Message(message: types.PubsubMessage._meta._pb, ack_id: str, delivery_attempt: int, request_queue: queue.Queue, exactly_once_delivery_enabled_func: Callable[[], bool] = <function Message.<lambda>>)
A representation of a single Pub/Sub message.
The common way to interact with
objects is to receive
them in callbacks on subscriptions; most users should never have a need
to instantiate them by hand. (The exception to this is if you are
implementing a custom subclass to
The data in the message. Note that this will be a bytes
not a text string.
The time that this message was originally published.
builtins.object > MessageProperties
the ID used to ack the message.
Return the attributes of the underlying Pub/Sub Message.
.. warning::
A ``ScalarMap`` behaves slightly differently than a
``dict``. For a Pub / Sub message this is a ``string->string`` map.
When trying to access a value via ``map['key']``, if the key is
not in the map, then the default value for the string type will
be returned, which is an empty string. It may be more intuitive
to just cast the map to a ``dict`` or to one use ``map.get``.
Return the data for the underlying Pub/Sub Message.
The delivery attempt counter is 1 + (the sum of number of NACKs and number of ack_deadline exceeds) for this message. It is set to None if a DeadLetterPolicy is not set on the subscription.
A NACK is any call to ModifyAckDeadline with a 0 deadline. An ack_deadline exceeds event is whenever a message is not acknowledged within ack_deadline. Note that ack_deadline is initially Subscription.ackDeadlineSeconds, but may get extended automatically by the client library.
The first delivery of a given message will have this value as 1. The value is calculated at best effort and is approximate.
The ordering key used to publish the message.
Return the time that the message was originally published.
Return the size of the underlying message, in bytes.
Message(message: types.PubsubMessage._meta._pb, ack_id: str, delivery_attempt: int, request_queue: queue.Queue, exactly_once_delivery_enabled_func: Callable[[], bool] = <function Message.<lambda>>)
Construct the Message.
.. note::
This class should not be constructed directly; it is the
responsibility of `BasePolicy` subclasses to do so.
Acknowledge the given message.
Acknowledging a message in Pub/Sub means that you are done with it, and it will not be delivered to this subscription again. You should avoid acknowledging messages until you have finished processing them, so that in the event of a failure, you receive the message again.
.. warning::
Acks in Pub/Sub are best effort. You should always
ensure that your processing code is idempotent, as you may
receive any given message more than once. If you need strong
guarantees about acks and re-deliveres, enable exactly-once
delivery on your subscription and use the ack_with_response
method instead.
Acknowledge the given message.
Acknowledging a message in Pub/Sub means that you are done with it, and it will not be delivered to this subscription again. You should avoid acknowledging messages until you have finished processing them, so that in the event of a failure, you receive the message again.
If exactly-once delivery is enabled on the subscription, the future returned by this method tracks the state of acknowledgement operation. If the future completes successfully, the message is guaranteed NOT to be re-delivered. Otherwise, the future will contain an exception with more details about the failure and the message may be re-delivered.
If exactly-once delivery is NOT enabled on the subscription, the future returns immediately with an AcknowledgeStatus.SUCCESS. Since acks in Cloud Pub/Sub are best effort when exactly-once delivery is disabled, the message may be re-delivered. Because re-deliveries are possible, you should ensure that your processing code is idempotent, as you may receive any given message more than once.
Release the message from lease management.
This informs the policy to no longer hold on to the lease for this message. Pub/Sub will re-deliver the message if it is not acknowledged before the existing lease expires.
.. warning::
For most use cases, the only reason to drop a message from
lease management is on ack
or nack
; this library
automatically drop()s the message on ack
or nack
. You probably
do not want to call this method directly.
modify_ack_deadline(seconds: int)
Resets the deadline for acknowledgement.
New deadline will be the given value of seconds from now.
The default implementation handles automatically modacking received messages for you;
you should not need to manually deal with setting ack deadlines. The exception case is
if you are implementing your own custom subclass of
modify_ack_deadline_with_response(seconds: int)
Resets the deadline for acknowledgement and returns the response status via a future.
New deadline will be the given value of seconds from now.
The default implementation handles automatically modacking received messages for you;
you should not need to manually deal with setting ack deadlines. The exception case is
if you are implementing your own custom subclass of
If exactly-once delivery is enabled on the subscription, the future returned by this method tracks the state of the modify-ack-deadline operation. If the future completes successfully, the message is guaranteed NOT to be re-delivered within the new deadline. Otherwise, the future will contain an exception with more details about the failure and the message will be redelivered according to its currently-set ack deadline.
If exactly-once delivery is NOT enabled on the subscription, the future returns immediately with an AcknowledgeStatus.SUCCESS. Since modify-ack-deadline operations in Cloud Pub/Sub are best effort when exactly-once delivery is disabled, the message may be re-delivered within the set deadline.
Decline to acknowledge the given message.
This will cause the message to be re-delivered to subscribers. Re-deliveries may take place immediately or after a delay, and may arrive at this subscriber or another.
Decline to acknowledge the given message, returning the response status via a future.
This will cause the message to be re-delivered to subscribers. Re-deliveries may take place immediately or after a delay, and may arrive at this subscriber or another.
If exactly-once delivery is enabled on the subscription, the future returned by this method tracks the state of the nack operation. If the future completes successfully, the future's result will be an AcknowledgeStatus.SUCCESS. Otherwise, the future will contain an exception with more details about the failure.
If exactly-once delivery is NOT enabled on the subscription, the future returns immediately with an AcknowledgeStatus.SUCCESS.