Module publisher.client (1.6.1)

API documentation for pubsub_v1.publisher.client module.



Client(batch_settings=(), publisher_options=(), **kwargs)

A publisher client for Google Cloud Pub/Sub.

This creates an object that is capable of publishing messages. Generally, you can instantiate this client with no arguments, and you get sensible defaults.

kwargs dict Example: .. code-block:: python from import pubsub_v1 publisher_client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient( # Optional batch_settings = pubsub_v1.types.BatchSettings( max_bytes=1024, # One kilobyte max_latency=1, # One second ), # Optional publisher_options = pubsub_v1.types.PublisherOptions( enable_message_ordering=False, flow_control=pubsub_v1.types.PublishFlowControl( message_limit=2000, limit_exceeded_behavior=pubsub_v1.types.LimitExceededBehavior.BLOCK, ), ), # Optional client_config = { "interfaces": { "google.pubsub.v1.Publisher": { "retry_params": { "messaging": { 'total_timeout_millis': 650000, # default: 600000 } } } } }, # Optional client_options = { "api_endpoint": REGIONAL_ENDPOINT } )

Any additional arguments provided are sent as keyword arguments to the underlying PublisherClient. Generally you should not need to set additional keyword arguments. Optionally, publish retry settings can be set via client_config where user-provided retry configurations are applied to default retry settings. And regional endpoints can be set via client_options that takes a single key-value pair that defines the endpoint.

batch_settings BatchSettings

The settings for batch publishing.

publisher_options PublisherOptions

The options for the publisher client. Note that enabling message ordering will override the publish retry timeout to be infinite.