Class InjectedSolutionConstraint (1.11.0)

InjectedSolutionConstraint(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Solution injected in the request including information about which visits must be constrained and how they must be constrained.


Name Description
routes MutableSequence[]
Routes of the solution to inject. Some routes may be omitted from the original solution. The routes and skipped shipments must satisfy the basic validity assumptions listed for injected_first_solution_routes.
skipped_shipments MutableSequence[]
Skipped shipments of the solution to inject. Some may be omitted from the original solution. See the routes field.
constraint_relaxations MutableSequence[]
For zero or more groups of vehicles, specifies when and how much to relax constraints. If this field is empty, all non-empty vehicle routes are fully constrained.



ConstraintRelaxation(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

For a group of vehicles, specifies at what threshold(s) constraints on visits will be relaxed and to which level. Shipments listed in the skipped_shipment field are constrained to be skipped; i.e., they cannot be performed.