Class DiagnosticConfig (1.10.4)

DiagnosticConfig(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Defines flags that are used to run the diagnostic tool


Name Description
gcs_bucket str
Required. User Cloud Storage bucket location (REQUIRED). Must be formatted with path prefix (gs://$GCS_BUCKET). Permissions: User Managed Notebooks: - storage.buckets.writer: Must be given to the project's service account attached to VM. Google Managed Notebooks: - storage.buckets.writer: Must be given to the project's service account or user credentials attached to VM depending on authentication mode. Cloud Storage bucket Log file will be written to gs://$GCS_BUCKET/$RELATIVE_PATH/$VM_DATE_$TIME.tar.gz
relative_path str
Optional. Defines the relative storage path in the Cloud Storage bucket where the diagnostic logs will be written: Default path will be the root directory of the Cloud Storage bucket (gs://$GCS_BUCKET/$DATE_$TIME.tar.gz) Example of full path where Log file will be written: gs://$GCS_BUCKET/$RELATIVE_PATH/
enable_repair_flag bool
Optional. Enables flag to repair service for instance
enable_packet_capture_flag bool
Optional. Enables flag to capture packets from the instance for 30 seconds
enable_copy_home_files_flag bool
Optional. Enables flag to copy all /home/jupyter folder contents