Class ListInsightsRequest (2.15.4)

ListInsightsRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Request for the ListInsights method.


Name Description
parent str
Required. The container resource on which to execute the request. Acceptable formats: - projects/[PROJECT_NUMBER]/locations/[LOCATION]/insightTypes/[INSIGHT_TYPE_ID] - projects/[PROJECT_ID]/locations/[LOCATION]/insightTypes/[INSIGHT_TYPE_ID] - billingAccounts/[BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID]/locations/[LOCATION]/insightTypes/[INSIGHT_TYPE_ID] - folders/[FOLDER_ID]/locations/[LOCATION]/insightTypes/[INSIGHT_TYPE_ID] - organizations/[ORGANIZATION_ID]/locations/[LOCATION]/insightTypes/[INSIGHT_TYPE_ID] LOCATION here refers to GCP Locations: INSIGHT_TYPE_ID refers to supported insight types:
page_size int
Optional. The maximum number of results to return from this request. Non-positive values are ignored. If not specified, the server will determine the number of results to return.
page_token str
Optional. If present, retrieves the next batch of results from the preceding call to this method. page_token must be the value of next_page_token from the previous response. The values of other method parameters must be identical to those in the previous call.
filter str
Optional. Filter expression to restrict the insights returned. Supported filter fields: - stateInfo.state - insightSubtype - severity Examples: - stateInfo.state = ACTIVE OR stateInfo.state = DISMISSED - insightSubtype = PERMISSIONS_USAGE - severity = CRITICAL OR severity = HIGH - stateInfo.state = ACTIVE AND (severity = CRITICAL OR severity = HIGH) (These expressions are based on the filter language described at