defined by the service producer to offer their users the ability to manage service control functionalities at a finer level of granularity than the PROJECT.