Class ListPatchJobsRequest (0.1.2)

ListPatchJobsRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

A request message for listing patch jobs.


parent str
Required. In the form of projects/*
page_size int
The maximum number of instance status to return.
page_token str
A pagination token returned from a previous call that indicates where this listing should continue from.
filter str
If provided, this field specifies the criteria that must be met by patch jobs to be included in the response. Currently, filtering is only available on the patch_deployment field.




Delete the value on the given field.

This is generally equivalent to setting a falsy value.



Return True if the messages are equal, False otherwise.



Return True if the messages are unequal, False otherwise.


__setattr__(key, value)

Set the value on the given field.

For well-known protocol buffer types which are marshalled, either the protocol buffer object or the Python equivalent is accepted.