Class Operation (0.1.0)

Contains an operation for a resource inspired by the JSON-PATCH format with support for: * Custom filters for describing partial array patch. * Extended path values for describing nested arrays. * Custom fields for describing the resource for which the operation is being described. * Allows extension to custom operations not natively supported by RFC6902. See for details on the original RFC.

Type of GCP resource being modified/tested. This field is always populated. Example:,

Path to the target field being operated on. If the operation is at the resource level, then path should be "/". This field is always populated.

Can be set with action 'copy' or 'move' to indicate the source field within resource or source_resource, ignored if provided for other operation types.

Set of filters to apply if path refers to array elements or nested array elements in order to narrow down to a single unique element that is being tested/modified. Note that this is intended to be an exact match per filter. Example: { "/versions//name" : "it-123" "/versions//targetSize/percent": 20 } Example: { "/bindings//role": "roles/admin" "/bindings//condition" : null } Example: { "/bindings//role": "roles/admin" "/bindings//members/*" : ["", ""] }


builtins.object > google.protobuf.pyext._message.CMessage > builtins.object > google.protobuf.message.Message > Operation



API documentation for recommender_v1beta1.types.Operation.PathFiltersEntry class.