Class VisitRequest (1.11.0)

VisitRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Request for a visit which can be done by a vehicle: it has a geo-location (or two, see below), opening and closing times represented by time windows, and a service duration time (time spent by the vehicle once it has arrived to pickup or drop off goods).


Name Description
arrival_location google.type.latlng_pb2.LatLng
The geo-location where the vehicle arrives when performing this VisitRequest. If the shipment model has duration distance matrices, arrival_location must not be specified.
The waypoint where the vehicle arrives when performing this VisitRequest. If the shipment model has duration distance matrices, arrival_waypoint must not be specified.
departure_location google.type.latlng_pb2.LatLng
The geo-location where the vehicle departs after completing this VisitRequest. Can be omitted if it is the same as arrival_location. If the shipment model has duration distance matrices, departure_location must not be specified.
The waypoint where the vehicle departs after completing this VisitRequest. Can be omitted if it is the same as arrival_waypoint. If the shipment model has duration distance matrices, departure_waypoint must not be specified.
tags MutableSequence[str]
Specifies tags attached to the visit request. Empty or duplicate strings are not allowed.
time_windows MutableSequence[]
Time windows which constrain the arrival time at a visit. Note that a vehicle may depart outside of the arrival time window, i.e. arrival time + duration do not need to be inside a time window. This can result in waiting time if the vehicle arrives before TimeWindow.start_time. The absence of TimeWindow means that the vehicle can perform this visit at any time. Time windows must be disjoint, i.e. no time window must overlap with or be adjacent to another, and they must be in increasing order. cost_per_hour_after_soft_end_time and soft_end_time can only be set if there is a single time window.
duration google.protobuf.duration_pb2.Duration
Duration of the visit, i.e. time spent by the vehicle between arrival and departure (to be added to the possible waiting time; see time_windows).
cost float
Cost to service this visit request on a vehicle route. This can be used to pay different costs for each alternative pickup or delivery of a shipment. This cost must be in the same unit as Shipment.penalty_cost and must not be negative.
load_demands MutableMapping[str,]
Load demands of this visit request. This is just like Shipment.load_demands field, except that it only applies to this VisitRequest instead of the whole Shipment. The demands listed here are added to the demands listed in Shipment.load_demands.
visit_types MutableSequence[str]
Specifies the types of the visit. This may be used to allocate additional time required for a vehicle to complete this visit (see Vehicle.extra_visit_duration_for_visit_type). A type can only appear once.
label str
Specifies a label for this VisitRequest. This label is reported in the response as visit_label in the corresponding ShipmentRoute.Visit.
demands MutableSequence[]
Deprecated: Use VisitRequest.load_demands instead.



LoadDemandsEntry(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

The abstract base class for a message.

Name Description
kwargs dict

Keys and values corresponding to the fields of the message.

mapping Union[dict, .Message]

A dictionary or message to be used to determine the values for this message.

ignore_unknown_fields Optional(bool)

If True, do not raise errors for unknown fields. Only applied if mapping is a mapping type or there are keyword parameters.