Class CompletionConfig (1.6.1)

CompletionConfig(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Catalog level autocomplete config for customers to customize autocomplete feature's settings.


name str
Required. Immutable. Fully qualified name projects/*/locations/*/catalogs/*/completionConfig
matching_order str
Specifies the matching order for autocomplete suggestions, e.g., a query consisting of 'sh' with 'out-of-order' specified would suggest "women's shoes", whereas a query of 'red s' with 'exact-prefix' specified would suggest "red shoes". Currently supported values: - 'out-of-order' - 'exact-prefix' Default value: 'exact-prefix'.
max_suggestions int
The maximum number of autocomplete suggestions returned per term. The maximum allowed max suggestions is 20. Default value is 20. If left unset or set to 0, then will fallback to default value.
min_prefix_length int
The minimum number of characters needed to be typed in order to get suggestions. Default value is 2. If left unset or set to 0, then will fallback to default value.
auto_learning bool
If set to true, the auto learning function is enabled. Auto learning uses user data to generate suggestions using ML techniques. Default value is false. Only after enabling auto learning can users use cloud-retail data in CompleteQueryRequest.
Output only. The input config for the import of the source data that contains the autocomplete phrases uploaded by the customer.
last_suggestions_import_operation str
Output only. Name of the LRO corresponding to the latest suggestion terms list import. Can use GetOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation] API to retrieve the latest state of the Long Running Operation.
Output only. The input config for the import of the source data that contains the / autocomplete denylist phrases uploaded by the customer.
last_denylist_import_operation str
Output only. LRO corresponding to the latest denylist import. Can use GetOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation] API to retrieve the latest state of the Long Running Operation.
Output only. The input config for the import of the source data that contains the autocomplete allowlist phrases uploaded by the customer.
last_allowlist_import_operation str
Output only. LRO corresponding to the latest allowlist import. Can use GetOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation] API to retrieve the latest state of the Long Running Operation.