Module types (0.2.0)

API documentation for recommender_v1beta1.types module.



Contains metadata about how much money a recommendation can save or incur.

Duration for which this cost applies.


API documentation for recommender_v1beta1.types.Duration class.


Request to the GetRecommendation method.


Contains the impact a recommendation can have for a given category.

Contains projections (if any) for this category.


Request for the ListRecommendations method.

Optional. The maximum number of results to return from this request. Non-positive values are ignored. If not specified, the server will determine the number of results to return.

Filter expression to restrict the recommendations returned. Supported filter fields: state_info.state Eg: `state_info.state:“DISMISSED” or state_info.state:“FAILED”


Response to the ListRecommendations method.

A token that can be used to request the next page of results. This field is empty if there are no additional results.


API documentation for recommender_v1beta1.types.ListValue class.


Request for the MarkRecommendationClaimed Method.

State properties to include with this state. Overwrites any existing state_metadata. Keys must match the regex / [2]_[a-z0-9_.-]{0,62}/. Values must match the regex /^[a-zA-Z0-9_./-]{0,255}/.


Request for the MarkRecommendationFailed Method.

State properties to include with this state. Overwrites any existing state_metadata. Keys must match the regex / [1]_[a-z0-9_.-]{0,62}/. Values must match the regex /^[a-zA-Z0-9_./-]{0,255}/.


Request for the MarkRecommendationSucceeded Method.

State properties to include with this state. Overwrites any existing state_metadata. Keys must match the regex / [3]_[a-z0-9_.-]{0,62}/. Values must match the regex /^[a-zA-Z0-9_./-]{0,255}/.


API documentation for recommender_v1beta1.types.Money class.


Contains an operation for a resource loosely based on the JSON-PATCH format with support for:

  • Custom filters for describing partial array patch.
  • Extended path values for describing nested arrays.
  • Custom fields for describing the resource for which the operation is being described.
  • Allows extension to custom operations not natively supported by RFC6902. See for details on the original RFC.

    Type of GCP resource being modified/tested. This field is always populated. Example:,

    Path to the target field being operated on. If the operation is at the resource level, then path should be “/”. This field is always populated.

    Can be set with action ‘copy’ or ‘move’ to indicate the source field within resource or source_resource, ignored if provided for other operation types.

    Value for the path field. Will be set for actions:‘add’/‘replace’. Maybe set for action: ‘test’. Either this or value_matcher will be set for ‘test’ operation. An exact match must be performed.

    Set of filters to apply if path refers to array elements or nested array elements in order to narrow down to a single unique element that is being tested/modified. This is intended to be an exact match per filter. To perform advanced matching, use path_value_matchers. - Example: { “/versions/*/name" : "it-123" "/versions/*/targetSize/percent”: 20 } - Example: { “/bindings//role": "roles/admin" "/bindings//condition” : null } - Example: { "/bindings/*/role“:”roles/admin" “/bindings/*/members/*” : [“”, “”] } When both path_filters and path_value_matchers are set, an implicit AND must be performed.


Group of operations that need to be performed atomically.


A recommendation along with a suggested action. E.g., a rightsizing recommendation for an underutilized VM, IAM role recommendations, etc

Free-form human readable summary in English. The maximum length is 500 characters.

Last time this recommendation was refreshed by the system that created it in the first place.

Optional set of additional impact that this recommendation may have when trying to optimize for the primary category. These may be positive or negative.

Information for state. Contains state and metadata.


Contains what resources are changing and how they are changing.


Information for state. Contains state and metadata.

A map of metadata for the state, provided by user or automations systems.


API documentation for recommender_v1beta1.types.Struct class.


API documentation for recommender_v1beta1.types.Timestamp class.


API documentation for recommender_v1beta1.types.Value class.


Contains various matching options for values for a GCP resource field.