Class SecretVersion (2.20.1)

SecretVersion(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

A secret version resource in the Secret Manager API.


Name Description
name str
Output only. The resource name of the SecretVersion in the format projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*. SecretVersion IDs in a Secret start at 1 and are incremented for each subsequent version of the secret.
create_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
Output only. The time at which the SecretVersion was created.
destroy_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
Output only. The time this SecretVersion was destroyed. Only present if state is DESTROYED.
Output only. The current state of the SecretVersion.
The replication status of the SecretVersion.
etag str
Output only. Etag of the currently stored SecretVersion.
client_specified_payload_checksum bool
Output only. True if payload checksum specified in SecretPayload object has been received by SecretManagerService on SecretManagerService.AddSecretVersion.
scheduled_destroy_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
Optional. Output only. Scheduled destroy time for secret version. This is a part of the Delayed secret version destroy feature. For a Secret with a valid version destroy TTL, when a secert version is destroyed, version is moved to disabled state and it is scheduled for destruction Version is destroyed only after the scheduled_destroy_time.
Output only. The customer-managed encryption status of the SecretVersion. Only populated if customer-managed encryption is used and Secret is a Regionalised Secret.




The state of a SecretVersion, indicating if it can be accessed.